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What's the Purpose of Life?

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Originally posted by Mr. Jibis:

The purpose of life is to worship Allah SWT. No more, no less.

Socod badne,

This was the answer given to you by the first person who responded to your question; you also said that you agreed with this, so what else are you looking for? Speculation? Analogical reasonning around the subject? I think this is more or less what most people wanted to find out.

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^I'm 'fraid dad bay xaajadu ku xumaatay. :(


The purpose of thy life is to worship the lord that created thee. The lord that breathed life into me and will take life away from me. The merciful who has helped me see the right path and the benevolent who is constantly watching out for me. The lord of Caalamiin who will raise me up from the dead and judge me for my actions and worship of his highness.


My purpose in life is to worship and bow down to Allah Subxaanawatacaala. Acknowledging his power over the Caalamiin and bowing down to his lordship that exists above all things.


It is predestined that the believers shall work for their entrance into Janatul Firdows by living a hard life here while those suffering in Jahanama shall have had their pleasure and joy on this temporary earth.


Each soul's deeds shall place them where they deserve, but may Allah (SWT) help the blind see the light and the deaf hear the call of Allah, subxaanawatacaala, lord of all the Calamiin.


wa billahi towfiiq.

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Originally posted by Kashanre:

My purpose in life is to worship and bow down to Allah Subxaanawatacaala. Acknowledging his power over the Caalamiin and bowing down to his lordship that exists above all things.


wa billahi towfiiq.

^^ Sxb Although you are right in the general sense however the above view is quite narrow and too general. There are life purposes at individual that separate from one person to another.


Now..Let me ask you..As Kasharne what is your purpose in this Life? Why are you here? What are you supposed to do, accomplish and so on?


Hope you understand where I am coming from.


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Okay, before i loose in touch with the topic. let me regrade very quickly. to the many views expressed on both sides, and strong points on both ends, the New Score is;


AXC: 1.5

UmSol: 1.5



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Though engaging in critical thinking (assessing, evaluating, questioning etc.) is very much encouraged in Islam in hopes of attaining knowledge and becoming enlightened, there's nonetheless clear boundaries imposed on the one who believes in Allah and submits to His will. Therefore, if one doesn't approach this matter with much needed caution and self-restraint, and they willingly cross those boundaries, they are but bound to be trapped by shaytan and led to a point of self-destruction. Indeed, many have unfortunately fallen into that trap as a result of their own illusive intellect which has only brought about their inevitable downfall.


This religion of Islam is the truth, the final revelation and the chosen path for mankind by their creator: As Allah (swt) states in His book, "This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."A fundamental component of it is Aqeeda-matter of faith, the firm belief in one's heart-which is attained by knowledge and Iman. And the source of knowledge and Iman is the Qur'an (Allah's speech), and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw)(embodiment of the Qur'an). Furthermore, if one possesses that firm belief in his heart, there cannot be any room for suspicion, doubt and questioning. Hence, the fundamental beliefs of Islam are not open for debating and arguments, NO!, not even for those who are blessed with high intellect and ability to reason: You either submit to Allah and accept that which He dictates for His creation, or you simply don't!


my opinions and intelligence
better than anything the Ulema says. I don't worship Imaam Bukhari either, so
no Sunnah for me. Quran is my only guide.

Again, this is a matter of basic aqeedah. In order for one to become a Muslim, they have to bear witness that There is no God but Allah and that Muhammad (saw) is His messenger. Muhammad (saw) is the chosen one by Allah (swt) and he was honoured to convey the Message of Islam to mankind, thus he lived the Qur'an: In other words, the sunnah is only the application of the Qur'an. Therefore, one cannot accept the Qur'an as guidance for mankind whilst simultaneously rejecting it's application.



Too many people walk through life with their eyes fully shut or half shut.

Rather, it is the qalb that becomes blind; the eyes only reflect the condition of the heart. Unfortunately, when the heart of mankind rusts and it becomes completely darkened, no amount of truth, advice, lecturing can really permeate, unless Allah wills. Hidaya is only from Allah (swt). Verily, Allah guides those whom He wills and He leads astray those whom He wills.


All in all, you have every right to believe what you want to believe and to follow which ever path you so choose to follow, and it's not our intention to impose our belief system on you under any circumstance. However, it is our obligation to point out the right path to anyone who may be heedless of it, or to remind those who might have forgotten. It's not befitting of any rational and respectful human being to attack others' belief system and what they hold to be sacred. Resorting to blasphemy and degrading the scholars of this religion (read: your postings in the Islamic section) while continuously criticizing and questioning the motives of the believers is something we will not tolerate, nor does it convey whatever point you are stuggling to convey (though I suspect you have no point to get across at all).


