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Somali Sheikh striped of his award

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Ngonge, since when did SOL pages become such a premium? Between your avowals of boredom, Abtigiis' impending story about a man and his unorthodox attachment to a goat with really long eyelashes, and the Troll Corner, I was under the impression a little righteous Ibti anger would allow us to justify our participation in all the REAL nonsense


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If it were an issue of national concern, one that would affect lots of people or one that will cause discomfort to many people in that community, I would understand why you would want to stick your oar in. But this is a non-story, my dear. Your principles mean nothing here. You actually belittle them by applying them to such a story.


I admire your activism and dedication to doing what is right but I fear that you have a faulty antenna. :(



I have no idea what you meant there. The mad woman is SERIOUS and I hate to see such talent unwittingly going to waste.

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^^^Old man, you are boring me now, I really do not understand your objection.


I already told you it is a small issue, and it is not what they did, but rather how. I also told you that I'm just letting them know, that I noticed they are deviating from their own mission statement. I also told that I don't know this dude, but since I saw the story reported in the media, it means nothing for me to take out 5min to send an e-mail.


And it is my business, because the man is just trying to help with in his own time to better a community and they are shitting on his time and effort. :mad: Everything that happens, whether it affects one person or many in the Somali and Muslim community is my business. [That is not even a joke] :cool:


Cara, patronizing me now and laughing at my expense. I see.

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Originally posted by Cara:

Abtigiis' impending story about a man and his unorthodox attachment to a goat with really long eyelashes,

Wonder if this was before the ceasefire? in any case, I am equally intersted in hearing that 'story'. What eyelashes? :D

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Ngonge; You've wasted far more of my time today then it took me to send 7 different e-mails from my different accounts yesterday. Shiid, wasting my time for no reason. :rolleyes: icon_razz.gif


Now if you can let me go back to my hiding. I hate going around in circles. :mad:

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^^ See what I mean? Busybody trying to drum up support for a non-story. Seven e-mails and god knows how many posts in different forums to get all the brain dead to send insulting e-mails to that organisation.


Listen to me and be selective with the battles you choose. Don't let the imbeciles at MPAC influence you.

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^^^So that is what this is about? I knew it was coming from beyond this story. :rolleyes:


I've never asked anyone to insult anyone, in fact I said send a polite e-mail!.

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^^ What else did you think it was? Did you not notice I did not comment on the story in my first post? The story is irrelevant. Your militancy is what worries me.


Send a polite e-mail? Things don't work out that way, you mad bottle. Once you invite people to send e-mails, you have no control over the content.

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Don't be silly Ibti. I wasn't patronizing you :confused:


But I might be now...


Abtigiis, the wording of the ceasefire did not prohibit making accurate predictions about your deviant literary output icon_razz.gif

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Ngonge: It worries many people. I’ve come to accept that I am an extremist in many causes. You are not telling me anything I already did not know, I don’t do half measures in life, regardless of the issue. Everything should be done to the point of extremism, all the way or not at all. :D


I do have control over the content. People are lazy. I send them edited versions of my e-mail for them to send. :D Ngonge why are you not on my e-mail alert system? :confused:

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^You are not an extremist. The Ibtisam I know is a nice girl baarriyad ah, caano ma daadiso.


It's natural to feel bad when wrongs are done to others. A sign of good moral state of mind.


Forget NGONGE, he's a cynic.

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The frank Sinatra way- ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL! I know I am intruding but thumps up Ibti. Don't listen to this old man. Keep your fighting spirits.




It is in the terms that no more of such nonsense is forthcoming. Anyway, I take it as a gentle reminder.

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