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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article6677414.ece
  2. Sarcasm noted. But why can't we judge this women? Who said we can't judge ppl so long as they are not killing for their views? Furthermore, who said only Allah can judge people who promote Modelling(really a private profession, isn't it?)
  3. Why don't people say only god judge to marka Alshabab and Xisbul Islam.....( when the whole forum rips as if they were satan himself).............?
  4. The guy was in the process of showing a video depicting two men having sexual relations, one of whom the artist was trying to portray as the the Prophet Muhammad, saw. That some Muslims become upset and try to attack him, is not a surprise.
  5. I highly doubt they will ban Khat. But it will be interesting to see what policies they bring forward.
  6. arsenal shirt as well. rageedi, bruv.
  7. btw, i was joking. I just wanted to see the response. It seems people are cool headed and . Qabildiid, what can I say.lol
  8. Marx was a good man. But he was set up, bullied and wrongly treated by the SOL grand cliques. RIP SXB. ( Date Joined- May 2010) Hope to see you in other account.
  9. It's not surprising Zamora wasn't picked as Crouch, Heskey,Defoe and Rooney have established themselves in the qualifiers. Heskey will probably start with Rooney purely because of the way he played with rooney in the qualifiers. What suprises me is the inclusion of Bent though. I've watched him play for england several times and he didn't do nothing. He also plays in a similar fashion to defoe and defoe is clearly the better of the two, so why not pick Zamora ahead of Bent and maybe give him sixty minutes in the two upcoming games? There would be nothing to lose. edit; tujjiye, Parker is cover for barry.
  10. Carragher? I thought he retired ages ago? And huddlestone is bakhti. good 2 see Adam Johnson though.
  11. Ibitsam, I'll try to donate something from my Job Seekers savings. ps. you haven't given any details of this charity.
  12. The Somali Flag is offensive to Somalilanders, Islamists and Djiboutians. I think it should be changed. I have a Somali flag in my house, which was given to me at an event, but I would never bring it out- unless there was a volcanoe in the country which exports toilet paper material. real talk!
  13. ^^ horta, who was deleted before he/she lost their memory?
  14. May Somaliland have a hundreds year war an may the cities be ruined to oblivion. Does the NGO manual say Amen or AMEEN?
  15. lol@ivory coast. they will get stuffed by both brazil and portugal and they will be lucky to beat Korea. There is something wrong with Afrikanka at word cups........i think it's the drogba mentality we saw on the penalty issue with lampard( lack of team cohesion and a desire for everyone to be a hero).........
  16. lol. Yeah man, I hate Somaliland progress or any good news . Whenever I wake up I pray, " O Allah keep Somaliland in darkness". On my bedroom I have a poster which says, " May Somaliland forever have dirty water". Your level of paranoia would be funny, if it wasn't for the fact that you are a grown man. Bacda Iska fur,negroe.
  17. I can't attend, but i'll ring Sahra or Sucad for some words of encouragement.
  18. lol. walahi that is true. you shouldn't seen the cafes place and outside the mosque on jumcah-last week. It was like Somalis were gonna decide the outcome of the elections.lol.
  19. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: ^ ^ does that hurt ?? does what hurt?
  20. ^^ But it wouldn't feel right would it?
  21. hat, The Anglican Church is extremely divided. But those in African are against abortion and homosexuality. So they are not flexible on such issues.
  22. The existence of peace doesn't mean that religious or racial sentiments don't exist. They often just bubble under the surface and manifest themselves in times of crisis. The non Muslim civilians joining the police in beating up Muslim protestors in Kenya is a recent example. ( hat, African Anglican churches are less "liberal" than European churches).
  23. Any councillors North Central hawd? Just kidding. It's funny how Somalis tribalise everything( not referring to you guys).