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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. On June 1, the first engagement of the war commenced in the Vilcabamba valley. The Inca people attacked first with much spirit despite being only lightly armed. Again and again, they attempted to lift the siege held by the Spanish and their native allies but each time they were forced to retreat. On June 23 the fort of Huayna Pucará surrendered to Spanish artillery fire. The Inca army now in retreat opted to abandon their last city and head for the jungle to regroup. On June 24 the Spanish entered Vilcabamba to find it deserted and the Sapa Inca gone. The city had been entirely destroyed, and the Inca Empire, or what was left of it, officially ceased to exist. Events began unfolding an ocean away in the land known now as Somalia, where the regional power, the Christian Kingdom of Ethiopia, had begun to attack the Muslim Sultanate of Adal, (which was formerly part of Ethiopia), located in Somalia, and mounted a raid on the city of Hubat in the early 1500’s. The Ethiopians took many Muslim women and children during their incursion as well. The mujahid, Ahmad Ibn Ibrahim ‘Al Ghazi131,’ under the command of his Emir, Umar Al Din, like his brothers today, refused to be cowed down by the Ethiopians mushrikeen and decided to counter attack the Ethiopians and defeated the Ethiopians, free all the Muslim women and children held prisoner withouteven the loss of a single man. Imam Ahmad’s force regressed towards Harar, the capital of Sultan Abu Bakr’s Sultanate. The sultans, being weak and favorable to the Christians, feared meeting Imam Ahmad and his mujahideen and thus fled the capital wherein they encountered Imam Ahmed in battle. Sultan Abu Bakr’s troops one again fled and were allowed to flee by Imam Ibrahim, (as the ruling of the Baghi would be applied upon Sultan Abu Bakr, and thus when his forces were weakened, Imam Ahmad was not allowed to pursue and annihalate them as they retreated). Thus Imam Ahmad’s troops established themselves in Harar, but Sultan Abu Bakr, the obstinate rebel attacked Harar once again, causing Imam Ahmad’s men to retreat to Hubat once again. Unlike Imam Ahmad, Sultan Abu Bakr pursued Imam Ahmad and besieged them in Hubat leading to the death of Emir Umar Al Din. A truce was struck between Imam Ahmad and Sultan Abu Bakr, but once again, (and repeatedly), he broke the agreement and killed many of Imam Ahmad’s men. This cycle of equitable truces offered to Sultan Abu Bakr continued, until finally the last attempt at peace failed and Sultan Abu Bakr attacked Imam Ahmad and his men for the third time, leading to Sultan Abu Bakrs death and defeat. Imam Ahmad finally cemented his hold of Harar and gave rulership of the lands to Umar Al Din’s brother, allowing Imam Ahmad more time to concentrate of jihad. With the scenes of such victory against the lackeys of the Christians, the Muslims of the town of Adal refused to pay tribute payments to the Ethiopians, to which the Ethiopians decided to dispatch their troops to Adal to force them to pay. As was expected, by the will of Allah ( سبحان ﻪو تعلى ) Imam Ahmad and his men destroyed the Ethiopans on the field. Imam Ahmed had decided to fight further into Ethiopia to spread the deen and to once and for all end Ethiopian tyranny by launching a counter assault into Ethiopia in 1527. He ralled the various tribes of the area to wage jihad against the Ethiopian mushrikeen. It must rememberd that this was jihad and not simply a tribal dispute as, “…although Somali clans -- principally the Habar Magadle, Isse, (***), the Gadaburrsi Diir, and the Daroood -- played a strong role in the Imam's conquest of Abyssinia, these clans went to war not so much as Somalis but as Muslims, (Laitin & Samatar, 12).” Imam Ahmad defeated the mushrikeen at the Battle of Shimbra Kure in 1529 with the help of Uthmani weapons sent by the khalifa. The jihad continued as the Ethiopans continued to resist. Eventually, as the Muslim