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Non-Stop inaan ahay: Very Funny Gabay

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A guy in the diaspora speaking to his fellows in Africa


Non-stop inaan ahay

Speed kaygu high yahay

Snow anaan socon karin

Outside ka mooye

Indoor aanan joogeyn

Ice ka iyo qaboowguna

Oldman udaran yahay

Alberta'na Slippery

Adimadu ku jabayaan

Sleep kayga oo idil

Only four hours yahay

Including maalmihii

Weekend 'ga la odhan jiray

Income kaygu low yahay

Account gaygy madhan yahay

Always tired aan aheyn

Immigrant waa gun'e

Abuse na aan qabo

Skill xumo daraadeed

Labour aan ag taag nahay

Education kaygii already finish yahay :D:D

Ignorant jaahil ah

Equal aanu siman nahay

Ammuurtaydu say tahay

Upside down u rogan tahay

Age kaygu wayn yahay

School aana dhigan karin

Afrikaay odhaahdaa

I need money haduu yahay

Every month bill'kii

O! Ya! Sugaysaan :D

You know exactly information kaygii

If you no aware that

Again bay inoo tahay!!!


Listen om/watch?v=WdAeQYSyM M4

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Horraan uga digay luqadaan cusub oo soomaalida qayb kaliya fahanto. Haddana waxaa la keenay in lagu gabyo. waa kadar oo dibi dhal.


Somalish = Somali + English.


Xata magaca gabaygu waa Somalish: 'Funny Gabay'kulaha :mad:

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^^ Barigaad 'gabadha' aheed, I offered to send you his photo lakin wad i diiday. A&T looks nothing like the guy in the video. A&T looks like Obama with a haircut. :D


Thank you KK. JB waa xaasid AND a badow. OZ was talking about Youtube vids not my af Somali. icon_razz.gif

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^^loool@Barigaad 'gabadha' aheed :D:D



FUFU, xarash aa laguu salaaxey ma u jeedidoo barxada yaasiinka is gee abaabiina :D

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