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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Malika, you should organise your own reception back home. you're a teacher dee.
  2. lollllllll. whats turkey gonna do? Stop selling kebabs to israel?
  3. lol, we did this in international relations seminar.
  4. low the censorship guys. nothing wrong the brothers question.
  5. Bob, naga Amus,,,,,,,,,, Man, Bent is Qashin, as Tujiye would say. Yes, he is good in the prem and scores plenty of goals, but so have plenty of other strikers who failed to deliver on the international stage( fowler, andy cole and so on).England best perfomances have come when Heskey has been playing. And if you watched any of the qualifiers, you would have seen his link up play with Rooney and the ,,,.....Besides, Crouch will probably start up front....I am suprised by Walcott as everyone else though.He is totally crap in most games.however, he does bring something different in the last twenty minutes..and he would have been a better choice than wright phillips...the only problem for walcott is that he doesn't look confident .......it is as if he is a scared child...Joe cole is rageedi, blad .........
  6. btw, i meant whose and not who's............
  7. There are many sisters who's grammar, punctuation and full stops are totally xaax. So it's hard to decide.I don't like girls with too much syntax though.
  8. Koolkat,well, in that case, i think we should all learn the rules of the "diinta".
  9. Koolkat, walaal, the Islamic Scholar Ibn aL Qayyim Al Jawaziyah said the one who is silent when he sees: " the prohibitions of Allah being committed, His prescribed punishments being laid to waste and abandon, His Din left, and the Sunnah of RasulAllah (saw) being thrown away while he is of cold heart with a silent tongue" is a: a dumb-mute Shaytan just as the one who speaks falsehood is a speaking Shaytan. So, how else can we describe the one who openly admits his hatred for the attire of muslim women( ie. Niqab), and who now exceeds all limits by posting degrading pictures which were made to insult the prophet Muhammad(SAW), which even many non Muslims have refrained from posting? How else can we describe the one who says that these pictures should be enjoyed?The forum clearly states that the mocking the deen is against the rules. Therefore, it is clear who is breaking the rules.
  10. koolkat, check the shaytans last post on the first page of this thread.
  11. GD Wonder, walahi, tonight you crossed the limit. I hope the admin will delete these pictures and ban this individual. ps. this whole thread is unreadable
  12. ps. buhoodle is not south Somalia and Alshababs ties to zionism are unproven.
  13. Warkii 29-May-2010 iyo Qormadii: Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis The Istanbul Conference on Somalia (21 to 23 May) proved to be another ludicrous, yet expensive theatrical act that the insensitive international community of misrepresented and non-represented nations (UN) staged as an expression of revenge and rancor in front of the eyes of the shocked Somalis. No one in Somalia can possibly accept how far from the down-to-earth daily reality in the Horn of Africa country, how distant from the average Somali´s wishes, and how unaware of the Somali Civil War´s root causes the government of Turkey and the international community are and have always been. And why should they be closer? The pseudo-Islamist government of Turkey, represented by the disreputable, criminal Freemasons Gul, Erdogan and Davetoglu, have done nothing but destroying the military power of Turkey, eliminating the civil society, and pulling the entire country to darkness and slavery to the colonial capitals London, Paris and Washington. The process of Turkey´s colonization has advanced greatly. Part of the process includes the fake increase of Turkey´s influence in the Middle East, which in reality signifies total abolition of Turkey´s nature and identity, thus making the existence of Kemal Ataturk´s country questionable. It is not Turkey´s influence in the Middle East that is on the rise; it is Turkey´s docility and servility to the criminal, terrorist Freemasonic regimes of London, Paris and Washington that is being rewarded. To highlight pseudo-Islamic Turkey´s servility to the worst enemies of Islam, and to the hidden foes of the Muslim nations of Eastern Africa, the dictatorial and unrepresentative government of Erdogan hosted the UN Conference on Somalia in Istanbul. It was nonsensical, cliché, inane. Almost two years after the Djibouti Agreement, the UN-supported TFG gang and the France-supported Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed are limited in an area of some km2 at Mogadishu. This is the complete proof of the UN-supported process´s failure. Not a single Somali supports TFG or anything that cannot possibly be described as deserving and acceptable for Somalia; and despite this reality, the