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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Count to five in af cushitic: ein, kow, zwei, labo, thalatha, arabaca. Wiggle your body. Take a breathe and move to the right. Say a takbir.Today, we learn some cushitic and halganized secrets in the art of being streetwise and defending oneself in this krazy world. The first rule is meditation. Here there is a big secret: when i say meditation- I don't mean the false eurocentric meditation, which is merely a distortion of true cushitic art. Meditation means to be at ease with the body, knowing thy circulatory melaninised and black inspired potential. In other words, no one can mess with you, kaz u is a big top raass farax n a xalimo. lesson numero 1 over. Joking, we are just starting. Firstly, one must learn the ancient cushitic and pure arts of lagdin and sabaxad. The latter, in particular, is a good form of flooring an opponent. One minute yall are standing, and the next: qac, qac, qac, dig, dig, like a dman tsunami, you just owned your opponent. hayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Damn, this Africans are sick, alie? Duuuuuuuuuuh, you don't say, stupiid, Cushitic Somalis invented most of the martial arts which are known in the world today. We just need to reclaim our history. to be continued. catch up with the next part on Iplayer.
  2. So how will they travel around the world? What a load of bullocks, lol.
  3. wewe menene. bigasankogu mande abatulu, habariyako.
  4. To be or Not to be a Gaal:that is the question"
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^They denied this story.. No, they just denied the order came from their top brass. But they admitted their footsoldiers soldiers carried it out.
  6. everyone started eating pies.
  7. Walaal, wa iska caadi, blad. I speak to myself using a long distance calling card to SOmalia. Sometimes the reception is bad, so I have to shout.
  8. Cara, Khat was first used as a mechanism by poor Somali men during the tryannical xalimocracy of Queen Carawello.I Blame women for the khat problem.
  9. Originally posted by Maaddeey: You beleive Shabaab give child soldiers drugs that make them "pick up a tank and throw it aside like a telephone."! You also beleive they roundup schools and force the students into waiting buses!, they ban Khat and use drugs at the same time!, ALAA QAATALALLAAHUL JAHL! Many of them probably do. I mean, that is the level of intelligence and rationale we are dealing with around here, no offense, but it had to be said.
  10. London will come to a standstill if Somali Bus drivers go on strike for 4 hours.
  11. Originally posted by Haatu: quote:Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: quote: Originally posted by Haatu: KP: Ruqyah mate, ruqyah ASWRB. Peace and victory to all the halganized Somalis, the people of Ahmad Ibn Ibrahim Al Ghazzali. Akhi, this isn't a laughing matter. I never said it was my cushtic brother Naga tag, wa bila CUSHITIC brother. Somalidu wa Qahtani Carabs. I am gonna watch MOTD2.
  12. Maddey wa runta. I don't believe those ulema are murjiah, since some of them signed the fatawa against Abdullahi Yusuf and his use of Ethiopian troops in 2006. To me, it seems, some of them are driven by an extreme xizbiyah towards shababs, xubu dunya and a desire to preserve the "dawah" against 30 yeards olds, whom they see as disrespectful and arrogant. I think the best way for shab and xi to debate with them is to write letters and hold public lectures. This is what Muhammad Abulwahab and the likes of him did with their opponents who called the same names(ie.takfiri, khawariji, killer of civilians and so forth). Insulting them and calling them names, is a win-win situation for them. good night.
  13. Will the real paki-standup.
  14. Originally posted by Haatu: KP: Ruqyah mate, ruqyah ASWRB. Peace and victory to all the halganized Somalis, the people of Ahmad Ibn Ibrahim Al Ghazzali. Akhi, this isn't a laughing matter.
  15. I'll read the article another time. But, why in Muslim matters?
  16. What did the holy and unconquerable Puntland do in 2006 when the ICU approached? Yep, you guessed it right:call in hundreds and thousands of xabashi troops. Then the leader declared shariah law,lolllllllll. I am sure they will do the same if Alshabab approaches. Only this time- Xiin and some "theologically legit" scholars will make direct quotes from the Quran- supporting Emirul Mumineen wa fi Puntland,Faroles request for help.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
  17. The Cabinet of the Somali Bariis Party.( Some Minister couldn't attend.) Minister for culture and fashion Minister for environment
  18. AUN to all of the shuhada.