Deeq A.

Hormoodka Jaamacada Camuud oo Waxbarashadii Jaamacada ka eryay Gudoomiye-xigeenkii F.C.waraabe & Sababtay u caydhiyeen

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Something I don't get why Awdal/Camuud giving airtime to this story which is not newsworthy? why? Waraabe is a retard and is not part of Sl gov, yet Awdal propagating this story more! Something fishy

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  On 6/13/2018 at 4:24 PM, Che -Guevara said:

There are financial implications.  The university, any university, can't afford to lose money.

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Bro, that is one part of the story, I have a nephew in Camuud and for now he is staying put, doing final year,  I am telling you that there are groups in Awdal that want the students and their families leave? who they working for, no idea. maybe families of soldiers killed in Tukaraq.

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  On 6/13/2018 at 4:16 PM, maakhiri1 said:

Something I don't get why Awdal/Camuud giving airtime to this story which is not newsworthy? why? Waraabe is a retard and is not part of Sl gov, yet Awdal propagating this story more! Something fishy

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This senile old man thrives on attention, they should have ignored him and his stupid remarks. 

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On one of the threads you said, " Puntland students are leaving 100%".

Actually that wasn't the case last week when you wrote that , but today  things are moving in the wrong direction. The university was defending from attacks by a local UCID operative who accused them of tribalism.

Yet, Hundreds of people from the D community are leaving Somaliland. There were thousands of people who used to come for Hargeisa for different reasons. Some times for amenities or entertainment things that wasn't available from smaller towns or the feel of big city and unanimity. The Jeegaan forgot that the instability in South central Somalia was the catalyst for the boom in Hargeisa and that trend  is changing quickly thanks to Biixi and company.

If the Jeegaan doesn't move from Tukaraq things could get ugly. The Garaad community is uniting in one direction for the first time since 2007. Xaabsade, the man who took over Laascaanood  with his tribal militia in 2007, has organized his own army in Southern Sool and want to be the overall leader of that community. With blessing of Puntland , he could take over  Sool and declare a federal zone.

The war might even start in the Howd and southern Sool before Tukaraq. If the locals are united , no one can stop the inevitable liberation of Sool.The tide is turning.


The issue is no longer between Somaliland and Puntland. In Somaliland a large group of people had rejected both Muuse Biixi and the war. We should no longer even call or point fingers to the I...q community or Somaliland, this mess is orchestrated by the Jeegaan and Jeegaan only.

judging by past history, I am afraid that the Jeegaan might commit some false flags and target those students in order to saw discord among communities.  The Jeegaan is weak and isolated. They might play different cards in order to get help from different communities. Most of you do not even imagine the consequences of the loss of Laascaanood. 

First, the Jeegaan had  never fought a real war for 22 years, and a real war and defeat might humanize and subdue the hubris of the Jeegaan and others.

Second, it will definitely end the separatist project for good, and will put the clock back to circa 2004.

They started a multi faceted campaign to all directions. Today I saw  a clip from an old man who was with Suldaan Wabar in 2015 , and now he was sending a  video from Mogadishu. He is one of those who chews Qat from the morning till dawn. Someone from the Jeegaan filled up and his phone and now he is claiming to be  the Grand Suldaan of the D...r community  standing  to help and defend  the Jeegaan.

Although the West Burco and G.X might accept the D...r label, Thee Jeegaan had rejected the D...r  label long ago and always wish to be  called  the Hashemites of the horn. Just ask our own Xaaji Xanjuf.This conflict doesn't concern the people of Somaliland , Mogadishu, D...r community , D block orr anyone else, it  is between the H...ti and  the Jeegaan..

In the meantime,  both the university and locals must set up local patrols to check the movements of the Jeegaan. Faysal and those who incite violence could be recommended for  Rwanda style war crimes for incitement.


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Amoud University is under the control of a Awdalite professor.  They were right to sack this confused guy.

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