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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Muridi, wale wanu ku jihadi, sir bladnes, if you don't stop posting and disguising videos of bob marley and semi nude women as islamic urls. The Islamic government of the moorishland and the Somali Bariis party full reserves the right to attack your pm- using hundreds of reserve scripts. Be warned. We will FIGHT you till there is no more fitna.
  2. The environmental equlibrium of the Somali Cushitic Berbers of moorish descent has been demolished by the eco warfare of ignorant farax lackeys and worldwide freemasons. Somaliland, being the original place of all SOmali Berbers( Berbera/Maloa),is in a good position to implement environmental incentives which will hopefully contribute to restoring the equilibrium of the cushitic race. Somaliland should alo produce more babieS for qital. ASWRB.
  3. This was a funny election, Sir, blad. It will be interesting to see if the Conservatives can Mix their Bariis with the pasta of the Lib dems to create a federation. They might disagree on the chilli though. As for the Somali councillors, then the Somali Bariis Party congratulates them. peace and victory to all the halganized Somalis of moorish and berber descent.
  4. is there anything worser than lining up at the bank on a saturday morning?
  5. The stories and the deeds of the martyrs always do. Rahimuhullah, ya lion of justice.
  6. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Arrinkaa AS waan ku raacsanahay ,,,,,,, Allahuakbar. The khayr and Nasr is coming.
  7. Polanyi

    UN HIV Map

    ^^ It's the warning to stay away from zina as it it as a great evil....path. NGOS will probably see this as an oudated way of combating hiv................. ps. there is no way somalia can have more hiv than india.
  8. Have you guys BEEN wathCHING another crouch :confused: He's probably the most technicalLY english striker after rooney( obviously, not all his level though). ZaMORa will only go if there is a serious injury or Capello decides to take five strikers. there's no way Zamora will be chosen ahead of ROON, CROU, HESK AND DEFO.....Heskey and rooney will be the partner of choice.to start.as it proved the most effective in the qualifiers........
  9. *not taking world cup seriously till i buy some cheap shirts from sports direct.
  10. ^^. why don't you delete some of your pms? ( check your hotmail) ps. lib dems=khasaro.com.......if they couldn't do well in this election, they never will.........
  11. Your analysis of British politics is as dodgy as your footie analysis. Siyasada baro, man.
  12. ^^LOL. Labour does better than the Scottish National Party in Scotland even when Labour has english leaders. Basically, Labour always takes certain areas because poor folks will rather die than voting for a conservative government, lol. In nutshell, most British people don't vote according to the nationality of the leader. ps. Tony Blair belongs to the Scottish clan "the Blairs". He was actually born in Edinburgh. Technically, he is scottish, lol. ps. Liberal Dems- wth happen to all the excitement, lollllllll. qashin.
  13. As a peacemaker of this forum,I propose the following conflict resolutions: 1. No Gaal should communicate with Muslim females through the pm 2.No Gaal should start a thread about Islam 3.No Gaal shall be allowed to have ratings 4.All Gaals should have their pms monitored 5. Every tribe should ostracise their gaals 6. No Gaal Should from here on in should address Tujjiyye in an argumentative manner 7. No Gaal shall be allowed to use the troll section 8. All Gaals should behave themselves on this pious forum full of pious Muslims ps.
  14. Cawale, are you sufi?
  15. Originally posted by Khayr: She looks like a good person and one that has been alot of help to many somalis. Maaddeey, Saxib build bridges with us and don't destroy them. There is so much negative publicity on the net about the xarakatul muslimeen in the south. True. And Cawale is one of the propaganda masters. If some newpaper reports that Alshabab banned farting, then, for sure, Cawale will post a new topic and lament the evils of this action. It is the end of the world for Cawale. But if AMISOM kills 50 PPL tomorrow, zilch, nothing, no comment, no calacal from Cawale. ps. they should release her ap.
  16. If it wasn't for a Somali Businessman knocking out Bin Laden's grandfather and sending him back across the Red Sea, then Bin Laden would have probably been a Miskeen Arab in Somalia.
  17. sayid, i know you are probably out activating for lib dems, but your pm is full and your email keeps bouncing back.
  18. he can start another thread about that. politics should seperated from the general section. ps. i am suspicious of nuune. far too much travelling= either a spy or a man with hidden spouses.
  19. The North pole was originally settled by Cushitic East Africans. But their history has been hidden by the western governments.
  20. That guy sure got some serios reflexes. At about 11 seconds, he almost kicked the asian dude in the face. Anyway, this is no different to Prescott punching the guy that threw the egg at him. Spitting at someones face is more provactice and the timajilic had it coming to him.
  21. Caajib! So, Xiin is equating the well known takfir wal hijra group, who don't even pray with any Muslims nor eat from their table, who marry other Muslims wives and who seclude themselves from Muslim society, to Alshabab and Xisb Islam?
  22. Originally posted by Haatu: KP: The old man is tired and is resting. But why don't you enlighten us? The most equivalent word in Shariah terminology is " khawarij" or " khariji". My brother, don't you understand the severity of calling someone a keligis Muslim>? It means that this person has excluded all other Muslims from the milatu Ibhraim and hence they and only their associates are Muslims. By Allah, we seek refuge from this. In any case, I challenge you, Xiin, or anyone else for that matter, to open up a thread in the Islamic section and prove these feeble allegations( that I am keligis Muslim or a have taken khariji positions with regards to the situation in Somalia). We can even select some neutral folks like Ngonge to mediate.
  23. *we got a redneck in the house. but he claims he hails from ceerigabo. lol.
  24. Spinfanin, what's keligis Muslim in Arabic?