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Has anyone heard this song?

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A long time back I heard this Somali song with a touch of modern Arabic beats, it was entitled rendezvous by Abdirazak, but after searching online I couldn't find any info on the artist until recently when I found the following on a German website:


"Der in Mogadischu geborene und in Kairo lebende somalische Liedermacher und Schriftsteller Abdirazak Osman veröffentlicht sein erstes Musikalbum unter dem Titel Rendezvous, zwei Jahre später wird es mit dem Titel Gabar in London erneut herausbringen."


"The Mogadishu-born and living in Cairo Somali singer and writer Osman Abdirazak published his first music album called Rendezvous, two years later, it was released in London with the title Gabar."


Does anyone know this artist or has heard the song? Does he have an online presence?

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Abdirizak makes music under his artistic name INA DALMAR. He is also a writer and wrote many books in english. Not he is talented but also a well educated man. You can listen some of his alla reggae, blues, arabic style modern somali music **HERE**. Play his somali hal-xiraale (croswords) while listening his music. They go well together...

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