forces of Imam Ahmad progressed further into Ethiopian territory, the Ethiopians asked for help from the Portugese crusaders. http://www.kalamullah.com/Books/TheIncompleteHistory-AndalusAfter1492.pdf The traditions from which these intellectual traditions had emerged had diffused throughout Hausaland, Nupe and Yorubaland by 1835. The books of Shehu Uthman Dan Fuduye’, Muhammad Bello and especially Abdullahi Dan Fuduye’ were memorized by the scholars of Illorin and Nupe, not to speak of the scholars of Hausaland. We can safely assume that if there were indeed full-fledged Muslim scholars captured and enslaved in Bahia, they were quite familiar with the ideas of Shehu Uthman and his chief helpers. Especially since Illorin and Nupe were under the political jurisdiction of the Sokoto Caliphate. There were at least ten Muslim scholars who conceived, organized and led the revolt of 1835. Shaykh Dandara, Shaykh Sanim, Malam Bubakar Ahuna, Malam Bilal Licutan, Imam Manuel Calafate, Silvestre Jose Antonio, Antonio, Thomas, Dassala, and Nicobe. These men established mosque and Islamic madrasas (schools) for the purpose of keeping alive the Islamic traditions that had generated the Sudanese Islamic states in Africa. Some of these scholars were Yoruba, some Hausa, and some were Nupe. A few of these scholars were freemen and merchants, while others remained enslaved to men whom they considered barbarian. Many court records of 1835 reveal that a strong movement of Islamic conversion and proselytism was under way in Bahia during the 1830s. It was the above scholars who were essentially responsible for this growth in the ranks of the Muslims.162 In order to understand the revolt of 1835, closer examination should be made of these scholars. ASWRB. Somalia is under attack and Somalis must defend their country…Anybody who sides with Ethiopia will be considered a traitor ...... the Islamic courts will lead the people to victory…"-21 July 2006 Guetamala
  2. Polanyi

    moving out

    walal, runaway from home.
  3. Polanyi


    Originally posted by chocolate & honey: Ahem... you do know this is the women's corner not the Sports section,right?
  4. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: Oh look! A treasonous hyena! who?
  5. Originally posted by Blessed.*: ^He's not a Shiekh though and never claimed to be one. I wish I spoke good Arabic. There's so much fitnah and confusion in the western dacwah! Ibts. The nigerian. I disagree with a few things in his blog but I still like the brother. The old Anwar! No one is perfect and I think he is acting out on his anger. May Allah have mercy on him, us.. them. sheikh is a title of respect in the arab. amba, i'm a sheikh when i wear khamees. ps. i do agree with what you say. the imam is speaking in a different tone and contradicting his earlier interviews when he said he disagreed with random attacks on aeroplanes and stuff. one gets the impression the man reached the point of return and he is living to die. another twist: Yemen tribe warns against harming cleric on US wants dead http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ibd0eMMoIsX9DxU6iVcCwHIPDTdg
  6. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^^I don't think I was scaring her was I? Ps. Who is the dude you posted? Your father? if you don't that who that be, you shouldn't be on this section.
  7. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^^Riyaale truly is the like the boogeyman to you garowe folks. Why are you guys complaining about him so much ? Go to Hargeysa with your guns and settle it. Calm down,man, you're scaring the sister:
  8. Polanyi


    When a jewel was right in front of your eyes, but you were to blind to realise. When a jewel came into your life, but you didn't give it a try. Now the jewel is gone. So long. And, only now, after all this time, do you realise it was a jewel.
  9. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: I am happy West Ham are staying up. Zola waa nin fiican ninyahoow. Waan iska jeclahay. classic.
