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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Men of the Cloth-By Mumia Abu Jamal Two Gems from the great Islamic Scholars: “Over-enthusiasm is a mark of corrupted scholars, even when the case they are defending is true. By showing excessive enthusiasm for truth and their contempt of their opponents, the latter would be stimulated to retaliate and react in the same manner. They would be driven to stand for falsehood and to be true to the label attributed to them…If the champions of truth had spoken kindly to them avoiding publicity and humiliation they would have succeeded in winning them over. But as it is, a person who enjoys a place of prestige is strongly inclined to preserve his position by attracting followers, and the only way to that is to boast and to attack or curse adversaries.” - Al-Ghazali “I never debate with someone and he accepts my proof except that I hold him in high esteem, and I never debate with someone and he refuses my proof except that I lose all esteem for him.” - Imam al-Shafi`i" The Islamic government of Moorish and Bladland. Jayshul Masakeen.
  2. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Abdullahi Botan was on Universal TV last week and among many xikmad he said, I found the definition he gave to Somali's very accurate. He said when a somali comes to a new place, the first question is "meel Somali deggan tahay ha la i geeyo." They all come concentrate in one area. Yet, they are very antagonistic to one another. lol, good observation. The Islamic government of Moorishland and Bladland. Jayshul Masakeen.
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I like Messi but I'd rather have Chelsea's Lampard in my team instead. Twenty goals a season guranteed, saaxib. Messi is averaging that, if not more. ps. It's between Messi and Rooney. The remainign ties in the CL and their performances in the world cup will clarify a great deal. Don't know about Ronaldo, as I haven't seen him play this season. Ibrahimovic is a good player, but he done hasn't anything special. Not worth the 60 million(>?).
  4. Lucas needs to be drug tested asap.
  5. Ya Akhi fi skin colour, cheer up and rejoice, for spring has almost started, summer will come and the world cup will be this year. 2010 will indeed be a splendid a year for all of us. The Islamic government of Moorishland and Bladland. Jayshul Masakeen.
  6. Polanyi

    Liban Abdi

    Man, I could have easily made it, if only my age was reduced by five somali seasons and my adams apples was that big.
  7. Polanyi