May Allah guide us all to the straight path!

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Originally posted by Legend of Zu:

there is no universal or uniform purpose of life is always my conclusion.

I can't help but be slightly confused here. How is it that you've come to that conclusion while you know and clearly believe in the purpose Allah (swt) dictates for us? I mean this well walal, I'm only trying to understand. "Wamaa khalaqtul Jinna Wal Insa Ilaa Liyacbuduun" is as precise and as specific as it can get: It was revealed for all of mankind across time. At-Tirmidhi said, "Hasan Sahih." The meaning of this Ayah (51:56) is that, Allah the Exalted, the Blessed created the creatures so that they worship Him Alone without partners. Those who obey Him will be rewarded with the best rewards, while those who disobey Him will receive the worst punishment from Him. Allah stated that He does not need creatures, but rather, they are in need of Him in all conditions (Ibn Kathir). Therefore, if the only purpose of our existence in this life is to worship our Creator and nothing else, how is it that you deem it unspecific (or general) for the individual who happens to be the creaton of Allah?


Furthermore, Allah adds that He created death and life so that He may test which one of us is best in deed. So basically, we were created from nothingness (death) in order to fulfill the pupose of worshipping Him and going through His test, then we return to Him, then we are again created from death to be shown the result of our test in this dunya which decides where we end up in the akhira.


What is My Purpose? As Legend..why Am I created instead of some other Ahmed or Ali etc. Why Me? What is my purpose in this life?

Again, the purpose of every Ali, Legend, Jack or Jill is exactly the same. However, they are given the authority and the caql to choose whether they want to fulfull that purpose or not. In other words, while the decree of Allah remains the same for all of us, the trajectories we so choose to follow can differ. I suspect this might be what you are referring to. For Instance, Johnny the atheist who has clearly rejected the real purpose of life might dedicate his life to feeding the poor because he believes that is his purpose in life, while Fatima the Muslim, might also set out to achieve the same goal, only she knows that this is not her purpose in life but rather a means to achieving her purpose in life (she's performing ihsaan which is a good deed that pleases Allah, and doing that which pleases Allah is worshipping Him).


In essence, the goals (personalized) we set out to accomplish in life are not the end themselves, but we can tailor them towards being a means to attain the end.


I'm hope I making some sense to you Insha'Allah.


Allah Knows best.

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For Instance, Johnny the atheist who has clearly rejected the real purpose of life might dedicate his life to feeding the poor because he believes that is his purpose in life, while Fatima the Muslim, might also set out to achieve the same goal, only she knows that this is not her purpose in life but rather a means to achieving her purpose in life (she's performing ihsaan which is a good deed that pleases Allah, and doing that which pleases Allah is worshipping Him).

Maashallah, that is powerful Abraar.

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Salamun caliykum,


I agree with Abraar's definition and explanation.

JazakAllah khayrun walaal.


Making a 'methodology' that 'Purpose' is wherein the confusion lays.

Hence, why literacy->good grades->good job is a Methodology and should be always EXAMINED under ths scope of 'PURPOSE OF LIFE'.


What has happened is that the Purpose of life has been RE-DEFINED and often BLURRED for those that believe in Religion. To the point, that ALL METHODOLOGIES i.e. what books to read and should be taught in school, how to get a job,where to live etc. have become SELF-SERVING.

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Asslaamu Alaykum,


I agree, may Allah Most High bless you Abraar for your post, indeed well put.


By asking us what is the purpose of life, as Muslims we will turn to the guidance of our Lord and his messenger (pbuh) to answer that question, since we are baseless like the animal without this guidance. Our reasoning, answers are based on what we believe, to say to us discuss without Quranic/Islamic view is irrelevant, since our outlook on how we live, our code of life is influenced by our faith. As every individual’s answers will be influenced on what he believes.


I think you misunderstand the meaning of worship, it doesn’t mean to only bow down or pray, worship influences every aspect of our lives, provides us laws of conduct, gives us meaning, defines our purpose. Thus worship of Allah influences our manners, our careers/education, how we spend our time, how we think, how we live, ect.


For those who reject the Sunnah of Muhammad (pbuh), and naively think Qu’ran is your only guide, if you are sincere Muslim repent to Allah for your ignorance. If you ever read the Qu’ran, such a statement would never be expressed, since the Quâ€ran commands us to obey the messenger. By uttering that statement, did you not know the sunnah is the collections of the deeds, sayings, ways of the Prophet (pbuh)? And indeed the scholars of Islam are inheritors of the Prophet pbuh, it doesn’t mean they are related to him by blood, inherit means knowledge here.


Its one thing to like debate/drama but don't compromise your faith in the process by making hideous claims.

