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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: If I hear "the West" one more time on this forum I'm going to vomit. Romanians aren't really westerners anyway. They are from the ancient RamRUM people, cushites who used to live in Berbera, modern day Somaliland.
  2. ^^ you were going well until the last comment. no point even arguing with you,sxb.
  3. and these niggers are showing their face like it's caadi. :eek:
  4. taliban should smoke these niggers. nacalatullah.
  5. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: it is people with your backward mentality that necessitate the need for peacekeepers to begin with, be they tigres or kikuyu... If Kikuyu or a filthy Tigrey SOldier can become "peacekeepers in Muqdisho" and you can cheerlead( from thousands of miles away) for them like a lax, then what logic stops maddey from supporting the other side? In any case, the mantra of " you live in ze vestern varld, bla bla, is, indeed a redundant argument. ps.@Maddey, you have to learn there are some people you argue with on this forum, some you just ignore and some you just mock and crush. yan lagu baran, yo.
  6. Polanyi

    Who is B?

    Conspiracy should be home in three Until them I look south for the home family A true G, that's me blowing like a bubble In the everyday struggle
  7. Jose came, he saw and he conquered. Mark my words, even if Barcelona score 2- Inter will score as well simply due to openess of Barcelona and their defensive errors.
  8. I remember when this tribalsheikh Khaliif used to post Quranic Ayat in support of "Emirul Muslimeen" Abdullahi Yusuf and Meles Zenawi's invasion of Somalia. Now I understand why: the guy is a proud Ethiopian citizen. Disgraceful to say the least!
  9. Shepherd Bush was originally called Safar Bush. It was founded and first settled by sheep herders from the Hawd region. They were later expelled when the anti-Spanish pact between the Ottomans and Britain collapsed. This can be verified by Oral Rastafarian historians who study outside the market.
  10. Originally posted by Peacenow: I'm strongly attracted to a verse in Genesis in which God, referring to the Jewish people, says to Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” I am increasingly convinced that it is verifiably true. I think of Spain, for example. One of the world's mightiest powers and most developed cultures in the 15th century, in 1492 it reached its zenith when it sent Christopher Columbus on a voyage that changed history. But the same year, it also expelled all its Jews and intensified the Spanish Inquisition against the many forced Jewish converts to Catholicism (converses). Spain then descended into a 500-year status as "the sick man of Europe." Spain reached its zenith in 1492 and it then declined for 500 hundred years? Negroe, what envangelical history books have you been reading? Actually, the expulsion of the jews, and the muslims shortly afterwards, marks the rise of Spain as a world superpower for almost 200 years. The exploration of the West Indies the expulsion of the Muslims and a number of other more important factors leads to spain becoming a colonial, economic and military power, probably the first in Europe, sometime before the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Spain does begin to relatively decline from around the 17th century, but that was a very long time after the expulsion of the jews. Secondly, the sick man of europe was used in reference to the decline of Ottomans and the name was given by the Czar of Russia. Later on, it was used to refer to a number of European countries with severe economic problems. As far as I am aware, it was never exlusively used to describe Spain's alleged decline for " 500 years".
  11. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: quote:Ma diidi karo is not the same as Ma diidani. I understand how hard it is for you to say it, but you don't like Jilbaab. Umm...where did I say I dont like Jalbaab? Jalbaab MA DIIDIN. Waxaan diiday is Burka and even Burka if a woman chooses to wear it, I'm more than happy for her as long as it is not promoted as THE only choice for women who want to cover up! Not that I find that particulary unislamic, I don't like it either. Laakin, when you hide behind the mistakes of the Alshabab to run away from your religious obligations, it bothers me. You need to do the CARA way sometimes. Is cadde oo dhiiro. How did I hide behind Al-Shabaab? Can you specify? How do you know I dont fullfill my religious obligations? War balo! I don't like Jilbaab, but I don't like naagaha isqaawiya either. Dirac iyo garbasaar will do for me. Karyle, I have a suspicion that you didnt want a discussion here. You wanted to point fingers and say look: these Nationalists are ********** of gaalo if not why dont they condemn naagaha qaawan instead of naagaha Jalbaabka lagu tumayo. And if that was your intention, DO CARRY ON! I want to have a discussion. But this discussion has nothing whatsoever to do with Women being forced to wear jalabeeb. Why do you insist on making it one and incorrectly implying that I gave two binary choices? The Somalis I am referring to dislike jalabeeb when Alshabab forces it and when it is worn voluntarily. So recent Alshabab policies in far away Southern Somalia is irrelevant here. Alshabab is also a recent phenomena and we need not interject them into every single issue. I can remember Bashir Goth writing anti-hijab articles about this issue, albeit from the other perspective, way before Alshabab was even created. So, for the twentieth time: nobody is saying there is a choice semi naked women and clubbing women for not wearing jalabeeb. Secondly, this discussion is not simply about women, as the anti-Islamic folks like Bashir goth hate on various kinds of Islamic practices and attire worn by men and women alike. My Question still stands: what is the difference between the erosion of traditional Somali culture by Westernisation and the erosion of it by so called " Arabisation"?
