
The Habro gangs refused to let their own kids return to their villages and the opportunistic Pirates welcome them igu sawir style.

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Somaliland oo diiday inay Hargeysa ka degto diyaarad siday dhalinyaradii laga keenay Libiya

Maamulka Somaliland ayaa maalintii shalay u diiday in magaalada Hargeysa ay soo caga-dhigato diyaarad sitay dhalinyaradii Soomaaliyeed ee laga keenay dalka Libiya, kuwaasoo ka soo jeeda deegaanada Somaliland.

Diyaaraddan oo ka baxday magaalada Muqdisho ayaa markii Hawada Somaliland gashay lagu amray inay dib u laabato, taasoo qasab ku noqotay in diyaaradaas ka degto magaalada Garowe.

Dhalinayaradan oo ka soo jeeda Somaliland ayaa gaarayay kontameeyo ruux, kuwaasoo ka mid ahaa illaa 151 dhalinyaro oo maalmo ka hor ka degay magaalada Muqdisho, kaddib markii diyaarad lagaga soo qaaday dalka Libiya oo ay in muddo ah ku xanibnaayeen.

Maareeyaha Hey’adda Duulimaadka Somaliland iyo Maamulka Garoonka Cigaal Air Port ayaa diiday in diyaaradan ay soo caga dhigato garoonka diyaaradaha Hargeysa, halkaasoo ay diyaar ku ahaayeen ehelada dhalinyaradaas.

Duuliyaha diyaaradda ayaa markii lagu wargeliyay in aanu soo caga dhigan karin garoonka Hargeysa ku dooday in aanu heysan shidaal ku filan oo uu diyaaradda dib ugu celiyo Muqdisho, taasna ay ku kaliftay in diyaaradda uu ka dejiyo Garowe.

Lama oga sababta ka dambeysay tallaabada ay qaaday Somaliland oo ay ugu diiday inay soo caga-dhigato diyaaradda waxaana arrintan ka carooday ehelada dhalinyarada saarnaa diyaaradda oo muddo aysan arag wiilashooda

Dhalinyaradii shalay ka degay Garoowe ayaa si wanaagsan loola dhaqmay, isla markaana loo sameeyay soo dhaweyn waxaana la dareensiiyay in Garoowe ay tahay magaalo Soomaaliyed aysana jirin cid ka xigta


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They had not enough fuel to return to where they came from. Ergo, the request to land in Garowe was granted due to this emergency. 

However, it is always good to see the Jeegan given more rope to hang themselves with... it only brings closer the day the people in Hargaysa see these treasonous creatures for what they truly are.

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So, what other adjectives and names do you use to describe reer Mogadishu and reer Baydhabo?


Good to see these kids are back. I hope they warn others against tahriib. I only see young men. Where are the girls?

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One thing is for sure . The war between Muuse Biixi and the United Nations had begun.

THe chartered plain belonged to the UN. They did send their flight info few days ago since the young returnees were almost a week in Mogadishu, yet the airport refused them to land for bogus reasons.

there are probably 500 people in Tukaraq  affected by the war and 150,000 throughout Somaliland by cyclone Sanger, yet the UN said “ nine thousand in cyclone disaster and 150,000 in TUkaraq which is reverse accounting’s. This deliberate omission by the UN reprentative is a game on itself.

if you add that with the al-shabaab attack in Galgala , one must think that things are shifting . If I  were Ina Biixi, I would seek peace immediately before the war moves to Sannag mountains and Al-shabaab relocates to Somaliland.

yaa garanaya ninkii yidhi “Anigoo wax dili kara duco qaadan maayee , qoriga keepka qabo.

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8 hours ago, galbeedi said:

One thing is for sure . The war between Muuse Biixi and the United Nations had begun.

THe chartered plain belonged to the UN. They did send their flight info few days ago since the young returnees were almost a week in Mogadishu, yet the airport refused them to land for bogus reasons.

there are probably 500 people in Tukaraq  affected by the war and 150,000 throughout Somaliland by cyclone Sanger, yet the UN said “ nine thousand in cyclone disaster and 150,000 in TUkaraq which is reverse accounting’s. This deliberate omission by the UN reprentative is a game on itself.

if you add that with the al-shabaab attack in Galgala , one must think that things are shifting . If I  were Ina Biixi, I would seek peace immediately before the war moves to Sannag mountains and Al-shabaab relocates to Somaliland.

yaa garanaya ninkii yidhi “Anigoo wax dili kara duco qaadan maayee , qoriga keepka qabo.

As always, you are behind the curve. I am one of those people who advocate for a tougher position regarding the UN. 

Both President. Abdirahman Tuur and President Egal played very tough with the UN, specially when the UN was all powerful - before it lost all the legitimacy. 

President. Egal even went as far as granting Persona-non-grata to the SRSG of the day. 

Somaliland deals with its donors directly and the UN can sholve it where the sun never shines. 

Biyo Gacmo-haaga ayaa lagaga dhergaa. 

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You are right this time. The so called UN had resolved very few conflicts in their lifetime. 

They spent in Somalia 55 billion since 1991 and nothing to show.

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By the way , the Hargeisa airport manager is really irresponsible and out right lier.

When he was asked about the pilot telling him about fuel shortage, he said, " When planes are short or no fuel, they proclaim , May day , May day". 

Can you imagine that?. Planes call May Day just before they crash landing or ships are engulfed under storm. This man should be fired.

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Galbeedi, ninka aad ka hadlaysaa waa pilot  sare Abdi Rodol, Chief Captain  of the defunct Somali Airline. Captain Rodol knows everything  about emergency landing and its procedure.  Maryoolay haday ninba hawshuu yaqaan uga dambayn lahaayeen dhib ma dhaceen.

Captain Rodol wuxuu duulayey from 1965 (possibly the year you were born) till 1991 oo uu ahaa chief pilot. Early 1990s until recently wuxuu  duuliye ka ahaa Suadi airlines.

Ramadaan Mubarak.

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1 hour ago, galbeedi said:


1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

By the way , the Hargeisa airport manager is really irresponsible and out right lier.

When he was asked about the pilot telling him about fuel shortage, he said, " When planes are short or no fuel, they proclaim , May day , May day". 

Can you imagine that?. Planes call May Day just before they crash landing or ships are engulfed under storm. This man should be fired.

Waabay dhici kartaa inuu duulinayey diyaaradii u horaysay eed raacdo.

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