    Liban Abdi

  8. Firstly, Sheikh Nuune, ASWRB sare. wlc back. secondly,Ancelloti is even admitting what AT is denying here: "Ancelotti reluctantly agreed with Mourinho’s analysis and conceded that his players performed below their best. “We were never fully in control during the game,” the Chelsea manager said. “Inter put us under a lot of pressure, won the ball a lot in midfield and were dangerous on the break. “I think that Inter played a very good game. They put strong pressure on our midfielders and we were not able to play how we wanted. I think that Inter deserved to win this game. This is the reality. We have to stay focused now on the other competitions, but I think that we could have played better than this.”
  9. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Oz, I don't credit Mourinho for anything. Any of the last-ditch blocks by Samuel or Motta could have gone in, and you would have been talking about how Morinho is useless. The fact is at this level, the performance of the individual players on the day matters more than the tactics of the coach. The two teams can play next week with the same tactics, and Inter could get a beating! Football is like that! Football is not like that. Look at the how Arsenal played Inter and compared to Arsene wengers tactics. Arsenal left great holes in the middle and they did not have enough men to cover once chelsea launched a counter attack. That's why Drogba scored two goals against Arsenal and zero against Inter over two legs. Mourinho cleverly got his players to man mark Drogba out of the game, pile the midfield with good passers and limit Chelseas width. There were moments in the game where Cambiasso was thinking about attacking with the rest of the Inter mid/cf, But Mourinho kept telling him to stay put because he knew Chelsea good. I call that good tactics, nostradamasow.
  10. I think I am addicted to the above meal. But I am still as skinny as a nine milly. how the hell does that work?mmmmmmmmmmm.
  11. I would be a : Free food Good council housing Nice Neighbours Pretend to be nice and everyone treats you like an angel. It must suck be to be a rodent.
  12. walal, go on the run and stay underground in different london mosques. ps. just pay the fine and act like a good lad. i got fined last time, but 20 pound on the spot and that was the end of that. of course i didn't have a granny pass.lol.
  13. Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: inter will sneak past chelski. 1-0. Just as I thought. Mourinho is a tactical genius wale. He stifled Chelseas premiership style and hit them hard where it hurts. nice one, jose guevera. kulmiye- american football is that way bro.
  14. inter will sneak past chelski. 1-0.
  15. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: and what is Ngonges tribe ??? ,,,,,, dee they are descendants of the great Arab Banu Hashim Sheikh. Now, seriously, i can't understand why somaliland supporters would make up stories about Israel recognising SL? to me- it just makes them look silly and desperate. if golisnews claims that the hareetzdaily, one of the major papers in Israel btw, wrote an article about Somaliland, all I have to do is a quick search on their archive, which will quickly expose that the article doesn't exist and they have infact never ever written any story about Somalis, let alone their regions. Propaganda is better when it has at least a bit of substance or when you claim " unconfirmed or secret sources". But attributing a fake story to a national newspaper and putting quotes in the mouths of the Israeli cabinet, is, frankly, my sxb, taking it too far and bad PR too
  16. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Karl, continue laughing sxb ,,,,, i'm glad it at least entertains you ,, Ngonges tribe have a saying: worst of afflictions are the ones that make you laugh out loud
  17. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: this song gives me hope... that hope that almost every day I begin to lose...and then I realize that I should not..... our ancestors and great grandfathers fought for independence and Somalia...we can do it too...we should never lose hope.
  18. Golis news has reporters in telaviv, Egypt is sending teachers to spy on you and so and forth. Wale, you guys are comedians.lol.
  19. Originally posted by Malika: ^Oh yeah,between starving,bullet showers,walking for miles to find security,sleeping under trees the people took time to vote.. :rolleyes: *reaching out for the buckett to vomit* Edo, was that a rant against me or the celebrity wadads? I hope it is the latter.
  20. Originally posted by Raamsade: The unelected and therefore unaccountable should never be entrusted to solve anyone's problems. Who gave these Shiikhs/Imaams the authority to issue fatwas anyways? There are plenty of "unelected" people who solve or help try solve problems in the world. Scholars are no different to community workers, elders and other groups who try come up with solutions to societal problems. Of course, these are only their opinions and nobody is forcing you to agree with them.Besides, I don't remember SOmali people electing Sheikh Shariff and his cronies. Personally, I believe that these so called "scholars" are abusing the Islamic religion. They are like magicians trying to decieve the unsuspecting eye. Khasaro.com. Shariff also needs all the support(money makes the world go round and all that) he can get, although this fatwa is likely to have the same impact as David Beckham will in the world cup. ps. you should be happy with this fatawa. Basically, they said Shariff is the caliph of SOmalia and all Somali people are required to pledge allegiance to him.lol. I am sure Raamsade would be the first to give allegiance to the emirul muslimeen Prominent international Islamic scholars and figures also in attendance included Amr Khaled (the foremost anti-extremist tele-preacher in the Arab world), Shaykh Habib Ali Jifri and Dr Abdullah Omar Nassief. Scholars from Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mauritania, Yemen, Libya and UAE were also present. The religious declaration is significant because: The scholars represented at the conference have global Islamic influence representing major Muslim organisations and movements with millions of followers across the world. This is the first global religious declaration on the issue of Somalia. It directly challenges and undermines the religious justification for violence that is used by extremists in Somalia (and globally). The declaration emphatically condemns all forms of terrorism including the horrific inter-Muslim violence in Somalia. It makes unequivocally clear that terrorists are destined for hellfire. It makes clear that obeying legitimate state authority is an Islamic obligation. This principle applies in Somalia where the current Somali TFG government is based on the consensus of the Somali people and recognised by the international community. It is a religious obligation to recognise the legitimate authority of the government. Any legitimate dissent must be through dialogue and discussion. Islam categorically condemns dissent through any form of violence, murder and subversion. The current violence in Somalia is against the Somali people and its government and cannot be considered to be a jihad.
  21. look closely; it is the israeli flag, not the bloody somalian one. On closer inspection,she is also wearing a freemason necklace. closely examine her earings and you might see desmond tatu playing golf with nick griffin. booo. haaaaaaaaaaaaa. hell am i doing analysing an old ladies clothing? boyaka sha.
  22. oooooow. how cuteee. stuff and nonsense.
  23. Originally posted by Peacenow: What sick hypcrites. According to who? [ March 16, 2010, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: sheherazade ]
  24. One cannot disclose such highly classified and diplomatic material to the sol public. Suffice it to say; re: the loan discussion we had a while back in the other place(net). Salam sare. :cool:
  25. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: The media ARE waging a war, Fab. LOL Hi. The embassy was considering makING you the first white SOmali cybercitizen of moorishland. However, I am regretably reviewing the application due to your constant false allegations of me being Fabregas, a martyred member of the forum. kurva. Also, War is not just about bullets and bombs. The war of the tongue is often the most sharpest and hardest. Refer to the lessons of Chomsky or Mumia Abu Jamal. @B, welcome bro. good hiding as well.