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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Peacenow is actually very much a typical hardheaded Somali. I can detect it from his style of delivery. He displays some typical Somali hypocritical stances, albeit on the other side of the spectrum. According to him, racism and launching tirades against the offspring of Ishmael, Gypsies, all Muslims in general and Somalis is perfectly rationale. But, "Sirrrr, you musn't, you musn't, speak ill of caucasins and Jews because they wear suits and run the world". he he. The man is a classist- racial supremacist. He says, " religion is a private matter", yet when a brother posted a video about somali school girls, peacenow famously launched a rant against them simply for wearing hijabs. Despite his "liberal utopianism", I have even picked up on some regionalist and qabilist tendencies from the brother. I might be mistaken though. Yes, I called him brother; peacenow is our brother in blackness and somaliness. We should hold his hand and guide him to the brotherly Muhammedan way too, and not gang up against him. Amen.
  2. JZK@ Ngonge that was indeed a thought provoking post. But I still feel, in some areas, you are like a man trying to fit a tyre into the wrong car. Will get back to the points Ngonge and the rest made.
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Step by step it is then? Fine. At least we dealt with the point about him not calling for a public ban (despite what your pious-sunnah-following-self would claim to think he believed). Next point, you say the scholars were divided on the niqab being oligatory or not. Am I reading you correctly here? Not ALL scholars believe it to be an obligation, right? Pardon me for this obtuse way of doing things but I'm trying to talk some sense into this thick head of yours and think this is the only way I am going to do it. My argument is very simple, my friend: 1. Whether Tantawi wanted to ban the Niqab in all girls institutions or only in his back garden is entirely irrelevant; 2.This is because Tantawi holds a heretical and innovated opinion of the Niqab being totally alien to Islam. It was due to this belief that he openly asked the young girl to remove the Niqab and then proceeded to insulted her parents. No true scholars of Islam ever held the Niqab to be an "alien practice". What they differed on was whether or not the Niqab was obligatory or something recommended. Only innovators, Arab/Western government appeasers and ignorant people hold this view(that Niqab is alien to Islam). Sheikh Qardawi is on record as saying that people who hold such views are "ignorant of the Quran and Sunnah"( or something to this effect). I will go a step further by saying that it is impossible for a scholar of tafsir such as Tantawi to be ignorant of all the evidences pertaining to the Niqab and hold the same views as Sarkozy on the subject. 3. Tantawis fatawas which went against the agreed Sunnah and the interest of the living Muslims were not only confined to the issue of Niqab. He recently made a fatawa supporting the Egyptian governments plans to build a subjugating wall of the inhabitants of gaza. Tantawi came in handy and he was the favourite Sheikh of the government when they wanted to take policies against the Niqab or when the government wanted to gain support for building the Gaza wall( which was even condemend by non Muslim organisations). I believe he abused his position and he let down Muslim WOmen and men alike. 4. I do not see how any of this backbiting.
  4. Originally posted by NGONGE: The Niqab issue of Sheikh Tantawi was hijacked by the Zealots. The man did not call for the ban of the niqaab in the streets; he banned it in Al Azhar's girl schools. This does not make him a heretic. ASWRB. Sheikh Tantawi did not call for an outright ban on the Niqab in all public places because he knew the overwhelming opposition he would recieve from the steadfast Scholars and the masses alike. But it was evident the man had an immense dislike for Niqab. Let me ask you this: What was the reasoning behind Tantawi's proposal to ban the Niqab and what was his reason for publicly humilating that young Girl? I will tell you the reason: “The niqab is a tradition and has nothing to do with Islam.” Those are the beliefs and the precise words Tantawi allegedly said to the young girl. It is also the same beliefs the new head of Al Azhar holds about the Niqab. "Birds of a feather flock together". Furthermore, Sheikh Tantawi did not stop at this, and he even went a step further by insulting the young girl with these tragic words : “I tell you again that the niqab has nothing to do with Islam and it is only a mere custom. I understand the religion better than you and your parents.” If the above quotes are not the words of an innovator and someone who is attacking the sunnah of the Muslims, then, oh Ngonge, I do not know what is defined as heresy and innovation in the