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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. No need to excercise. It' all comes natural. You see, my granpa was one of the fastest men in Northern Somalia. I also won plenty of Sports day medals. ps. ganja. :eek: lawla xawla wala quwata. Didn't you think you knew bout dem kind a tingz. good day. am off to play footie.
  2. why.......because you wanted to see my muscles.
  3. Anti tribalism movement= waste of time. NNC, where you there? Because I was on that day.
  4. get some sleep, man. bun 24/7 politics.
  5. Originally posted by NNC: Ethiopia uu khat ku ruugooya qashinka fooqal qashinka. Someone is being a bit hasty, innit? The story says he lives in a refugee camp. Do you know his circumstances? Or is it just another case of, " let's blame the man".
  6. I know, you want to still be a Maxamed Farax, yet still want to hate MANY aspects of islam, insult the niqab, call for muslim women 2 marry non muslims, share insulting pictures of the prophet and so and so forth. Sxb, what exactly do you want? Muslims to give up their deen and stop pracitising to appease people like you. Abadan, Sheikh, that we will never happen, for Allah will make Islam rise, walaw karihal mushrikun, walaw kariahl kafirun. You are fighting a losing battle. Kind of like baldness, except even surgery and doctors can't stop the deen of aLLAH.
  7. You can save yourself the bother and hassle by changing your name 2 William, move out to a white/middle income area, marry a white women and buy a couple pets. If that doesn't work, you can bleach yourself. Alternatively, is marji( not phsyically), as the Somalis say.
  8. Mansa Musa, This meeting did take place. But what you guys have to understand is that SSC people/clan and the SSC militia group are two different things A person from SSC can support SL, Alshabab, PL or SL.......But the SSC militia group doesn't support Alshab and has no ties whatsoever to them......
  9. Originally posted by Showqi: Haatu who is the last guy? Mark Overmars? You haven't watched football since 1999.
  10. **yeah, guys, get with the times. Ayan Hersi is rarely discussed in Somali Cafes and other gatherings. Are we bovered? Am I bovered? (Rolls eyes)Maya: I don kar about her new boyfarend.
  11. ASWRB. Peace and Victory to the oppressed peoples across the world and the noble Somalis of Berber origin. Ama Bacad: Replacing all Guns with Water pistols and: Increasing inter-racial marriage amongst oppressed peoples and halganized folks would lead to: Vorld Peace
  12. Originally posted by Azizah: What difference does it make whether shiekh sharif or shiekh caweys is sitting on that chair? wasnt shiekh sharif an ex member of alshabab? salaam Aaliyah, what's the difference if SL or SSC militia sits on the chair in laska? Wasn't Xabsad part of PL-SSC before? Why doesn't SSC militia just acccept SL for the sake of peace and saving the ppl? :cool:
  13. hAT, the same topic was discussed by Xin and LX in the Islamic section. lol@ Cawale.
  14. ^^ You already asked my original hometown, you asked me which mosque I frequent, now you are asking me about suicide bombing. War Naga tug, blad. ps. google is only a click away.
  15. Naxar, The spiritual Sheikh of Sayid Muhammad was an Arab in Mecca. Imam Ahmad Gurey was heavily reliant on a zealous band of Arab volunteers( read: history of Arab migration to Somalia). There is also little proof of him being a Somali hero in the Futuh Alxabash. Infact, in some parts he marches out against Somali clans and the author mentions how he confronted the " Somali" or "this Somali chieftan" for not contributing enough to his struggle. In any case, even if he was a Somali figure, he lead an army compromising a host of nationalities and his primary goal was always to rule the Horn of Africa by the Shariah and turn ther area into a transethnic Islamic empire. He also deposed and dismantled the Muslims enclaves which were in alliance with the Xabashi empire. Sound familiar? Hardly, a secular Somali Nationalist, then, eh? There was goes the foreigner nonsense out of the window.( There is no such thing as foreigners in Islam) As for your claim that the Xabashis of today, which you so dearly supported and loved when they were occupying Muqdisho, are somehow different to the ones of a 100 years, then, we, the poor simpletons, await the evidence for such a claim. Suffice it to say one does not believe an intelligent man would make such a claim. The rest of your post about who would have done what if they were alive today is purely stuff and nonsense. Leave the fortune tellers to the mystics, kaz.
  16. ^^ Where is the that Dalmar guys of yours. Watch his next article, " SSC signs deal with Alqaeda in Muqdisho to destabilise Somaliland" ps. the SSC guys you are up against mainly support Shariff/TFG.
  17. Originally posted by Haatu: Stop copying Ngonge and answer the question. How can you lot justify suicide? You are literally calling ppl the dogs of hell and you want them to you an explaination.Suiju Waxid! ps. I say XI took the wrong action. Sometimes, I get the feeling that they compete with the other Islamist group and they always want to take a harsher stance than them. If the Universal TV did this action by mistake and they fully apologised, then they should low it, as they say.Secondly, hundreds of ppl who weren't responsible will lose their jobs. We need Xikmah, guys.
  18. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: The Sayid and his dervish movement where Sufis, if they were still around, they would have been fighting along the side of ahlu sunna, not the shabaabs The Sayid and the Qadiriyah were opposed to each other. And the modern day Ahlul Sunta are Xabashi puppets, which the good Sayid was far from. ;)Besides, this is all irrelevant today.
  19. I can hook you a plot of land. But you'd have to pay all my cousins who I will employ as bodyguards. i will also require a cut of any future profits from the plot. (ps. clan, clan, clan. ask your fam, b.)
  20. deeqa, sacad is somaliland shabab,not an oday, mashallah. i think it's you who needs to stop intervening in his beef with tujjiye.
  21. chocolate, i still think you guys are being unfair on sacad aka libahe.........tujjiyes comments about somaliland christians and john smith where equally controversial..Zack even laughed at it.Now you guys are saying he is full of puke.just because he responded.come on, guys... ..