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Google and Somalia

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Instead of arguing about whos city is more dusty than the other, have you guys ever typed the word "somali" or "somalia" in google, and have seen the negative images the whole world sees when they use the most powerfull search engine in the world to find about somalia?


You guys are funny, you like to act and concetrate upon debates but focus on wrong areas, who cares seriously if siad barre buildt the road in somaliland or not, man look forward instead. When people all around the world type the word "somalia" they only see malnutrition kids and other remnats from what use to be of our country.


The question is what are we going to do about it?

Google and other search engines are powerfull tools for average individual who wants knowledge concerning a specific area/region/country.


Infact thats where most people with internet connection go when searching information, and "somalia" i'm sorry is portrayed as a hellhole and quite disgusting place.


How can we change this, seriously this gets on me personally, i can't stand how we are portrayed in such negative light. Any suggestion to complain against google where they can replace such negative pictures with those thousands other beutiful pictures of somalis and our culture?


Please provide suggestions, lets fix this once and for all,remember every day that goes we get negative publicity for every person who types "somalia" in google.

Who than we can promote our people in better lights?


Suggestions to stop this negative campaign below please!

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Just wait for the Islamic Courts to crush the remaining warlords ... sorry i meant the "government".


Then you will hear "Taliban in Somalia"


"Women are being marginalised in Somalia"


"Shock Horror we got nothing better to do but write sensationalist stories about muslims"


They are going to do the same thing they did to Afghanistan. They ignored the starving people,the people being killed by the war in Afghanistand and the Soviet mines. They complained about the treatment of Buddha statues ( Sweden gave the taliban millions to take care of the buddah statues but refused to give anything for the starving children) and the exuction of women who commit murder.

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