  12. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: You did or you dont know what you wrote! You said how come the Nationalist dont condemn naagaha is qaawiya and those sin filled weddingsbut they condemn jalbaabka. . Yes, I know what I wrote and did say that. But I didn't say it was a choice between that and " clubbing Somali females in the head". That was your own assumption. OK.
  13. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: So it is either clubbing women on the head and forcing Jalbaab down their throat or celebrating women showing their tits through their wedding gowns? Who gave this choice: you or me? ( i mean, you seem like you are putting words on my typer)
  14. @Ferguson, indeed, the Somali region is close to our hearts since our families and our fellow Somalis settle there, however, our extended families, musliminta Palestine, Eritrea, Phillipines, Burma and Thailand are also part of our family and we sympathise with them as much as we sympathise with the Somalis under occupation. Let us not forget that Turks, Arabs and Oromos have all gave their life to liberate the Somali region(eg. Imam Ahmad Gurey and even in the nineties) . The allegiance of halganized Islamic people of rageedi calibre is based upon Tawheed and Iman( Pure Monotheism and the ranks of faith). It is not built upon heaps of crumbling sand such as nationalism, tribalism or materialism. I don't love a Somali simply because he is against the Ethiopian occupation or because he is a Nationalist . There are probably plenty of Somali atheists, diehard liberals and tribalists who support the cause in the SOmali region. But I am against them as much as I am against an Ethiopian Soldier maruading in the SOmali region.This is because one who despises the deen of Allah and opposes the Shariah( like the ONLF leadership and AT who is allergic to the hudood)is probably worser than the one who supports the occupation of fellow Somalis, for he has opposed the lord of the worlds, whereas the latter has probably supported occupation out of tribalism and wordly desire. Do you think people will go to Jannah simply because they opposed occupation of nations? As for Palestine, the prophet Muhammad said Palestine will liberated by the Mahdi and his army. Therefore, intan yara sugayno with pure Somali Shah, Somalia and the Somali region will be liberated from every person/organsation/regional entity o the full implementation of diinta Allah swt -hor istaga or tries to divide the halganized SOmali people of rageedi calibre into colonial fiefdoms( fufuland, bubuland, qashinland, etc.). ( btw,this included the ONLF organisation, if they don't repent and stop trangressing against the shariah.) ASWRB.
  15. ^^ ONLF doesn't kill Somalis? Of course, some ONLF supporters on this board are known to have double standards: Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: I will prefer to live with Ethiopia than Alshabab and their ilk. Originally posted by Najmudin( aka Zack): The Ethiopians should act now and take the war to Mogadishu before it is taken to Addis Ababa. It is their own interest that they help the Somali government. lolllllll. So Ethiopia should take the fight to Muqdisho against the evil wadaads, but it is evil in my clan village in the OG? Man, getta the hell outta here. The Somali region, which belongs to the nation of Islam and every single Somali tribe, will only be liberated through sincere Muslims and the banner of Islam. Qabilism, Moryaanism, Secularism will lead to a dead end. History has shown this!
  16. Polanyi

    Who is B?

    Originally posted by Dhubad.: ^ How old r u B? He's been 29 for the past 5 five years. Speaking of age, I know or used to this 30 madow guy who grows a goatee just to look older because he looks 20 and ppl keep asking him for I.D
  17. All the pseudo nationalists complain about how Somalis have become too Arabised and how the Wahabi devils are destroying the "fabric" of Somali society. But why doesn't anybody complain about "niggerised"( thanks to Marx) and skinny jeanised cato- effeminate Somalis? I see this as a clear sign of double standards. No problemo with your future wife wearing some wedding dress with her tits half-showing? Since when was wedding dress or doing criminal dances to jamaican jungle at weddings part of SOmali culture? But there is a problem with jalabeeb because it is " Arabised". The Gothites( ala Bashir) get disturbed when they see Somali schools in Somalia teaching Arabic, yet there is no issue with English.I can list many examples. But i'll stop it here.
  18. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: If ther person was not Muslim then his family was wrong to bring him to the mosque. If he was Muslim but never prayer, then there is no obligation on anyone (including the imam) to pray on him, but making an issue in front of everyone and his family who already have a lot to deal with is bad taste, he could've just stepped back and asked someone else to lead. P.s Since it is a Somali guys, search the clans, maybe it had more to do with that than religion? lol, if you watch the video interview, the imam has to clarify the issue has nothing to with clan as some people have been insinuating. I agree with you on this issue, as I usually do on most things. ps. I wonder how many closet atheists are married to Somali Muslim women? Some Somalis don't care about the deen of the bloke. Clan and his occupation probably matters more. Some, not all, I said.