religion. The only excuse we could have given Sheikh Tantawi, may allah swt forgive him, is the one of ignorance. However, I do not believe that Tantawi, a man who graduated in tafsir studies and who spent almost ten years producing a kitab of tafisr, would be so ignorant of all the evidences pertaining to Niqab in the classical Islamic books, especially in the books of tafsir. I find it impossible that a man of his scholarly calibre would have missed the reports of Niqab in the Sahih Bukhari; the reports by the companions; the reports by the greatest scholars of Tafsir such as Ibn Abbas, Tabari and Ibn Katheer; and finally, the views of some of the well known scholars of the schools of thought- who all held the view that Niqab was in fact wajib(obligatory). I cannot for one moment bring myself to believe Tantawi was ignorant of these clear evidences , rather I believe he chose to willingly blind himself, follow his own "modernist" desires and succumb to the political whims of the EGyptian/Western Governments. Any individual with an ounce of intelligence and the layman of this religion will tell you that Niqab has many evidences. There is no dispute about this matter, except with regards to whether or not it is obligatory or a highly recommended sunnah action. The only people who hold Niqab to be an "alien practice" are the ignorants, innovators and heretics. We can excuse the ignorant, but how do we excuse a scholar of tafsir studies, ya sheikh? The implication of their statement is severe and what they are really saying is this: the companions of the prophet, the scholars of tafsir and the scholars of the schools of thought were all innovators and they brought something alien into Islam. They are also saying this: we know better than them. So who is truly an innavator: the companions or Tantawi? I say Tantawi and Ahmad el Tayeb. ps.I have only mentioned one example where Tantawi rubber stamped the political wishes of the egyptian/western governments onto the Islamic instutions. There are other infamous examples such as: his most recent fatwa in support of the building of the wall suffocating the Palestinians on the border with Gaza, his ideas on the Hijab ban in france and his infamous ideas on certain forms of interest. " Woe once to the ignorant man for not seeking after knowledge. Woe a thousand to the scholar for not acting in accordance with knowledge". "we love the shaykh and the truth when they agree. But if they disagree it is the truth which comes first" The Islamic government of Bladland and Moorishland.
  5. Polanyi

    Lionel Mess

    Messi is a great player, but he will never reach the heights of the Great one
  6. kudos to Obama. This is a victory for humanity. The Islamic government of bladland and Moorishland congratulates Obama. Peace to all the halganized Moorish and Berberi Somalis of rageedi calibre.Jayshul Masakeen.
  7. Stars= Xidigo invisibilty- waxmarakanimo? the rest, don't know.
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Sheikh Tantawi is dead, adeer. Have your mullah not taught you about talking ill of the dead? For that point alone, I refuse to listen to anything you say. Go blow yourself up somewhere else warya. Grrrr. Blowing up kulaha. I have alot to achieve in live, still. My plans are many.Matter of fact, I am contemplating starting roundtable negotiations with you concerning certain high calibre females from the Somaliland area, who are users on this forum. If you consider yourself to be their tribal wali, send me a pm. We will start diplomatic relations from there. ps. Tantawi was a heretical individual who used his position to undermine the traditional islamic ethos. A clear example of this is his position on Niqab. He even went a step further than Western governments and so called liberals by publicly humilating a Muslim girl and insulting her appereance for wearing niqab. Islamically there is no problem pointing these crimes against the deen out and I do not believe it comes under the heading of backbiting or "speaking ill of the dead". If this was the case, then no one would speak about Ibn Arabi and many other deviants of the past. I hope Allah swt forgives him.
  9. ASWRB; I believe the world be a more exciting place if all jalabeeb wearing xalimos started driving mopeds.
  10. ASWRB; Following on from MY major report on the links between piracy news coverage and the media war against the halganized Moorish and Berberian Somalis of rageedi calibre, today I announce that I am intending to boycott the beeb. The reasons are many, but the greatest one is their culuturally patronising, colonially orientated and condescending coverage of Muslims and other halganized peoples of color. I will start my boycott once Lucas is found out as the murderer in Albert Square and the world cup coverage is over. I urge all halganized Somalis to do the same. Deparment for media and public relations. The Islamic government of Moorishland and Bladland. Jayshul Masakeen.
