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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Dhagax, England have far higher problems than pressure. One of the biggest problems they have is that they are virtually playing the same team they used in previous tournaments and are using the same failed system. The 442 with Gerrard and Lampard has never worked and I don't understand why Capello is persisting with it. Most successful teams have a proper defensive mid nowawadays.I know Barry was unfit, but why not play CARRICK? Capello is also making some bizzare squad and team selections? SWP, wtf? Milner: ditto! And so on and so forth. Their other greatest problem is their lack of keeping the ball for large periods. England even sometimes allow possession to smaller teams like eGYPT, Mexico, Japan and we saw it against USA last night. IF THEY do progress to the next round or the quarters, this will be the greatest hurdle. Having said that, I think the media is being a bit too harsh and England did OK last night.
  2. Limbard played well. ps. Come on, Ghana!
  3. Sheikh Nur, any thoughts on this vital subject: "The second group desires to enjoin and forbid the people with their tongues and their hands absolutely and in all situations without sufficient knowledge of the shari'a, nor forbearance, nor patience, nor regard for that which is beneficial and that which has more harm than benefit and that which is possible and that which is not possible"
  4. Originally posted by Haatu: Heskey you fat oaf!! :mad: You bloody quarter sijui lemon, Heskey was one of Englands better players. To be honest, England had a good game and I don't see them not making the second round. Their problems will come when they come up against teams that can keep the ball well.
  5. Polanyi


    Originally posted by Tuujiye: guys! go to the sport section! Wareer Badanaa!!! Naga Tag. We don't need part time sports fans in the sport section. let em talk about whose wearing which color over ere.
  6. Errrrm, he waved a flag like all the other artists did. Am I missing something>?
  7. Cowke hasn't said anything wrong. He is just a bit too honest
  8. Apparently K'naan used to post on Snet when he wasn't famous. Now, apparently we have another celebrity allegedly posting on SOL. So, what's her alleged username? I want to get her autograph through the pm system.
  9. ASWRB. Peace and Justice 4 all da noble Somalis of berber and Moorishland origin. It seems my account was compromised by the Somaliland government intelligence unit. Apologies for this nonsense. Kind regards.
  10. I heard peacenow was going for a jog in the area with tight jeans. Then the police mistook him for a rioter and whooped his black butt. He was heard shouting, " is it cuz i is white"? :confused: ps. I would never go jogging. There is a 20 percent chance that i could get mistaken for a black brother run from the five o.
  11. Lyrically, I was meant to be the one Slaughtering mcs like a wan, you can't compete son, cos I already won
  12. (@ Ibtisam, typical burco sword wielder ). In case you didn't get what I meant to say in here; I was not in any way, shape or form being offensive towards the sister(?) nor was i attempting to sound condescending. Instead, what I meant to say, is that we all know the problem exists; however, what is rarely done is offer solutions to the societal problems Somalis at large face. It is one thing to be emotional and point out problems; yet, my noble friends, it is a completely different thing to offer viable solutions. Mind you, I am not saying the poster is not capable of offering solutions, but, at the same time, she did not offer any real and workable solutions to the problems facing young Somalis, unless the purpose of this thread was to serve as a wake up call, so to speak. The sister concluded by saying: "If we fail our young kids and do not ready them to be positive contributing members of society we truly have lost everything". This is merely repeating what we all know; namely that: young Somalis are facing a number of problems, which, of course, need long term discussions. So, all in all, what I am simply asking the poster to do is move away from the emotional sentiments, the stating of common problems and perhaps move this discussion on a bit by offering intellectual solutuons to those aformentioned problems. Regards, Karl polanyi
  13. When the leader of the Tatars, Qazan came with his followers to Damascus, he claimed a false conversion to Islaam. Yet his behaviour and that of his subordinates were a testimony to their abandonment of Allaah's commands. I have met them all in one famous gathering, the news of which became widespread. On that occasion we humiliated him. Amongst his courtiers was the Christian chief of the castle of Sees2. This chief was never respected or honoured in the company of Qazan, but rather treated as an ignorant minor. Furthermore, others of the circle of Qazan knew that man's bad intentions and how we tried to commit you deceivingly into a war with the Tatars. Nevertheless, our position had never changed towards the Christians. I have always called for treating them with justice and defending