  19. ENJOINING RIGHT AND FORBIDDING WRONG BY: IBN TAIMIYA Translated by: Salim Morgan LET YOUR ENJOINING OF GOOD BE ITSELF GOOD Friendliness and sympathy are the correct way in enjoining right and forbidding wrong. For this reason, it has been said: "Let your enjoining of good be good, and let not your forbidding of bad be bad." BENEFITS MUST OUTWEIGH NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES Enjoining right and forbidding wrong being one of the greatest obligations or commendable acts in Islam, it is essential that the benefit therein outweigh its negative consequences. This is the general spirit of the messages of the prophets and the revealed books, and Allah does not like chaos and corruption. All that which Allah has enjoined is beneficial, and the epitome of benefit. Allah has praised "salah" (the opposite of corruption) and the "musliheen" (reformers, or those who bring about salah). And He has praised those who believe and do good works (saalihaat), while condemning corruption (fasaad) and those who cause it in many places in the Qur'an. Thus whenever the adverse effects (mafsada) of any act of enjoining or forbidding are greater than its benefit (maslaha), it is no longer part of what Allah has enjoined upon us, even if it be a case of neglecting obligations or committing the forbidden. This is because it is upon the believer to fear Allah in relation to His slaves, and their guidance is not his responsibility. This is part of the meaning of the verse in which Allah says: [O, you who believe, your selves are your responsibility, those who go astray will not harm you when you stick to guidance.] "Sticking to guidance" is only accomplished by fulfilling and carrying out all obligations. Thus, when a Muslim does what is obligatory upon him by way of enjoining right and forbidding wrong, just as he fulfilled all other obligations, the going astray of those who go astray will not do him any harm. METHODOLOGY OF ENJOINING RIGHT AND FORBIDDING WRONG Enjoining right and forbidding wrong is done sometimes with the heart, sometimes with the tongue, and sometimes with the hand (i.e. physical force). As for practicing it with the heart, it is obligatory upon everyone in every time and situation, since its practice brings no hardship. whoever fails to do even that is not even a believer as in the full version of the previously cited hadith: "Whoever of you sees wrong being committed, let him rectify it with his hand, if he is unable, then with his tongue, and if he us unable, then with his heart, and this is the weakest of faith -- or in another version: beyond this there is not a single mustard seed's weight of faith (iman). Ibn Masood was once asked: "Who are the living dead?" to which he replied: "He who does not acknowledge the right as such, and does not reject the wrong." He is referring to the person described in the following agreed-upon hadith who consistently failed to reject wrong when tested. The Prophet said: "Tests are shown to the hearts like a straw mat, straw by straw. Whichever heart accepts them, and absorbs them, gets a black spot placed on it, and whichever heart rejects them, gets a white, clear spot on it. This goes on until the hearts are of two types: a heart which is white, smooth, and clear like a polished stone which will not be harmed by further trials or tests for as long as the heavens and the earth last, and another dark and blemished; it is like a hook turned over the wrong way on which nothing can be hung - it neither acknowledges what is right nor rejects what is wrong, except for that which happens to coincide with its lusts and inclinations with which this heart has become fully absorbed." PITFALLS OF ENJOINING RIGHT AND FORBIDDING WRONG Two groups of people fall into error in this area: One group leaves what is obligatory upon them in the area of enjoining right and forbidding wrong, clinging to an incorrect interpretation of the aya quoted previously: [O, you who believe, your selves are your responsibility, those who go astray will not harm you when you stick to guidance.] Abu Bakr once explained this error in a khutba saying: "O people, verily you read this aya, and you apply it where it does not belong, for I heard the Prophet (sas) say: Verily when the people see the wrong-doer, and do not seize his hand, Allah is about to inflict them with a general punishment." The second group desires to enjoin and forbid the people with their tongues and their hands absolutely and in all situations without sufficient knowledge of the shari'a, nor forbearance, nor patience, nor regard for that which is beneficial and that which has more harm than benefit and that which is possible and that which is not possible. This is as in the hadith narrated by Abu Tha'laba Al-Khushaniy: "... rather enjoin on one another what is right and forbid what is wrong until you see obedience to greed and following of lusts and preoccupation with this world and the absolute fascination of each one with his own opinion, and when you see a situation over which you have no power, what is upon you then is your private affairs. For verily, the Days of Patience are coming; patience in those days is like squeezing a hot coal in your hand. The reward of one who fulfills all of his obligations in those days is equal to the reward of fifty such people today." This group, then, enjoins and