shameful Freemasonic UN gathering declared war on the Somali nation in an effort to impose on them what no Somali alive will ever accept. Almost two years after the Djibouti Agreement, the US-supported Hargeisa gang of the pseudo-state Somaliland still plunges the Somali North into chaos, fratricide conflict and tyranny. The Istanbul Conference failed to disapprove of the undemocratic and tyrannical practices that the impermissible and outcast pseudo-state carries out there. So useless a gathering it proved to be. Almost two years after the Djibouti Agreement, the UK-supported Garowe gang of the pseudo-state Puntland still plunges the Somali East into corruption, dictatorship and environmental collapse. To offer an extra income to the colonial, freemasonic regime of London, the Puntland kleptocrats set up, with English support in terms of logistics and information, the epiphenomenon of Somali piracy that created another tool of interference and manipulation of developments in Somalia for the English colonials. Although the Istanbul Declaration mentioned the Somali piracy as a problem, referring to Puntland only once, no further importance was given to the critical issue of the grave and repetitive violations of the International Law by the unlawful authorities of Garowe (extensive and repeated practice of refoulement in the case of numerous Oromos and ******is). Almost two years after the Djibouti Agreement, the CIA-supported Shabaab gang, infiltrated by numerous well trained CIA agents who are comfortably masqueraded as Islamists, represent the premier threat for the Southern and Central Somalis, due to the fact that the Shabaab rise in force can be easily used by NATO and the US as pretext for a repetition of the Afghanistan fake "war on Islamic terrorism". The Shabaab actually control in Somalia an area larger than the entire state of Tunisia, but the Istanbul Declaration does not contain a single mention of them! This shows the extent of hypocrisy and machination that runs the pseudo-Turkish, pseudo-Islamic government of Turkey, shedding some light into the deeper thoughts and true intentions of the charlatan Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey´s Foreign Minister who is a committed Freemason and Zionist. Almost two years after the Djibouti Agreement, the disreputable IGAD member states, i.e. East Africa´s most loathed scheme, still keep in parts of Somalia their villainous, hateful, anti-Somali and anti-Islamic AMISOM soldiers who butcher Somalis and desecrate mosques only to be venerated by Turkey´s Freemasonic puppets Gul, Erdogan and Davutoglu, whose efforts of docility and mimicry are deployed to please their English, French and American masters, who passionately wanted to destroy the impenetrable state of Kemal Ataturk, Islam´s only real power. This is the sort of Islam that the villainous, ignorant, hypocritical and infidel leaders of Istanbul want: the AMISOM-desecrated mosques of Somalia, the AMISOM-devastated villages and towns of Somalia, the AMISOM-supported local war lords of Somalia, and in brief, the AMISOM-propagated chaos in Somalia. The Istanbul Conference on Somalia was a bullet in the heart of every Somali and every Muslim. Quite paradoxically, the shameful Istanbul Declaration did not contain a word about another part of Somalia that has been long targeted and, according to the leading international NGO Human Rights Watch, was provenly the terrain of genocidal practices in 2008: ******. Somalia´s western provinces, which are still illegally occupied by the terrorist state of Abyssinia (fallaciously re-baptized Ethiopia), have been exposed to deliberate environmental catastrophe, whereas the indigenous Ogadneis have been plagued with governmentally imposed starvation, abject poverty, resource expropriation, extra-judicial killings, severe torture, and every type of inhuman oppression. However, the scornful little clown of Davutoglu has nothing to say about ******. Finally, at the Istanbul theatrical act, the great absent was the terrorist state of Fake Ethiopia, the serial practitioner of genocides against 15 occupied nations and dozens of ethno-religious groups. The racist, tyrannical, and terrorist state of the Amhara and Tigray Tewahedo (Monophysitic) Abyssinians is the main local and regional cause of Somalia´s troubles; it may be utilized by the colonial capitals, London, Paris and Washington for their anti-African plans, but the inhuman perversion and the ethnic-based odium that rules the evil minds of the criminal Amhara and Tigray elites is Africa´s problem no 1 and the cause of all genocides, massacres, crimes and calamities that have befallen on Somalia and on the subjugated nations of Abyssinia. The lack of reference to Ethiopia was effectively contrasted by Ethiopia´s invasion of Buuhoodle, a South Somali border city at Toghdeer. What was an act of enmity and atrocity, carried out by one of the IGAD tyrannies, became an insignificant