  10. ^^ They've been there- done that. In fact, in one country non Muslim authorities had to get involved. :mad:
  11. Originally posted by Jacphar: Only a crack head would be justifying smoking xashiiis. Then again, I am wrong for assuming SOL didn't have crack heads. You are officially the biggest handicap on this forum. Seeing as you can't comprehend simple facts, I will paste what I said in the first page: Somalis need to stop smoking xashish/chewing khat If you still don't get it, maybe Maddey can translate it for you. Seriously, you need to cut this spind doctoring and purposely misquoting out of your game. it's weak.
  12. War, you can even bring Abu Khadija. I will bring Sheikh Yahoo and Sheikh google. am out of the sol hood for the coming days. aswrb.see yall around another time.
  13. Originally posted by Jacphar: Karl: You can't say "xashiish has some healing and inspirational benefits." and blame others of defamation when call you onto it. Stop smoking that joint kid. As usual your comprehension is lacking. You are also selectively quoting as you often do with sheikh maddey. Alcohol has some benefits for mankind, but the sin in it is far greater( the qowl of Allah swt, not mine). Likewise, weed and certain herbs do have some benefits, for instance, for athritis sufferers. Get it? Haatu Friday, 12pm, the alleyway behind the big Asian run mosque in Southal. Bring you mullahs. I will bring myself as I more than capable. Kitabkan ku kala bixi.
  14. Originally posted by Jacphar: ^These people pick and choose ayadaha quraanka to suit their political agenda. Karl: No one is stalking anyone. Maaddeey needs to get back to his medication to make a little sense. That's all. Waxaan ka baqayaa if I press him a little harder inuu is dilo and I don't want his parents to lost a child. Allow u hanuuni cunuga. Maaddeey: You're gonna retract that death threat? Feeling a little guilty now suggesting four and six years old orphans inaad gowracdid? How low can this goons get? No offense, but I get the impression you have been desperately stalking maddey across the forum and trying to stick silly parroted labels such "keligis muslim"/"takfiri" to him. When he made some thread about a helping an orphan in Somalia, Jacphar entered to accuse Maddey of supporting killing professor adow( which you provided no evidence for). When Maddey called a member who insulted our deen, insulted Allah swt and calls to secularism, a gaal, Jacphar tried to make out as if Maddey called the awyliyah gaalo. These are only two incidents which I have witnessed. If you disagree with him, then critique his thoughts by all means, but putting misleading tags on his thoughts, is, indeed, a weak mans game.
  15. Where is the mathmetician Ngonge to explain how liverpool can can still finish forth.
  16. Originally posted by Haatu: ^ i'm a maryooley salafi sxb, but your definately high genes, sh sharif, tupac iska sheeg man, mararka qaar baa ku weyn ku tuurataa In Marka, Somalia, or, Mecca, Saudi Arabi, a man can take another to court for acts of public defamation. I would like to think your vile accusations against a genetleman, who comes from a dynasty of labalwad families, counts as gross defamation. I'll give you till midnight monday to remove your accusations. If not, I shall find out your first three names from Nuune and proceeed to track you down. Watch you gon do when big poppa come for u? Don't blame me, if you get 200 lashes for defamation in public. aswrb. good night.
  17. Jacphar why are you stalking Maddey across the forum?
  18. I heard the Beeb got taken down in Muqdisho :confused: :eek:
  19. Originally posted by Haatu: ^ That must be some fat joint ya Karl tuff. tuff. tuff. la xawla. acudu billah. If you belong to the Rastafarian Salafis, don't drag me down to your level. Holy men have no need for xashis.