them when attacked. It is also common knowledge the content of my correspondence with the Tatars and my request for the release of prisoners of war. Yet their rulers agreed to release Muslim prisoners only and retain the Christians prisoners from Jerusalem. I had refused such a reply and insisted on the release of all prisoners of war including Jews and Christians, whom are of the people of our dhimmah3. This demand was granted to me, and this is our good work and reward is sought solely from Allaah. It is common knowledge to all that even those prisoners that we have under our hands are in fact treated justly and mercifully. This was indeed one of the recommendations of the Seal of Prophets during his last days on this earth: "Take good care of your prayers and those under your domain". Allaah, the Exalted in Might, said; "And who give food - however great be their own want of it - unto the needy and the orphan and the captive". (76:8) The Tatars as I have mentioned, had proclaimed their conversion to this religion, yet we never concur with their hypocrisy or stayed silent when viewing their mistakes. Instead we made it very clear to them our objection to their transgressions and deviations from Islaam, that obliges waging jihaad against them. When the army returned to Egypt and received the news about the immorality and anti-religious activities of this cursed group (Tatar Army), they came out, all these armies of Allaah, and their size was great and whose numbers filled the valleys. This great force that came prepared with eemaan, sincerity and arms, was fortified by the angels through whom Allaah still aids his truthful nation. Their enemies were surpassed, defeated and dazzled. Thus, Allaah had completed His favour and aided His servants and thereby promoted the glory of Islaam, a religion of ascendance, leaving their enemies in disarray and anguish. The Prophet (saw) said, "Allaah will send this nation at the helm of every century he who will revive its religion". The King, as I am sure, is well acquainted with the story of the deputation of Najran's Christians who came to Prophet Muhammad (saw). The Prophet invited them to Islaam, and they asked him about the Messiah. They debated with him, and when their arguments were soundly beaten they resorted to slippery ways and deceitful tactics, until the Prophet was commanded to invite them to Mubahalah.4: "And if anyone should argue with you about this [truth] after all the knowledge that has come unto you, say: "Come, let us summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves; and then let us pray [together] humbly and ardently, and let us invoke Allaah's curse upon those [of us] who are telling a lie". (3:61) The deputation consulted among itself reaching an agreement based on their fear of the consequences and saying, "You know fully that he is a Prophet, and none has ever succeeded when taken up a prophet's challenge of a Mubahala", and so they paid the jizyah5. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) had sent a letter to Caesar, the king of the Christians from Syria to Constantinople. This king was a noble man and he knew when reading the letter, of the authenticity of Muhammad's (saw) prophethood as prophesied by the Messiah and promised by Ibraaheem to Isma'eel. Caesar then urged his people to honour the Prophet's ambassador and he held the letter, kissed it and put it on his eyes, saying, "If it was not for this kingdom and rule, I would have loved to go to him and wash his feet". The Ashamah Negus was another noble Christian king. He had met the migrant believers in Abyssinia and migrated himself to Allaah as a truthful believer, crying at the recitation of Soorah Maryam and saying, "By God, these words and those which were revealed to Moosa are rays of light which have radiated from the same source!" Ashamah Negus had also sent his son, among others of his people, to the Prophet (saw), and was prayed upon by the Prophet when he died. In the Seerah of the Prophet of Allaah Muhammad (saw), many examples are to be found of his equitable and honourable treatment towards the Christians. Whoever embraced Islaam from amongst them became one of Muhammad's (saw) nation with all subsequent obligations and responsibilities. He indeed is liable to be rewarded twice, one for his faith in 'Eesaa and the other for faith in Muhammad (saw). He who did not believe, on the other hand, was liable to be fought, as Allaah instructed, "Fight against those who - despite having been vouchsafed revelation - do not believe either in Allaah or the Last Day, and do not consider forbidden that which Allaah and His Messenger have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth [Which, Allaah has enjoined upon them] till they [agree to] pay the jizyah with a willing submission, and feel themselves subdued". (9:29) I ask you, Oh King! Has the Messiah, 'alayhis salaam, or indeed did the disciples after him, call for the struggle against our nation? How could you then make lawful the spilling of blood, seizure of women and confiscation of land without any justification? Does he not know that we have a great number of protected people of dhimmah resident