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Somali Sheikh striped of his award

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Ibti, don't listen to Paragon. DON'T LISTEN TO PARAGON. :D


When you send these informative e-mails to people (or post them on discussion forums), do you know what reactions they will provoke? I suspect that you have an inkling of how most people would feel about the stories you tell.


Now, if you invite these people to send e-mails protesting their anger or dissatisfaction with these events, do YOU have control over what THEY will write?


What if twenty of these people send death threat e-mails? What then?



Are you following me here and did you get the idea or shall I continue?

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Ngonge you touched a nerve there.


I personally commend MPAC defence and stance against those that try to defame ISLAM and although this might be a small case but this kind of thing happened to an orthodox Jew preacher AIPAC and friends of Israel would have been appalled.


But what I do not understand is why on earth the likes of Asghar Bukhari would go live on TV and criticises Muslims whom he disagrees with, the man is down the MCB throat every other week.


Ps Ibti is not an extremist just passionate

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Ngonge; I will always run the risk of people misusing the information I gave them. For example a contact in Palestine once sent me disturbing pictures, which I posted on the website. I accidently went to a “Islamic talk” a few weeks later, only to see the same images being used to emotional manipulate people into acting irrationally. This is an extreme example, however my point is that many people will use information/ opinions/ research I/ We make available. I am not responsible for this. I can only point people in the right direction, and hope they walk that way. If they run in the opposite direction without my knowledge, that is their decision and they would have found one reason or another to justify their behaviour, with or without me.


Now I’m off to Mandela’s concert. I hope it doesn’t rain. :(


P.s. While I don’t always approve of MPAC methods and approach, they are one of the few organisations who have a strategic vision, understanding and actually try to do something, rather than sit on their as*s pleasing uncle Tom. If nothing else, I can honestly say they work for the benefit for the community and Muslims with their own funds, time and effort, for that alone, I am willing to over look minor issues.

Ngonge and Thierry, why don't you attend the next MPAC event and find out for yourself. I really don't want to turn this into defend MPAC thread. smile.gif

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^^ That is not the same thing. You don't seem to be following here. If (for argument's sake) someone sends death threat e-mail to that organisation or insults them, it is YOUR fault because you are the one that egged them on. You expect people to complain but each person has a different upper limit. What you may consider a respectful protest someone else might consider vulgar and offensive.


Still, this does not matter in itself, what matters is how this trivial story will turn from a simple issue of a racist, foolish or unwitting organisation refusing to acknowledge the efforts of a Muslim because he wouldn't shake hands, into one about Muslims ganging up and sending intimidating e-mails to a tiny African organisation somewhere in Ireland.


Like I said, choose your battles and don't follow the IMPAC nincompoops.



I ask you what I asked Ibti above, saaxib. MPAC is full of rabid kids that wake up every morning looking for something to get offended by. They're beyond a parody.

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^ :D @ waking up looking for something to offend them...Lol


Oh,well at least they dont wake up every morning apologising like A&T. :D

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Looool you are not going to find me defending MPAC I disagreed with their methods ever since I went to a talk of theirs some odd years ago.


My argument in defence of Ibtis argument is that complaints can get you the result you want providing you use do it sensibly and through the correct channels. It has worked successfully for many lobby groups.


Like Ibti said do a template send it to people advising them on the right channels to send it and the rest is out of your hand. (of course in the bottom of the email I would say the person above email those not necessarily reflect mine or the organisation I am representing point of view).

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Ngonge, you think the AFRICAN CENTRE is a small organisations in the middle of no where??? :D lol


And you think it is an African organisation! lol I rest my case.


As I said I can only guide people. Beyond that Shaaqaad maah. redface.gif

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^^ I am going by what you posted above you mad woman. Nothing in your article indicated that it is anything but a small centre/organisation. Beside, it is an African Centre in Ireland. How big could it be?


You are a militant and your actions will cause more heartache than solve or help anyone. I shall pray for you smile.gif

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^^ And just so I understand it all, I went and read the times. Much ado about NOTHING really.



Muslim refuses shake, loses prize


Damien Foley and Mark Tighe


A Muslim asylum seeker lost out on an award for volunteer work after indicating that he would not shake hands with the woman who was to present him with the prize.


Alinoor Ahmed Sheikh, a Somali based in an asylum hostel in Tralee, was to have been honoured for his work raising funds for Amnesty International at a ceremony last Thursday organised by the Africa Centre in Dublin. The event was designed to highlight the positive work done by refugees and asylum seekers in Irish communities.


Five minutes before Benedicta Attoh, a member of the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism, was due to present the award she was told not to call out Sheikh’s name. “The judges had decided that someone else should get the award,” said Attoh, chairwoman of the Africa Centre’s board.


Attoh did not find out the reason why until she read in Metro Eireann on Friday that his name had been removed because of his refusal to shake hands with women. Sheikh told the newspaper that he had been assured his request not to shake a female presenter’s hand would be accommodated because it was based on his religious beliefs.

His certificate was presented to Therese Elumelu, who was not present, with Sheikh’s name crossed out.


Mubarak Habib, a project officer from the Africa Centre, said that it did not have a problem with Sheikh’s request and claimed there was “a mistake” on the night of the ceremony which had nothing to do with Sheikh’s request. Habib said the Somali would shortly be receiving a joint award for his volunteer work.

Sources connected with the event, however, say there was disagreement between the organisers over how they should react.


Attoh said she would havebeen shocked if a prize-winner had refused to shake her hand. “I don’t think I would have presented his prize if he wouldn’t shake my hand because I’m a woman,” she said.


Ali Selim, general secretary of the Irish Council of Imams, said: “It is part of a code of modesty for Muslims that we don’t shake hands with the opposite sex. I don’t think it involves a personal issue. Not all Muslims would do it but it is a common practice.”

A spokesman for the Irish Refugee Council, one of the sponsors of the awards, said it was a “complicated issue” and that it was unfortunate the incident had distracted attention from the ceremony. “All the organisers will be meeting to discuss the event and to plan how to deal with such problems in the future,” he said.

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This whole thing takes away from the fact that the Sheikh is a good man that does a lot of good work. Grrrrrrrrr..

^, you don't have to convince me anymore, I am ready to elope. I say let us get our b*tts to vegas and stand infront of an elvis impersonator.(much better idea than the one u suggested)


The best part, after our I do's, I will provide you wil unlimited coins to spend on the slot machines, while I get my b*tt to the texas hold em table. The coins are much better suited for you.


PS: oh, the thread, there is no story here, nothing to see folks. It is just a recycled article that someone decided to slap a new title onto it and whatever else NG added above.(talk about a reminder of that muslim police woman)

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^^ You've used the word 'butt' twice in that short reply. I bet Castro is biting his fist and trying not to write anything in reply. :D


If I were A&T, I probably would say to you 'ega tag, ha nala saaxibin' but I'm not A&T. So, I say to you 'let our wedding gift be the forgviness of A&T. He's a good man, if a little paranoid'. :D

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^ Are you sure that is the best way of reconciling two people? Reminding one of the hurt? Waryaa, nin xun baad tahay!

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Hold on guys, that Sheikh was me, and I did shaked my hand with the lady there.


I got the award, I don't know who created all this hype.


Distraction and conflict lee iga dheh,


Ceesaan yaroo mina shaakiriin.



Case closed :D

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