matter for the charlatans of the Istanbul Conference who tried to foul the world Muslims and the international community that today´s pseudo-Turkish, pseudo-Islamic government of Ankara can possibly deliver "peace" in the Middle East and Northeast Africa. The Tigray thugs of Cannibal Zenawi massacred Muslims on the same day the "Conference" took place, still Turkey and the UN cannot condemn. You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? In reality, what Erdogan´s Turkey can deliver to the world is the Paris- & London- masterminded pestilence, the project that destroyed the Ottoman Empire, Qajar Iran, and Mogul India, helped colonize Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, and ultimately plunged all these lands into indescribable and ceaseless wars. That´s why all the Somalis and all the subjugated and tyrannized nations of East Africa cursed Erdogan and his gang to Hell for eternity, and identified the Istanbul Conference as the source of malignant rancor, villainous beautification of Somalia´s and East Africa´s wounds, and cause of forthcoming calamities. I herewith republish the Overview from the Istanbul Conference on Somalia exquisite website, a vain project that deprived many Somalis from a small portion of much needed food for survival. In a separate article, I will republish the Declaration text integrally. Please, note the elitist, anti-Somali sub-title: "Participation is by invitation only". And promise to make them pay dearly for this shame!. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
  14. My forest brings all the tourists to the clan, And their like It's better than yours, Damn right it's better than yours,Somalia.
  15. Good post, Kashafa. You summed up the wretched cow, aka Raamsade in a few words. This individual actually supports the murder, rape and illegal colonisation of the Palestinians, and more suprisingly, the SOmali people in the Ocaden. Raamsade aka Xaarsade believes that the Ocaden region is part and parcel of Ethiopia. I wouldn't be surprised if he reports posts on Sol. lolllllllllll. wasteman and a half. But I do admire Nurs patience with such ppl.
  16. burahadeer. ma computerka ku cusubtahay? lol. slow down, man.
  17. Faith in Allah doesn't mean that Muslims don't anticipate temporary defeats and setbacks. Muslims believe that they will eventually become victorious oVER their adversaries, oppressors and people who cause injustice. This is what Mullah Mohamed Umar said to the VOA in 2001: VOA: Do you know that the US has announced a war on terrorism? Omar: I am considering two promises. One is the promise of God, the other is that of Bush. The promise of God is that my land is vast. If you start a journey on God's path, you can reside anywhere on this earth and will be protected... The promise of Bush is that there is no place on earth where you can hide that I cannot find you. We will see which one of these two promises is fulfilled. VOA: But aren't you afraid for the people, yourself, the Taliban, your country? Omar: Almighty God... is helping the believers and the Muslims. God says he will never be satisfied with the infidels. In terms of worldly affairs, America is very strong. Even if it were twice as strong or twice that, it could not be strong enough to defeat us. We are confident that no one can harm us if God is with us. Some 9 years later and the West is willing to negotiate with the Taliban and conceed to letting the Taliban have a say in the political affairs of Afghanistan, so long as they compromise on certain issues.
  18. In Islam anything given divine attributes or worshiped besides Allah becomes a false god. Sometimes these are righteous people and they are free from this. nonetheless,those who give them divine attributes are described as worshiping more than one god. For example, the Quran describes the Christians and Jews as worshiping their rabbis and Monks. When some people asked the prophet how this was possible, he replied by saying that they worshiped them because they allowed their scholars to make whatever they wished prohibted and allowed.Likewise, Christians demonominations may differ as to the exact relationship between the different figures in the trinity, however, they still give divine attributes and worship these figures with Allah, thus technically making them worship two or three different gods. The Christians themselves differ greatly on the exact definition of the trinity.
  19. @Ayoub, You support invading and killing Somali Nomads in the Hawd in order to teach them how to use ballot boxes?
  20. btw, thanks for the research. This is good detective work on the *******d.
  21. only a somali would rob a bank with such poor fashion. bal look at the shirt and jumper= definetely farax.lol
  22. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: . Bring Somali Christians for example and then invite audiences for an open discussion. London aint Hargeysa. There's no Somali Christians.