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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. In you, the Creator, I raise my longing, and even if I am, O Possessor of Kindness and Generosity, an evildoer, a criminal... When my heart became hardened and my paths became narrow, I took my hope in Your pardon and forgiveness as an opening and an escape, My sins seemed very great to me but when I compared them to Your forgiveness, I found Your forgiveness to be far greater, You are and still remain the only One who can forgive sins, You grant and forgive out of Your benevolence and generosity, Perhaps the One who is the source of all goodness will forgive and overlook my mistakes, And will hide the sins and burden that I accumulated, My sins seemed very great to me, so I turned (to You) in humility, Were it not for my contentment in you, I wouldn't, O my Lord, have seen any comfort at all, So if You forgive me, You would have forgiven a sinner, A rebellious, oppressive tyrant still sinning, So my crime is very great, past and present, But Your forgiveness that embraces Your servant is greater and higher, So whomsoever holds fast to Allaah is truly saved from mankind, And whosever's hopes are in Him, will be far removed from any regrets.' Imam Shafi'
  2. This was a piece of advice from Hamad bin 'Atiq an-Najdi to Muslims in general, written around two hundred years ago. It finds itself very relevant today. "...And it should be known that intellect ('aql) is of three types: Natural intellect Faith-based intellect obtained from the Prophetic light Satanic, hypocritical 'intellect' And the possessors of this last type think they are something special, and this type of intellect is found among many people - most of them, in fact. It is the essence of ruin and the fruit of hypocrisy, as its possessors think that intellect is to please everyone and to not go against their interests and desires, as well as to gain their friendship. They say that the best thing for you is to be part of the people and don't cause them to hate you. This is the corruption and ruin of the soul, and this is due to four things: The first is that the one who does this has gained the pleasure of people by angering Allah, and the people are more important in his eyes than Allah. Whoever gains the pleasure of people by angering Allah will end up with the anger of both the people and Allah. It was narrated that Allah Said: "When I am angered, My Curse reaches the seventh generation of descendants." So, if the one who is able to enjoin the good and prevent the bad abandons doing so, he will bring about Allah's Curse that will reach the seventh generation of his progeny, and this is proven by the verse: {"The disbelievers from the Children of Isra'il were cursed by the tongue of Dawud and 'Isa bin Maryam. This is because they were rebellious and would transgress..."} [al-Ma'idah; 78] So, it is clear that this compromising person has ruined himself through what he thought would help him. Second, it is inevitable that Allah will open a door of humiliation and disgrace for the one who compromises from where he sought honor. And some of the Salaf said: "Whoever leaves off enjoining good and preventing evil out of his fear of people, the respect and obedience people had for him will be removed." So, if he orders his son or servant to do something for him, they will belittle his status. Just like he belittled the rights of Allah, Allah will belittle and humiliate him: {"...they forgot Allah. So, He forgot them..."} [at-Tawbah; 67] Third, if some sort of punishment is sent down, the one who compromises will be one of its targets, as in the verse: {"And beware of a trial that won't only afflict the wrongdoers among you..."} [al-Anfal; 25] ...And Ibn Abi ad-Dunya reported from Wahb bin Munabbih that he said: "When Dawud made a mistake, he said: "My Lord, Forgive me!" So, Allah Said: "I have Forgiven you and placed your sin on the Children of Isra'il." Dawud asked: "Why, O Lord? How can this be when You are the Just who oppresses nobody? I fall into error and You place the sin on others?" He Said: "When you did this error, they didn't criticize you for it."" And Ibn Abi ad-Dunya reported that Allah revealed to Yusha' bin Nun (Joshua): "I will destroy 40,000 of the best of your people and 60,000 of their worst." He asked: "My Lord, I can understand the worst of them being destroyed. Why destroy the best of them?" He Said: "They didn't become angry for My Anger, and they would give the worst ones food and drink." Ibn 'Abd al-Barr and others reported that Allah commanded one of the Angels to destroy a town. So, he asked: "My Lord, it has such and such a person who is a zahid who worships You constantly!" Allah Said: "Begin with him, and let me hear his voice. His face never once became red for My sake." So, the only way out when punishments descend is to be from those who enjoin the good and prevent the wrong, as Allah Said: {"So, when they forgot what they were reminded of, We saved those who would forbid what was bad..."