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Taxpayers pay for Somalis to live in luxury

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^Wow, whoever is on duty took down my comment quickly.


Ibti-You know I'm easy going.


Complicated-Apologies for my outburst, but I hate people take at a swipe against an entire nation for no good reason.Why should insulting Somalis be tolerated?


Paragon-Cuz I'm one. Why you accepted being called pathetic?


You know the funny thing, someone made the same comment about any other ethnic group, this will probably chide us for being prejudice.

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^Insulting Somalis at will is ilbaxnimo these days, Che. War caay caay aad reer Magaal noqotide. :D


Che, being Somali for me is independent from negative public opinions. Af caytama qofkiisuu ku yaal. Mine is deep rooted and understands all kind of circumstances, but some mistake circumstance for their Somali identity.


Cayda Somalida waxba uma dhinto weligeedna waxba uma dhimin balse qofka caaytamay ayeey weligeed wax u dhintaa. smile.gif

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^Well, I'm going geeljire today and make stand for all maryooley except that dude of course :D



Is he even Somali? :D


some mistake circumstance for their Somali identity.



The same person will mourn and b*tch about Somalis.

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We need to protest against this hate-inciting article. It was a oviosuly a story to make a political/relegious/race point.

If the SUN simply wanted to highlight the problem of the many famalies depending on welfare then it could have chosen any one of the many WHITE famalies to feature or even to be impartial a cross-section of British society.


We need to write, email and call the SUN to voice our protest and to contact other bodies ( The PCC, local MPs etc ) and highlight the wider implications this could have on the average British Somali. )

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He probably thought he was being photographed for Page 6 :D I can see the reporter going "Sir, we just found out the majority of our readers are women, so from now on we want to put in a picture Britain's sexiest man to reflect that. I saw you at the tube station trying to squeeze through a turnstile and knew we had found our very first subject."


All this hoopla about this family "living in luxury" at taxpayers expense reminds me of a Chinese saying: The little thief is put in stocks while the big thief is in silks. There are people who steal more in an hour than this family gets in a month but they do it on a such an unimaginably grand scale that "taxpayers" cannot even wrap their minds around it. So instead they focus all their outrage on the welfare frauds and petty crooks. As distasteful as this picture is, I can't help but wonder at what point our outrage is a sign of a deeper hopelessness at being unable to bring the biggest thieves to justice.

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Originally posted by Juje:


War Bashir maxaa qadey?

Many, infact most, of you guys in this thread dissing the guy now for living on benefit are probably forgeting how you were all raised before you made it to top of ladder.

No Somali family in Western Europe o ka dharan karta

So stop acting as if you are all from bourgeois background, and give the guy a break.

Is the story going to have an impact on the community in London, yes but not to a drastic level. On daily basis stories relating to benefits cheats (not dependants) are exposed in British tabloids and Somalis dont make even 5% of the story.

Am sure Bashir must have had a sustainable reason to let in Sun reporter into his living room, and certainly did not work out the way he wanted.

Bottom line is he is no cheat nor thief. He is in that house because of an error by the authorities. He will be there or probably moved to another convenient house but him and his extensive family will have shelter and food , and Insha Allah his children will grow to live on their own earnings - just like most of you in here who are taking the mick.

Typical Maryoley they always forget they were in same situation.

Juje I think you'll find that the our stories were a little different, sure the majority of us who grew up in the UK were brought up on benefits and probably with many other siblings but there's one big point you missed wasn't easy, we didn't grow up in houses like that whilst on benefits! Sure the council messed up in this case but the reality is that these people decided to have 8 children without stopping to think how they would provide for them.


One thing I've learnt growing up in the UK was that I wanted a better life for me and my family so I've spent my years educating myself and working for that reason. Sure people think that if these children grow up like this they'll have better opportunities...but how could they when their parents think freeloading is easier? The children will properly grow up to live on this cycle because the freeloading life was just so easy for their parents.


We all know why the Sun would print this stuff and if you bother to check out the comments on that article you'll find that it's worked...and it's a shame that this family is proving them alright.


Somalis just need to realise that sure it's easier to sit on your backside and rake in the cash but your children will copy you eventually. We need to teach our children nothing is for free and that you can only get these luxuries with hard-work.

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I was told an indian family from the same neighborhood rejected to be interviewed by the Sun. So yeah makes all of us wonder why this man allowed his privacy to be invaded? we will never know? will we? but he didn't do anything out of ordinary. The house was given to him by the government right? like he didn't steal the house? he and his family are like 1000s of other somalis who live off other people's money. Some do it out of necessity others are just used to it yeah talow what was he thinking when he put his personal life out there?...maybe they paid him ...laakin lacag sharaftaada talow ma siisan laheed??!! :(


But, hopefully this story will shed some light on somalis and how they conduct themselves and you know maybe the government will have a second thought before he puts them on welfare. Like double check if its necessary like they are unfit to work and what this man looks healthy to me and fit. He should be working. I definitely don't mind single moms with 10kids to be assisted by the men should work and provide for their families.