forbids believing that they are in obedience to Allah ta'ala when in reality they are transgressors of His boundaries. In this way, many of the deviant and misguided groups considered themselves to be enjoiners of right and forbidders of wrong such as the khawaarij, and the mu'tazilah, and the raafidha (Shi'a), and others of those who erred in understanding that which Allah gave them in terms of enjoining right and forbidding wrong, and fighting jihad, and other issues. The corruption caused by this kind of enjoining and forbidding is much greater than any good which may result. COMPASSION, PATIENCE AND FORBEARANCE ARE REQUIRED IN ENJOINING RIGHT These things must be done with compassion. The Prophet (sas) said: "Compassion does not enter into anything without beautifying it, and is not removed from anything without making it ugly." (Muslim and others) And, he (sas) said: "O, Aisha: Verily Allah is Compassionate, and He loves compassion. He gives based on compassion that which is not given based on force, and is not given based on any other cause." (Muslim and others) At the same time, the practitioner of enjoining right and forbidding wrong must be forbearing and patient in the face of adversity and persecution. Persecution must, of necessity, confront the true practitioner of enjoining right. If he is not patient, forbearing and wise in the face of this, he will cause more corruption than reform. Allah tells us of Luqman saying to his son: [And enjoin all that is right, and forbid all that is wrong, and be patient in the face of that which afflicts you, verily, that is the most upright of positions.] Qur'an 31/17. Thus, Allah ordered His prophets, and they are the imam's of enjoining right and forbidding wrong, to have patience, just as He ordered the seal of the Prophets Muhammad (sas). The order to have patience came along with the order to deliver the message of Islam. When the Prophet (sas) was first ordered to deliver the message to the people, Allah sent Sura Al-Mudaththir, which followed after the revelation of the first five verses of Sura Iqraa' which announced the beginning of the prophethood. Allah said in Al-Mudaththir: [O, you covered in a blanket * Stand up and warn * And praise the greatness of your Lord * And purify your garments * And keep yourself well away from false gods and other forms of foolishness * And do not do all of this hoping for gain or payment * And for the sake of your Lord maintain patience.] Qur`an 74/1-7. Allah began these seven ayas, with which He commissioned the Prophet (sas) to deliver the message to His creation, by ordering the Prophet to warn, and concluded them with the order to have patience. Warning people of Allah's punishment is of course enjoining them to do right and forbidding them the doing of wrong, so we see that patience is obligatory after undertaking the enjoining of right. In this vein, Allah said: [And be patient for the decree of your Lord, verily you are in our Eyes] Qur'an 52/48 [And be patient with that which they say, and remove yourself from them in a gracious manner.] Qur`an 73/10 [And so be patient, as the firmly-intentioned prophets were patient.] Qur`an 46/35. [so be patient for the decree of your Lord, and do not be as the man in the Whale (i.e. Jonah)] Qur`an 68/48 [And be patient, and your patience is none other than by the leave of Allah.] Qur'an 16/127. [And have patience since, verily Allah does neglect the reward of the good-doers.] Qur'an 11/115. Thus, three things are absolutely essential: knowledge, compassion, and patience. Knowledge is required before enjoining right and forbidding wrong, compassion is required during its practice, and patience is required after it. This separation is not to negate the fact that these three qualities need to be present at all times. This is similar to a statement narrated from the early generations of scholars and which has been attributed by some to the Prophet. Abu Ya'la mentioned it in his book entitled Al-Mu'tamad as follows: "None should enjoin right and forbid wrong except one who is knowledgeable in that which he enjoins, knowledgeable in that which he forbids, compassionate in that which he enjoins, compassionate in that which he forbids, forbearing in that which he enjoins, and forbearing in that which he forbids entire ebook: http://www.java-man.com/Pages/Books/alhisba.html
  20. If all Imams start applying this, nuff manz won't be prayed on. Imams needs to understand the current climate we live in.
  21. ^^ Getta the hell outta here with you sentimental Somali poetry nonsense. 99% of Faraxz and Xalimos aint going home. They just tell themselves that due to a nostaglia for " wadanki". But the fact of the matter is that, they will have children here and so will their children, unless some party decides to deport Somalis,lol. Besides, Jewish people dreamed about but returning to their homeland thorougout the ages, yet they also built businesses and made something of themselves in their adopted countries. When I establish the Somali Bariis Party, hopefully, I will ban Satelittes and Universal tv from all Somali homes. Instead, i will make them watch only fools and horses, programmes about how to interact with young people and eastenders. I kid. But I you get my drift.
  22. Polanyi


    thanks for the clarification. good to know we have a female somali lawyer in the hood.