  20. Originally posted by Tuujiye: quote: The Islamic government of bladland and moorishland fully salutes our esteemend brother, the warrior, the halganized Somalia, the islamic knight of the general section, mr wareer badana aka adeer Tuujiye. Indeed here delivered some crushing blows and decisive words that strike like sharpened persian swords, when he said: quote:but we are Somali and we always had and have our own dhaqan iyo diin.. Secular iyo qurufaadkaan aad sheegeysaan ma aha wax meesha anaga noo yaala.... war al-shabaab aniga xitaa wee idili la haayeen because I play football and wear shorts... Karl.. haye gaaladii miyaa la safatay adigana? saaxiib aniga all I ask of these guys is to stop blaming their problems the Arabs and admit their true intentions! they have problem with Islam and thats very clear... Secularism waxaa ahaa shuuciyaashii iyo waxaan maanta aduunka wada xukuma oo muslimka isku sheegayaan... Carabtaan ee dhahaayaan waan nacebnahay waa wada secular leaders lool tell me one who is not??? all they always point out is the wahabis in Saudi Arabia and they are very secular they just use religion on the poor... Karl read waxa ee ragaan soo qoreen before aad adigana diin naceeb lasoobodin... Aniga I agree with them when they say somalia always had daqan and diin and we didn't need the arab culture laakiin don't tell me if we had secular government things would have been different lool Ragiina waxaan idiin qabay rag culus oo historiga somalia wax ka yaqaanay laakiin tabar ma heysaan markaad lasoo barxad fadhiisataan this weak debate... GDwonder saaxiib I don't need you to side with me lool I know what I wrote and I didn't ofend anyone.. gaal=non-believer and if you don't believe in god in my language we call that person gaal as in arabic they call them kufaar... so if one gets offended by that, then that person is not a gaal or is feeling very sad or guilty for leaving his faith..hopefuly they feel guilty which means ilaahey wili naxariis buu tusayaa... Che whats your argument abti adiga?? diintana wax haka sheegin hadii kale teesto aan kaaga soo dhex bixinaa computerka Wareer Badanaa!!! Aryey sxb. I called you a Sheikh. I called you a warrior. I calledn you a knight of SOL. Then you interpret that as in insult. :confused: Cajaban. In case you didn't get that: I support you(jihadka ino wad )
  21. Originally posted by Haatu: Are you back on xashiish Xashiish has some healing and inspirational benefits. The negatives outweight the benefits, though, alie ya wagwan? That is why Tupac didn't leave behind no chidren. To much Xashiis= Bila ital in many departments. The carib people, the aztecs( long distance relations to Sheikh Jeberti, Xafiduhullah) and the general populations were destroyed by the Europeans using a number of biological and spiritual nuclear weapons. The first was the use of biological and manmade diseases to cull of the populations. The second was widespread cultural and colonial attacks on their culture. the former is more paramount for our generations since Malthus proposed the depopulation of xalimos. Somalis need to stop sm smoking xashish/chewing khat and produce more infants. The next World War will be for water and the United States of Europe will try to cull subaltern somaloy-oid populations. We need to produce more genes of the Adan Xashi Ceyrow trend, as the recessive Sheikh Shariff genes tend to give up when the going gets tough. Somali women will never give birth to the likes of Aden in the near future. ASWRB.
  22. Before they use to fight over towns. Now they are bickering about money exchange transfer services.
  23. Somali Bariis Party ( recently founded in an Edmonton Internet Cafe) Year 1: Gain the support of 89 percent of the Somali wadad population, 95 of the Somali female population and 65 of all Somali Youths. Find Charismatic Sheikhs to do fundraising on behalf of the party. Year 2 Rehabilitate 6O percent of the Somali youths coming out of young offenders institutions. Year 3 Introduce strict hygiene legislation to Somali Cafes. Have a photoshoot of female supporters carrying out spotchecks on Somali Cafes and punishing male offenders. This should be a big hit with liberals and other like minded folk. Year 4 Get a bill banning khat through the houses of parliament Year 5 The party expects big things to happen in the fifth year. We expect to have our first female head of party. As a result of that momentous occasion, we also expect to have our traditional Somali disagreement. Due to both of the aformentioned reasons, the party hopes to break up into fifty different factions by the end of the fifth year. There are no refunds for memberships. Your Somali Bariis Party needs you. Boycott Labour, Tories and the other one. The Government of Moorishland and Bladland.