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As usual members are deviating from the topic and comments are becoming more of tit-for-tat. :rolleyes:


Final agreement, your principles and actions which make up your purpose of life must be in line with the teachings of the prophet.

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^ what is being argued is what you just said. the dust is in the air because nothing has been agreed upon. so please! for all i know, you will be a member of one of the teams if you are interested, or like me, you will have to watch it from the side lines smile.gif

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Originally posted by Pi:

stop calling him
. It just happens to be someone else's nick. Call this dude either Labo Xiniinyood, Labo, or Xiniin. Dammit.

...Thank You Pi.

Originally posted by ibtisam:

Labaoo xxin. i guess you could not contain your self to be polite; your post was so bad that it had to be edited; what can someone like you contribute to ISlam; nothing :rolleyes:

Ibtisam, kuuma quuro inaan ku caayo. The Athiest Johnny's post was edited not mine. Kooley can clarify.


Originally posted by Kafaaxiye:

totally agree

...Sidaa adigu dumarka uga daba hadal.


Originally posted by Socod_badne:

FYI, my opinions and intelligence
better than anything the Ulema says. I don't worship Imaam Bukhari either, so no Sunnah for me. Quran is my only guide. You are right, you and I don't belong to the same religion.




The guy made it clear - now you can leave him to his devices!

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Viking: so what else are you looking for? Speculation? Analogical reasonning around the subject?


Personal takes. Worshing God could mean different things to different people. In fact it does since no two people see everything alike in life. I only wanted people to share their thoughts. In short fulfill the purpose of a fora like this: DISCUSS! In its place we got inundated with a galore of gratuitous character aspersions and trivialities to divest away from the question raised.



Originally posted by Abraar:


Though engaging in critical thinking (assessing, evaluating, questioning etc.) is very much encouraged in Islam in hopes of attaining knowledge and becoming enlightened, there's nonetheless clear boundaries imposed on the one who believes in Allah and submits to His will.


What boundary is that?



Furthermore, if one possesses that firm belief in his heart, there cannot be any room for suspicion, doubt and questioning.



With all due respect, that is facile arguement. If you have no doubt it could only mean 1 of two things. Either you did doubt at one point in your life and through contemplation and exploration have achieved your current doubtless state; or you haven't given your current faith more than a passing thought, you believe it and have no doubt through inertia, coercion or disinterest.



In other words, the sunnah is only the application of the Qur'an. Therefore, one cannot accept the Qur'an as guidance for mankind whilst simultaneously rejecting it's application.


No. In other words what you're saying is the words of Allah are not enough? Isn't that what you're REALLY saying?


Like I said before I reject the Sunnah, I explained my reasons. I'm not trying to dissuade you from adhering to the Sunnah. It is your right to worship anything you please. Just like it is my right to worship who I please -- God and God only.



All in all, you have every right to believe what you want to believe and to follow which ever path you so choose to follow, and it's not our intention to impose our belief system on you under any circumstance.


Ok, the first thing you said we agree on.



It's not befitting of any rational and respectful human being to attack others' belief system and what they hold to be sacred. Resorting to blasphemy and degrading the scholars of this religion (read: your postings in the Islamic section) while continuously criticizing and questioning the motives of the believers is something we will not tolerate, nor does it convey whatever point you are stuggling to convey (though I suspect you have no point to get across at all).


Now, abraar, isn't what you write above contradiction of what you said earlier (that I can follow whatever path I choose)? Or is it mean I can believe whatever I want as long as I keep my mouth shut? It's damned if I do, damned if I don't. If I disclose my beliefs I'm scolded, if I keep my mouth shut I'm accused or suspected of harboring ulterior motives. Nothing I do will satify your ilk. How else can I say I don't rely on the Sunnah? Through sign language? Encrypted messages? In numbers and math equations?


You parochially accuse me of blasphemy without outlining or explaining what I said that was blasphemous. So I won't say much on that. With regard to 'degrading' scholars, that is a lie of course. I degrade only those that deserve it and I'm unapologetic about it. When a Muslim Scholar (Saudi Arabian) says black woman are less than humans (which happened), I would tell him to go f himself. When another prominent muslim scholar says (again already happened) Jews are sons of pigs and apes and they should all be exterminated, guess what I will not have any of it. You and others know very well my criticism of muslim scholars doesn't extend to your run-of-the-mill wadaad of the local dugsi. My criticism and invectives are reserved for the big shots who abuse the trust and power they wield. How can you say to me I can't criticise a muslim scholar who says MY mother, sisters, aunts, grandma etc are less than their arab counterparts? HOW CAN YOU? Then again with this God like veneration of these wadaads (the good excluded of course), my charge SOME of you DO worship them gains more validity.

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