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Taxpayers pay for Somalis to live in luxury

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The sunday times reported this too.


This is one sound comment from the times


" Fact number 1:


They were not seeking asylum, they were seeking a state funded life in Britain.


Fact number 2:


When they arrived in 1991 they had no children. It was the two of them (and maybe her mother). In the 18 years since they arrived, they have had 8 children. This is roughly one child every two years. Most people when trying for more children, would ask themselves if they have the money and the space for more; not this couple. They have quickly increased the size of their family whilst taking it for granted that the state will support them and provide an ever bigger house for them and their offspring.


Fact number 3:


This couple could support their family by working, but what they couldn't support is the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. We realise this when they claim that the 6 bedroom house is not big enough for 3 adults and 8 children (think about it, one bedroom for the couple, one for the mother, that leaves 4 bedrooms for 8 children, or only two children per room). However, this is still not good enough for these people, they need an extra two bedroom flat too!


This family should be moved to a three bedroom council house on a sink estate. If both parents work full time, they can not only pay the rent, but support their family too (maybe struggling to make ends meet will make them start using condoms like the rest of us). They have Mrs Warsame's mother living with them, so she can help look after the kids while mum and dad are at work.


Most people in this country work all the hours they can to support their family. This couple should be forced to stop their scrounging and do"

November 30, 2009 9:33 AM G

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LooooL@use condoms..What if they don't like doing that.Afterall, you can't condemn personal preferances in bed.


Don't know about UK, all ethnicities and races abuse the system here, but they don't brag about it openly, but eventually most people are forced to work due to circumstances.There are too many stipulations tied to ceyr in the states atleast in the states that I lived in.

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bloody ****** people, someone is showing this same article in the kitchen :mad: another arguing there are decent somali people around.


i made a u-turn and left

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Sucks to be a Somali in London today :D


What the he*ll is that idjit grinning in the picture for? Truth be told, living off another man's pound has served him well. He doesn't look a day over 35.

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War Bashir maxaa qadey?

Many, infact most, of you guys in this thread dissing the guy now for living on benefit are probably forgeting how you were all raised before you made it to top of ladder.

No Somali family in Western Europe o ka dharan karta cayrta.

So stop acting as if you are all from bourgeois background, and give the guy a break.

Is the story going to have an impact on the community in London, yes but not to a drastic level. On daily basis stories relating to benefits cheats (not dependants) are exposed in British tabloids and Somalis dont make even 5% of the story.

Am sure Bashir must have had a sustainable reason to let in Sun reporter into his living room, and certainly did not work out the way he wanted.

Bottom line is he is no cheat nor thief. He is in that house because of an error by the authorities. He will be there or probably moved to another convenient house but him and his extensive family will have shelter and food , and Insha Allah his children will grow to live on their own earnings - just like most of you in here who are taking the mick.

Typical Maryoley they always forget they were in same situation.

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The UK goverment is saving money in this case. :D


If you split this family into 4 small unemployed families, the UK government would be spending a lot more money. Taxpayers should be celebrating that 9 or 10 British citizens live under the same roof. Just go through the numbers. :D


Also, this is a great investment on 8 wonderful Somali kids that through no fault of their own became British citizens. In general, children that are raised in a healthy environment tend to do well in life. Can you imagine their contribution to the country when they start paying taxes.


C'moon UK nomads. Don't be burying you head in shame. Go through the numbers with any disgruntled British hooligan you see reading the Sun. :D:D

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^^^^ loool LST abti dadkaan waa iska qeelinaayaan ma aragtay? usheeg yaaqee meeshaan siyaasad culus oo hoos hoosee ah ayaa ku jirto!


I have seen cases like this in the past but it was in Canada..however things have change alot here in Canada and alxamdulilah the somali Canadians here live just like every one else only few live of the government and new comers...


Ibtisam you said "birth control is haram".. Can you proof that witha hadith or ayad qur'aan?



when I looked at the Fadhi iyo miiska muraayada, waxaan soo xasuustay waagaan wadanka imaaday..thats very old school barsad aan ka aheen tvga lool...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Juxa:

seriously it angers me when hard working people are paying so much for renting houses and those people get it for free.


ninkaana ma ahan jobless, he probably drives minicab and the spare cash is used for ayuuto or businesses in africa.

lol...juxa xanaaqa jooji...I have known this family for the last 9 years and they are hardworking. Do you know how long they lived in a 2 bedroom house because the council claimed they were not able to provide them with suitable housing. This is more like compensation I guess and they deserve it. Their story was in the media couple of years ago due to housing issues. I think they deserve somewhere better than where they lived for the last 10 years or more and the counsil should have bought a new cheaper property for the family to live in rather than paying thausands for rent and make the family look like the guilt ones.


I think they should have avoided the media because it made them look like parasites and many who do not know their situation jumpted to the conclusion.


To my knowledge Bashir did not drive a cab, open businesses abroad or built mansions elsewhere and the mother is one of the most hardworking Somali mothers I ever came across. Very involved in her children's education. So xaalka deji.

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^Do they work? Are they active contributing citizens is the question here not, how they are good people or good mothers.


Horta runtaa ayaa iska ficaan,this is not the only family,nor the only people that are milking the system,without any prospect of ever putting anything back into it..


Lol@1/3 of what I earned@,have you seen the cars they drive,some of us will have to save,scrap or perhaps borrow to afford the wheels some of these people drive[i just want to rant about cars,as mine is crappy]

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