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It's interesting how all sort of reasoning to justify 'milking the system' is being argued here..cajiib!


ps.Abwaan,I dont know them neither do I care about knowing them..


You can all attack, just highlights the extent 'we' as a community have gone to normalize 'extreme welfare dependency'..professional beggars ayaa laa noqdee..waa iska cadhi!..Lol


Work Ethics must be an alien phenomenal huh?

Preach on sis!! I'm with Malika on this one. I just want to wipe that smug look off of his face :eek: :eek: Id!ot! Seriously, he should get vesectomy or something. They're not using my tax money and I'm pissed. It's one thing to get assistance until you stand on your own two feet, but it is xayawaanimo to live off people's sweat and blood :mad: :mad:

Anyone who excuses or justifies this woman and man's acts need to question their own integrity.

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Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

Preach on sis!! I'm with Malika on this one. I just want to wipe that smug look off of his face :eek: :eek: Id!ot! Seriously, he should get vesectomy or something. They're not using my tax money and I'm pissed. It's one thing to get assistance until you stand on your own two feet, but it is xayawaanimo to live off people's sweat and blood :mad: :mad:

Anyone who excuses or justifies this woman and man's acts need to question their own integrity.

Markayagi aya la garey....have you noticed that every Mali who has been told off in the street will rebound the offensive words used against him/her back to his society. "You parasite you are living on our wages".

Jokolaato first do not question the number of his kids cause ileen adiga ma aha mida uu ka dhaley and he is not asking for nasnujiin.

Furthermoremore if you are paying tax, which I doubt you are, you are paying back all that was spend on you .

Finally people the story is not about whether the guy is on benefit or not - it is about the housing he has been alocated and that is not his fault.

The Sun used the story to bring to the attention of the British public the carelessness and inadequacy of the Benefit system - and in the process it has also ignited morals of the BNP and has boosted their claim that foreigners are treated better than the nationals.

Am begining to find out now that there is more animosity in the Somali community itself and specially here in SOL.

Once again the story is not Bashir neither Nasra nor their children so please isku xishooda oo amaan geliya reerkaas.

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Jokolaato first do not question the number of his kids cause ileen adiga ma aha mida uu ka dhaley and he is not asking for nasnujiin.

I'm questioning the number of kids because thats the number that lets him smooch off of other people. Second, I dont know what nasnujiin means. Do you mean milking? If so, He should be lucky he never crossed my path, for I will NEVER pick a man who cannot provide for his OWN kids.

Furthermoremore if you are paying tax, which I doubt you are, you are paying back all that was spend on you .

Go back and read what I wrote. He is not using my tax money as I live in another continent called America. And yes, I do pay taxes and have been paying taxes since I turned 15!And got my first job!

Finally people the story is not about whether the guy is on benefit or not - it is about the housing he has been alocated and that is not his fault.

Are you kidding? The house is the BENEFIT. I see two people with 8kids and none of them are providing for their kids but rather breeding like rabits :eek:

The Sun used the story to bring to the attention of the British public the carelessness and inadequacy of the Benefit system - and in the process it has also ignited morals of the BNP and has boosted their claim that foreigners are treated better than the nationals.

Am begining to find out now that there is more animosity in the Somali community itself and specially here in SOL.

Not animosity, no sir. It is called being hold accountable. What should we do? Rejoice in being beggers?

Once again the story is not Bashir neither Nasra nor their children so please isku xishooda oo amaan geliya reerkaas.

No, but they made themselves, the outstanding citizens they are, shiny examples of living off other people like parasites.

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Being economical "fit" or "well off" is not a criteria for having children.

Wow, I didn't realize that I didn't have to be able to support my children, that takes a load off my mind!! Well, I'm off to find 4 wives and have as many kids as I can, after all the gov't will pay for them.


He probably thought he was being photographed for Page 6
I can see the reporter going "Sir, we just found out the majority of our readers are women, so from now on we want to put in a picture Britain's sexiest man to reflect that. I saw you at the tube station trying to squeeze through a turnstile and knew we had found our very first subject."

LOL I highly doubt that, but I honestly do believe the Sun reporter did lie to Bashir, he probably told him the Sun was doing a story on Somali immigrants adjusting to life in England or some bullshidh and then slyly changed the subject to "my, what a nice place you have here, why don't you have a seat in those nice couches by the huge TV and I'll take your picture for the paper? Give us a big smile!!"


Meanwhile Bashir, who obviously isn't all that bright must have been thinking "wow dis is great, I have my bicture in de newsbaber. De Soomaali kamuuniti will be so broud!!"

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Jokolaato I bet behind that screen of yours you haven't got a woof and are frustrated because you are running law on what you call in your case food stamps.

Cidan Islameed aman iska sii fadlan.

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