} [al-A'raf; 165] Fourth, this compromising person who seeks the pleasure of people is worse than the adulterer, the thief, and the consumer of alcohol. Ibn al-Qayyim said: "The Religion is not just leaving off outer prohibitions. Rather, it is to fulfill what Allah Loves along with this. Most religious people today don't do this except when it comes to things that the majority of people accept and agree with them in. As for Jihad, enjoining good and preventing evil, giving advice for the sake of Allah and His Messenger to His worshipers, giving aid and victory to Allah and His Messenger and Book and Religion - these obligations don't even occur to them, let alone evoke a desire on their part to carry them out, let alone be carried them out by them! The lowest of people in the Religion and the worst of them with Allah are those who abandon these obligations, even if he practices the most zuhd from everything in this world. It is rare to find from them one whose face becomes red for the sake of Allah, and who becomes angry due to His limits being violated, and who gives all he has to help his religion. Those who fall into major sins are better with Allah than these people." So, imagine that someone fasts all day, prays all night, abstains from all worldly pleasures, and despite this never becomes angry or has his face reddened for Allah's sake and doesn't enjoin good and prevent evil - such a man is the most hated of people to Allah and the least of them in religiousness, and those who fall into major sins are better with Allah than such a person. And a trustworthy person told me that Shaykh al-Islam, the leader of the da'wah in Najd (Muhammad bin 'Abd al-Wahhab), once said: "I saw some people sitting in the mosque with their Qur'ans, reciting and weeping. However, they didn't enjoin the good if they saw it and they didn't prevent evil if they saw it. I saw people sitting near them saying: "These are the source of benefit," and I said: "These are the source of disgrace." Someone heard me and said: "I can't say they are a source of disgrace!" So, I replied to him: "They are blind and mute." And this is supported by what some of the Salaf said: "The one who is silent about the truth is a silent devil, while the one who speaks falsehood is a speaking devil." So, if the one who compromises by remaining silent comes to know that he is from the most hated of people to Allah even if he thinks he is good, he would speak openly. And if the one who seeks the approval and pleasure of people came to know that by not speaking out against their evil that those who fall into major sins are better with Allah than him - even if he assumes himself to be religious - he would repent from his compromise and would retreat from it. And if the one who is stingy with his tongue from openly proclaiming the command of Allah came to know that he is a silent devil even if he fasts, prays, and is a zahid, he would do all that he could to avoid being similar to Satan. O Allah, I seek refuge with You from every action that angers the Merciful, and from every trait that makes us resemble Satan or compromise on our religion with the people of doubts, hypocrisy, and kufr. And may peace and blessings be on Muhammad, his Household, and Companions." ['ad-Durar as-Saniyyah'; 8/75-79] http://www.kalamullah.com/ilm32.html
  3. Yes,ancient Somaloids traded with Persians, Romans and many other civilizations. So I have no doubt that Ancient Egyptians traded with ancient Somaloids. As for the Land of punt, I think this research is looking conclusive. ASWRB.
  4. Puntland better change the name. ps. Ancient SOmalis known as Berbers.
  5. And may they reach Hargeysa, Zeila, Bosaso and Lascanod.
  6. On behalf of the male species, I second the above comments.
  7. too biased, eh? he will probably fiddle with the numbers for clan population. Puntland 3 million inhabitants....and the rest.....59 000 each..........
  8. Originally posted by Tuujiye: Showqi, how come the somali players are over 17? one of my long time teamates ayaa ku jira kooxdaas and he is my age... he shuldn't playing against 17 year olds.. he is the player beside the coach standing...and i'm sure he is not the oldest in that team.. Wareer Badanaa!!!
  9. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Someone is obsessed with clans here ,,,,,,, always cowke will become an anthropologist.
  10. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: quote:Originally posted by B: I have seen how you look, I reckon I can definitely take you out and give you a nose bleed. You might have a bravado but to be honest that's not really impressing anyone. You couldn't take me out if I was asleep. Where do you live? Beef one Somali in London, and hundreds start coming out of the alleyways, cafes and even trees. That's how we roll. ps. I know you work for XIS( Xalimo Intelligence Services).
  12. ASWRB. Certainly this gathering turned into a mockery and justice was lost when a man who sold fellow Somali Muslims to Abysnia, and then went on to publicly deny their Somaliness, was invited to speak, as if he was the emirul mumnineen. Nonetheless, these ulema have their right to itijihad and opinion. All Halganized Somalis of murabitun dna origins should strive to disagree with them in the most civil and politest manner. Indeed, this is the way of the muwahideen. It should also be noted that these Ulema are not equivalent to the Words of Allah swt, nor the words of the Prophet (saw), nor the words of the early generations, nor the Ijmac of the Muslims. Their words are binding upon us, if they agree with xaq; otherwise, we say, " thank you, but no thank you". One should also be careful about only taking and pasting Fatawa which conveniently suit his political opinions, whilst completely making himself oblivious to the other side of the argument. In a nutshell, these are not the only Ulema that exist in the world and there are some who will disagree with them. Furthermore, some issues are as clear as daylight and we don't need ulema to tell us how to walk. Peace and Victory to the halganized SOmalis of murabitun dna origins. Peace be upon the descendants of the Somali Berbers. Salaam.
  13. Originally posted by Archdemos: Come on, own up and share some of your tender songs with us dear Karl. ASWRB. Musical instruments and modern day mainstream music have a profoundly disturbing influence on the souls of Islamic, Halganized and Melananised sub-altern human species. One should strive to satisfy his soul with Quran, Poetry, Spoken word, Clean Acapello hip hop, Struggle Nasheeds, meditation, reading books and psychical excercise. This will contribute to treating mental ilnesses and paving the way for a future Eco-Islamic- Cushitic Social society. Peace and victory to the Halganized Moorish Murabitun Somalis.