  11. Denial is a river in Western Buhoodle. the islamic government of bladland and moorishland. jayshul masakeen.
  12. Ahmed el Tayeb, the man President Hosni Mubarak has appointed as the new head of Al Azhar, is known for his moderate interpretation of Islam, is a regime loyalist and member of Mr Mubarak’s ruling National Democratic Party and takes a firm stance against the Muslim Brotherhood. So he is part of the government or what? :eek: Usually seen dressed in smart suits, the new Sheikh of Al Azhar also said he will start wearing traditional religious grab, such as long cloaks and a red and white head turban . Why didn't he wear it marki hore? He has outwardly criticised hardline Islamists, saying the focus on rituals and outward manifestations of piety – such as Islamic garb and long beards – comes at the expense of true spiritual development. So why not have a beard and focus on spiritual development too, yah? I mean the sahabas had very long beards and they paid careful attention to their outward appearance too, yet they still made an abundance of dhikr( rememberance of Allah). He supported late Sheikh Tantawi in his last battle to ban the niqab, or face veil, inside Al Azhar girls institution. He is against wearing the niqab in general and considers it alien to Islamic teaching. I guess all that islamic knowledge, years of studying and sitting in Al azhar has gone to waste. Somehow this guy thinks he knows better than the companions of the prophet(SAW) and the fourt madhabs(schools of thought), who were all agreed that Niqab is part of Islam. The only thing they differed on is whether or not it was recommended or obligatory. If this guy would have lived in their time, he would have probaly got scolded(maybe even whipped) for fasad fila ard and spreading heretical teachings. Kulaha, niqab is alien to alien teachings. I guess he did not have his glasses when he studied the books of hadith. Perhaps he has chosen to blind himself? Even some of the Western Academics in the various univeristies will tell you that Niqab is very much part of Islam. Of course, we did not expect anything better than the replacement of Tantawi. Evil has replaced Evil. He angered radical Islamists for once telling an Islamic conference that “the logic of things is change” and again when he said it permissible for Muslims to sell alcohol to non-Muslims abroad in non-Muslim countries. I guess this is what the Somalis refer to as "Bir Bila dambi". You will awlays find a " beer bila dambi scholar" to make everything that is haram- halal. It was the disgraceful Tantawi(he passed away last week), the previous head of Alzhar, who once famously made some forms of interests halal and more recently publicly insulted a young girl for wearing niqab . Maybe they should start a telephone service called "rent a fatawa". The motto could be " you can do it( the haram), if you fatawa it". I am sure their will be plenty of "scholars" will to take on this work . Department of research and Ummah affairs at the embassy of Moorishland and Bladland. Peace to all the halganized Moorish and Berber Somalis of rageedi calibre. Jayshul Masakeen.
  13. abu salman=abu s=sophist=abu sool=abu djibouti= :confused:
  14. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Torres is not good on the ground. He is also not strong. He is overrated. Good goal though, but he did nothing. The Worst player in the field was Steven Gerard. And that is the guy Norf counts on for the World Cup. Mascherano always does more harm than good. Man U deserved to win. Gerrard looks dejected. It's almost as if he is tired of dragging along an average team every week. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes to Europe after the world cup.
  15. ASWRB. disclaimer:this absurd thread was not started by me. it seems my account was compromised by alien entities. the islamic government of bladland and moorishland. jayshul masakeen.
  16. al khusuuuusi is here to stay baby.
  17. yo haatu; bro, we need torres to get another one here. come on, liverpool.
  18. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I would still have Lampard in my team, saaxib. Messi is a great player and will probably win the award anyway but most of the times I watched him he has been all fur coat and no knickers. Lampard has been scoring twenty goals or more for the past five seasons (from midfield and all). that's because you probably alternate between watching universal tv adverts and the footie. Most times I watched Messi- he has been man of the match. Did you see his hatrick in the weekend against valencia? Did you see his performance against stutgart? His performance against Manutd in the final? We are talking about a player who is doing things/skills out of the extraordinary. Frank Lampard is a good player, yes, he scores plenty of goals. But so do Inzaghi, Ruud Van N and even Darren Bent. Would you have them in your team instead of Messi? I would even pick Messi for my team purely for the amount of fouls and mistakes he could get from the opposition. If there was an Eighth dwarf, Messi, his excellency, would be the man. :cool:
  19. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: ^If like other ism are any better!! Well it depends how you define better. It also another debate for another day. In any case, when this group is defeated I propose that they should be made to herd goats and sheep. :cool:
  20. Originally posted by Umal Zamzam2211: Who said I have not joined the Holy war
  21. Ahlul Qashin wal Xabash will get raped by the end of the year.
  22. I would have liked to avoid Barca. But, what hell, bring it on.