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Muhammad Most Popular Among Danish Muslims

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"Muhammad" Most Popular Among Danish Muslims

Danish Muslims are increasingly giving their new-born babies Islamic names to help preserve their identity, with that of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) being the most favored choice.


"My wife and I have agreed to give our boys and girls Islamic names in the hope they would reflect positively on their personalities," Omran Tharwat told on Wednesday, May 10.


He named his last baby girl after Prophet Muhammad's wife 'Aisha.


"We believe she would grow to be proud of that name and work hard to follow the shining example of 'Aisha," said the father.


Recent figures by the Danish National Statistics Office show that Muhammad, Ahmed, Fatima and 'Aisha are few but to mention of the favored choice among the Muslim minority.


Statistics indicate that some 8928 Danish Muslims carry the name Muhammad.


In 2004 alone, more than 167 new-born babies were registered with the Prophet's name.


Fatima, the Prophet's daughter, and 'Aisha top the choice for Muslim girls.


Muslims make up around three percent of Denmark’s 5.3 population, making Islam the second largest religion after the Lutheran Protestant Church.




The increasing popularity of Muslim names is seen as part of efforts by Danish Muslims to preserve their identity.


"Danish Muslims want to help their children preserve their Islamic identity," Sheikh Mustafa al-Shanded, a social and religious counselor, told IOL.


He, however, urged Danish Muslims to pay more attention to teaching their children about their faith.


The name Muhammad has become a household name in Denmark after the recent cartoon crisis.


Last September, Denmark's mass-circulation daily Jyllands Posten commissioned and printed 12 caricatures of the Prophet, including one showing him with a turban shaped like a bomb strapped to his head.


The images, considered blasphemous under Islam, were later reprinted by European newspapers.


The drawings have sparked off global and sometimes violent protests against Denmark.


A massive boycott of Danish products has also inflicted heavy losses on Danish companies.

May 10, 2006



Thursday , 11 May 2006

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I have seen some cool T-Shirts been sported by young Muslim guys they are balck or white and they state:


My name creates National Security Alerts, What does yours do?


I think they are so cool.It's like a slap in the face for anyone who looks at you funny on public transport.

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