  15. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/open-letter-to-ekmeleddin-ihsanoglu-chairman-of-oic-on-somalia.html
  16. http://www.bnvillage.co.uk/village-square/105037-bnp-british-nigerian-party.html
  17. Originally posted by Allamagan: another munkar spreading I wonder when you will delete this thread again? ECO ISLAMIC- CUSHITIC RENAISSANCE
  18. “Then let man consider his nourishment: that We pour down the rain in showers, and We split the earth in fragments, and therein make the grain to grow, and vines and herbs, and olives and palms, and gardens of dense foliage, and fruits and fodder - provision for you and your cattle.” (Quran 80:24-32) “Have you seen the fire you kindle? Was it you who grew its timber or did We grow it? We have made it a reminder, and a comfort for the desert dwellers.” (Quran 56:71-73) “And when he turns away, he hastens through the land to cause corruption therein and to destroy the crops and cattle: And God loves not corruption.” (Quran 2:205) ECO ISLAMIC- CUSHITIC RENAISSENCE This is my last post for some time- ASWRB-Have fun and enjoy the sun!
  19. Somali Bariis Party Some new intiatives and policies with regards to foreign policy for the Cushitic people of the horn: 1. Return the ancient and celebrated trade of FRANKINCENSE AND MYRRH to the Cushitic coast of East Africa. Create new perfumes and Islamic air freshners using ancient FRANKINCENSE AND MYRRH products. 2. proliferate the trade of fish, tuna and lobsters throughout the ancient coast of Somalia. Create a dual economy consisting of Fishermen and Camel Herders. Following the Ibn Khaldunian ladder of civilisation,Reduce the over reliance on animal husbandry. 3. Establish the return of early cushitic martial arts such as sabaxad and lagdin, which was borrowed by Chinesea and Indiains- who later conveniently called it Judo. 4. Create a 3000 meditational army of xalimo ecosocialists. They should aim to educate all Somalis about tHE dangers of environmental disasters, the eco social relations of prehistoric cushitic culture and the risk of genocidal warfare against Islamised, Melaninised and Halganized ppl. 5. Organise the Somalis in the diaspora to form a freedom fighting force of halal pirates. This will only be active in the summer holidys. 6. Sign a 50 year peace treaty with the Cushitic nation of Ethiopia, consisting of proposals for the full autonomy of occupied regions( but they will be neutral and not join cushitic SOmalia), facilatating cushitic trade and so forth. 7. Sign a 70 year treaty between Somali Islamists and the USA. This historic treaty, signed under the Islamic banner of " Masdactum min Quwah", will facilitate the creation of An Islamic, Scientific and military superpower in the Horn of Africa. It will also give enough time for the return of refugees, return of proper education and so forth. 8. Educate all Somalis about the dangers of contraception, Shaytanic UN agencies( especially in Hargeysa)operating in cushitic territory and the myth of overpopulation( more babies=more prosperity) 9. Make Zeilac the capital city of the new Cushitic Kindgdom. Reciprocity is enormously facilitated by the institutional pattern of symmetry, a frequent feature of social organization among nonliterate peoples. The striking “duality” which we find in tribal subdivisions lends itself to the pairing out of individual relations and thereby assists the give-and-take of goods and services in the absence of permant records. The moieties of savage society which tend to create a “pendant”, to each subdivision, turned out to result from, as well as help to perform, the acts of reciprocity on which the system rests. Little is known of the origin of "duality"; but each coastal village on the Trobriand Islands appears to have its counterpart in an inland village, so that the important exchange of breadfruits and fish, though disguised as a reciprocal distribution of gifts, and actually disjoint in time, can be organized smoothly. In the Kula trade, too, each individual has his partner on another isle, thus personalizing to a remarkable extent the relationship of reciprocity. But for the frequency of the symmetrical pattern in the subdivisions of the tribe, in the location of settlements, as well as in intertribal relations, a broad reciprocity relying on the longrun working of separated acts of give-and-take would be impracticable. We cannot continue today on these lines. The habit of looking at the last ten thousand years as well as at the array of early societies as a mere prelude to the true history of our civilization which started approximately with the publication of the Wealth of Nations in 1776, is, to say the least, out of date. It is this episode which has come to a close in our days, and in trying to gauge the alternatives of the future, we should subdue our natural proneness to follow the proclivities of our fathers. But the same bias which made Adam Smith's generation view primeval man as bent on barter and truck induced their successors to disavow all interest in early man, as he was now known not to have indulged in those laudable passions. The tradition of the classical economists who attempted to base the law of the market on the alleged propensities of man in the state of nature, was replaced by an abandonment of all interest in the cultures of "ucivilized” man as irrelevant to an understanding of the problems of our age. (45)(48, 49) Karl Polyani from The Great Transformation, Rinehart & Company, Inc, 1944
  20. SHIRKBUSTERS If there's shirk and bidca in your neighborhood Who ya gonna call? SHIRKBUSTERS If there's something unislamic and it don't look good Who ya gonna call? SHIRKBUSTERS