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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. The government of Bladland and Moorishland is boycotting all discussions and contact seccessionist males of sol.
  2. Robben and Rooney have birth certificates and they were born/went to school from nursery in Europe. You think they are afirkaan, lol. Baldness can start as early twenties. Also,Somalis can't lecture about fake ages. walahi, i used to see some grown assss men in cross country running during high school, lol, he, he.
  3. Cowke, the department of Somali history and clantology at the Snet university needs your valuable research.
  4. Dhuba, he looks young in that picture, I think it's his face structure and head which makes him look older than he is. Look at this 18 year old bastkeballer:
  5. Originally posted by me: quote:Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: I agree with Safa and Ibtisam, Considering the fact that you wrote Safa before Ibtisam, even though I is before the S in the alphabet, can we say that you agree with Safa more than you agree with Ibtisam?
  6. ^^ Remember Babayaros comments about Femi Martins real age.
  7. I agree with Safa and Ibtisam,
  8. Akhi, you could interview me about the virtues of increasing polygamous marriages. The other debates about khat and somali youths aree just too boring and ever does anything about it. lol ps. nomad radio?
  9. Polygamy is widely blamed for social ills ranging from school absenteeism to street violence.
  10. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: It makes me to list waxee wada mamnuuceen. Aad ayuuba u dheeryahee. It makes me to bring out my tusbax tomorrow in support of tusbax users in Xamar. I have a few. why didn't bring your tusbax out before? ps. this is wrong..........
  11. @Ngonge, Lol@ cryptic. Sheikh, I support the SL sheikh in Kismayo, btw. I am not down with clan jabhads. But that is where it is heading. I hear people are already raising money in the diaspora for the SSC militia and that ordinary nomads back home are joining the militia out of clan sentiment. I hope you get my drift. Good day. Come on, England.
  12. Ngonge, one incident was caused by the Ethios taking some khat trucks....The other was caused by SL tryin to forcefully get people to take part in the so called elections....That's about it in a nutshell....But the second issue will have long term consquences..............
  13. I didn't put words in your mouth. You put a picture of one armed to women so as to justify or at least make excuses for this massacre. This follows your support of the Ethiopian massacre in Buhoodle....( excusing is also a form of support).......Yes, we all know some SSC militia armed women, but the question is this: how do you know these people were armed? Did you speak to their relatives? Did you listen to any interviews of eyewitnesses? No, You are just adamant that they were armed and SL militia couldn't commit such an act- because you follow SOmaliland like a cult and you have to support or excuse everything SL does. This is the truth and I'm not putting words in your mouth. ps. these regions have had peace for almost twenty years.
  14. Sacad, so, if one woman was armed, this means all other women and even children are armed>? You are making a mockery of yourself.
  15. Sacad Ducale, as a worshiper of your clan and everything Somaliland, you will find a justification for the killing of these unarmed people, even if it is proven they were unarmed. Secondly, how do you know these people were armed? Don't tell me because you saw some pictures armed women on the net.
  16. Originally posted by Malika: ^Amiin! Suldaan,irony aa?? Of course,adigo oo kale you will probably have carried an Ethiopian flag,sing their national anthem whilst they were invading your lands.. Malika, these unarmed ppl were killed by the Somaliland militia, who are apparently fighting to teach Somali Nomads how to use election boxes. It's a different incident to the Ethiopians in Buhoodle. AUN to all of them. Suldaanka, so unarmed civilians can be killed because someone wrote an article on the internet?Do you see how idiotic you sound?
  17. I believe the killing of the doctors and the students was haram and a tragic incident. Besides, that topic was discussed at that time and I don't think there is any Somali who agrees with that act. So I fail to see why you mention it.
  18. ^^ So this act is Haram or Halal? Can any of you answer this question without resorting to ambigous technicalities?
  19. Polanyi


    lol, good one.....
  20. Ailamos, a munafiq never admits he is wrong. You will argue for thirty twenty pages and come with all kinds of hallucinations even though you know Islam prohibits muslim women to marry non to marry non muslim men and that Muslim men are allowed to marry ahlul kitab. As I have said several times: even Sherban knows the ruling. Does Sherban know the Quran better than Ailamos and GDwonder or are someone being deceptive here?
  21. Sxb, I am as calm as the pirates in the Indian ocean. I am cat and a miskeen. But when it comes to the deen and Munafiqnimo, sxb, am I lion and I am ready to munch you. Roar! Roar! Roar! On a serious note, you made your opinion on this matter clear in the quote Ngonge made from your post. So there is no need for Munafiqnimo and playing around with the Quran.
  22. Yo, cut the nonsense sxb. Qurank wad taqana and . You fully know the ruling, but you are a gaal and your opinion is more important to you. I know this. You know this. And so do most intelligent folks on here. So why the Munafiqnimo and twising the Quran to suit your opinions? Why can't you discuss Islamic issues with a straight face?
  23. ...JB..the question remains unanswered............
  24. Why are you acting like a na*cas? I can swear you know that Muslim men are allowed to marry practising Jewish and Christian women. The prohibition for both genders refers to almushrikaat women( as the ayah you posted above says). I am not going to bother explaining this to you, as you are a xarif who likes to play dumb and deceptive games. Warya, it's up to you if you marry your daugther to Ayan hersi's Son( if she has one before 70, lol). All we are saying is just don't say the Quran, (which you don't evenn believe in), tol me so. Dadka Musliminta ha khaldina.