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Come dine with me

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Funniest show on tv. Sooo interesting to see the different personalities, the perfectionists, the show offs, the snobs, the male chauvinists, the i-cnt-cook-a-thing-but-i-wouldn't-mind-being-on-tv types.


Dnt think its outside of the UK, mite be exported in the future, in a nutshell 4 strangers take turns to cook for eachother each episode and vote for eachother's efforts in secret, the winner wins £1000. Competition brings out interesting side of ppl.


Never fails to make me laugh. Anyone else a fan? (how could you not be?)




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I would make TEH BESTEST FOOD EVAH & claim the prize!! :D


Seriously, I love that show smile.gif


That, Family Guy & Gossip Girl are the only TV shows I watch (online).

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GG, i can imagine what you would be like on the show already!haha. always thought it would be interesting to do this with friends and family and see who pushes the boat out and who serves oven chips.


Marcus, have you tried out any of the recipes?

*imgines Marx with apron, shades and churchill picture on kitchen wall seperating egg whites* icon_razz.gif


The family on c4 also looks interesting this year.

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^^ I will have you know I am a very competent cook. despite having over half a dozen siblings, I am usually the one who cooks.


I hate when woman think cooking is exclusively for women. uff! everyone knows that the best chiefs are men.


imagine if there was come dine with me SOL version. Imagine getting these people together:


TAMMY *Winner*






Screams disaster.








Val *special recipe - kangaroo meat. uff

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haha@ competant cook. do you have any specialities? (not including toast, beans, cornflakes or chips)


there might be plenty of prof male chefs but reality is so many men dnt know how to turn the blooming cooker on and dnt see any need to learn.


Anyway if i was on that show, my tactics would be to be eveyone's best friend, rate them all average 5/6/7 (nothing suspiciouly low) and pracise my dishes like mad before my evening. *Not that I am competitive*

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Chubacka lol! I would be known as the ADHD girl who won the competition.


Seriously though, my tactic would be to spend around 300-350 pounds - this is easy, because I would look at it as an investment. I would serve GG cuisine which would be a fusion of Somali & French cuisine. For starters I would... wait, I'm not going to give away my winning menu! :D


The house needs to be perfect too. It needs to look beautiful but not too beautiful, so that people won't feel threatened and vote you out. The trick is to give these strangers their best night; to momentarily make them so relaxed and satisfied that they forget it's a competition. :D


Obviously, I've thought about Come Dine with Me. To be completely 100% serious, I do want to enter. But not now when I'm a just starving student. Hopefully it is still running in a couple of year's time!

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So if I hold a SOL Female Come dine with me for charity, you guys will feed me and give the money to charity? << I am serious about this- we'll get people to sponsor you and contribute the money, each one will try to win the money for a specific project back home. smile.gif


I will be the narrator icon_razz.gif

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the narrator is the best bit of the show


actually i am fan of it. it brings best and worst of people


MARX, i am an excellent cook, i could easily beat you.


ibti great idea, i am naturally competitive and probably would sabotage your evenings


ps: instead of the alcohol, maybe somalis will serve jaad

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^^^I don't care for the evening or the food- You know I eat anything (CLEAN, cooked and sweet) I just want the money. So All those up for it make yourself known.


Sorry boys maybe you can have a men’s version- I know two of the SOL men can cook Ramsey out the Kitchen.


Loool @ Jaad, no lady nothing frisky- fizzy drinks gets Somalis high!


On second thoughs- they guys probably would if Ngonge has anything to do with it!

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^Have you noticed,how TV tends to go through 'trends' beeri baa DIY madaxaa nagaa qabsadee,then came the 'fat camps'iyo anything to do with being 'fat'how we watched peoples poo..Now since the recession,and as many people do not eat out as they used to,supermarkets making massive profits,the tv channels have gone mad with cooking programmes..Ah,How they control us!!


Now saying all that,am a fan too! and do watch,have a giggle,as the narrator is hilarious.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

The Mrs forced me to watch it a couple of times. It's a girly show.

Waar wax fahan ninyow. It's a hint. Get your apron on in the evenings :D

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