Deeq A.

Iska Horimaad Dhex Maray Oramadda & Soomaalida Wada Deggan Bariga Ethiopia

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Deeq A.   

Iska horimaadkaasi oo dhacay bilowgii isbuucan ayaa la sheegay in lagu dilay ugu yaraan 4 qof, halka 5 kalena lagu dhaawacay, iyadoo 250-guri la gubay.

Laanta Afka Oromadda ee Idaacadda VOA-da ayaa sheegtay in Ciiddanka Dowladda Deegaanka Soomaalida deggan Ethiopia ee Liyuu Police la sheegay inay weerar ku qaadeen magaalladda Harargeh, sida ay baahiyeen Warbaahinta Gudaha ee Ethiopia.

Boqolaal qof oo rayid ah ayaa la sheegay inay ku barakaceen Iska horimaadyadaasi.

Ku-dhawaad 30 Dugsi ayaa la sheegay inay weli xiran yihiin, tan iyo markii ay dagaalladda bilowdeen bishan May 23-dii.

Ma aha Iska horimaadkii ugu horreeyey ee Soomaalida iyo Oramadda Ethiopia ku dhex mara, iyadoo sannadkii hore uu dhex maray dagaal lagu hoobtay, kuna barakaceen boqolal kun oo qoys.

Dowlad-deegaameedyada Soomaalida iyo Oromadda waxay wadaagaan dhul-xudduudeed dhererkiisu ku dhow yahay 900 oo mayl.

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On 5/27/2018 at 2:04 PM, Dahireeto said:

What is Abiy going to do? help his Oromo brothers?


I don't think so. He will tell his Oromo that its not in their interest to quarel with the Somali. It is also not in Oromo interest in the long run. Its some Oromo trying to control the trade route to Djibouti.

The Hareri is sandwitched. There is also some Somali who this as opportunity for power in the region.


But basically any conflicts around this area is trade route related.

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