Deeq A.

Puntland oo beenisay war ka soo baxay Somaliland oo ku saabsan gobolka Sool

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Deeq A.   

Garoowe (Caasimada Online) – Maamulka Puntland ayaa beeniyey war kasoo baxay Somaliland oo ah in wadahadallo la leeyihiin maamulkaasi, lagana wadahadlayo arrimaha gobolka Sool.

C/laahi Jaamac Quraan Jecel oo ah afhayeenka Puntland ayaa sheegay in warka kasoo baxay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda maamulkaasi aanu waxbo ka jirin, islamarkaana Puntland ay ka go’an tahay iney la wareegto gobolka Sool.

“Waan maqlay warkaa kasoo yeeray wasiir Sacad Cali Shire oo uu leeyahay waxaa inoo socda annaga iyo Puntland wadahadallo, warkaasi waa mid aan waxbo ka jirin waa war siyaasi…Laascaano iyo gobolka Sool waa la xoreynayaa waa arrin dastuuri ah, haddii in muddo ah Somaliland ay dhex socotay micnaheedu ma ahan iney leedahay” ayuu yiri afhayeenka.

Dhanka kale, Afhayeen Quraan Jecel oo hadalkiisa si wata ayaa sheegay in aanu jirin wax lagu wadahadlo oo meesha yaalla, sababtuna wuxuu ku sheegay in Sool ay ka tirsan tahay Puntland.

Lama oga sida ay wax ku dambeyn doonaan, waxaana jirin illaa hadda dedaal rasmi ah oo muuqda misane lagu kala dhexgalay dhinacyadan.

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13 hours ago, Dahireeto said:

Once again, Somaliland is on defense and Puntland is on the attack.

Somaliland waxay leeday ciidan qaran oo ku socda siyaasad iyo strategy. Maha sida maryo calasta kolba gidaar isku qaadaysa.

Dhamaan laamaha kala duwan ee Qaranku waa isla socdaan, kolba siyaasadda madaxweynaha ayay fulinayaan. Hadii hore u socdaan iyo hadii halkooda joogaan, waa kolba strategy madaxtooyadu dejiso. 

Hada, maamulka Garoowe is between a rock and a hard place. They cannot afford to start an all out war with Somaliland, as that will be devastating to them. it won't be your usual off the mill - maryo calas vs ******** fight of Galkacyo type, this will be on a whole new level. The type that actual armies engage in. Somaliland army will unleash fire and fury and the death toll will not be just the 100s, it could quickly go into the thousands. 

If Garoowe has the guts to engage that kind of war, then they will have their work cut out for them. 

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suldaanka enough with the faan.  We all know Jeegaanta can't handle few colonels dead like last time let alone thousands.

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9 hours ago, Saalax said:

suldaanka enough with the faan.  We all know Jeegaanta can't handle few colonels dead like last time let alone thousands.

Last time I remember you were to regain Tukaraq, that was 6 months ago. 

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