in our lands, under our authority, protected and safe? How is it then that our Muslim brothers are treated in a way that is unacceptable to people of religion and honour? I do not, however, accuse the King, his brothers and family directly, as I know of the hospitality and good spirit that Abul-'Abbas was received with and his acknowledgement and praise of it. Yet, are not our Muslim prisoners jailed at his pleasure and under his rule? And have not the commandments of the Messiah and the rest of the prophets prohibited acts of castigation and enjoined acts of good will? Furthermore, how can the treacherous way our prisoners were captured be justified and treachery is forbidden in all religions, sects and wise ways. How can you render lawful for yourselves an act of deceit? Are you not afraid that Muslims will reward you in a similar way, and Allaah will be their helper and guide? Let me tell the King that the Muslims are already in preparation for Jihaad and strenuous struggle against the Tatars, and they are returning to their Lord and pursuing His Pleasure. Moreover, those princes ruling the coastal outposts who are increasing in number and authority are staunch believers. Let me tell the King that, among the Muslims are many virtuous people whose prayers are not refused and whose requests are not denied and whose anger does Allaah avenge! Indeed, the Tatars are an example of a people who had outraged the Muslims, and although they were great in number, Allaah had placed His Wrath upon them and they were afflicted in numerous ways. Is it then suitable, Oh King, that a people who border Muslims on many frontiers to treat them in this way? A way that is unacceptable by the wise, be it Muslims or not. I would like to remind the King that those lands occupied on the seashore, and ever Cyprus itself, had been Muslim-held until less than 300 years ago. I would like to also remind that the Prophet of Allaah (saw) had promised that a group of Muslims would be aided until the Day of Reckoning. Does the King not think that Allaah is able to assist those wrongly and oppressively imprisoned in the King's lands, and that He can avenge them as He has done for others? Or is the King safe from a Muslim reawakening that will return to them what they had lost? We will treat with kindness those who do the same to us, and Allaah shall succour him who is transgressed upon. Such a renaissance for Muslims is not a difficult matter to reoccur. I am now writing in the noblest manner in order to assist in directing to the truth and the way that is best. If the King has among his advisors wise men whose judgement and sincerity he trust, then he should consult with them on the realities of knowledge and origins of religions. He should not be satisfied being a part of those blind following Christians, who hear not, understand not and they are like the lead animals and even worse. This endeavour can be achieved by relying upon Allaah and seeking His guidance. The King should say, "O Allaah! Show me truth so plainly and assist me to follow it, and show me falsehood for what it is and guide me to keep away from it, and make the two extremes very distinct as not to follow desire and be misguided". The King should say, "O Allaah! The Lord of Jibra'eel, Mikayeel and Israfeel6, the Originator of the Heavens and Earth, the All-Knowing of the seen and the unseen, You are the Judge between your servants in their disagreements. Guide me, O Allaah, to the truth with your grace for You guide who You will to the straight path!" What I wish to convey unto the King, are my hopes for his well-being and benefit in this life and the next. These hopes are two things, one personal and the other general. On a personal note, I wish for him to grasp knowledge and religion, for truth to unveil before his eyes and for doubt to disappear. I wish for him to worship Allaah, according to His Command, for it is better than rule over the whole earth. Indeed, this is what the Messiah was sent with and what his disciples were taught. The second is for his benefit and that of the Muslims in his lands in general. This can be attained through his help to our prisoners and commanding his people to treat them with kindness and aid their release. Truly, the harm incurred on our prisoners will stain his reputation and inflame Muslims. Therefore, helping the release of those prisoners would be a good deed for the King in his own religion, and as the religion of Allaah testifies. Furthermore, it would be a sign of goodwill towards the Muslims, and indeed the Messiah was the greatest caller to this way of behaviour. It is surprising that the Christians are taking as prisoners a group of people through treachery or not, who did not even fight them. Has not the Messiah proclaimed: Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also?7 It can then be assumed that the more prisoners held, and the longer that they are held for, the more invoking of Allaah's Wrath is attempted. How can one be silent about the Muslim prisoners in Cyprus, when the majority are weak and poor and have no one to speak on their behalf? The religion of Islaam commands aid towards the poor and the weak. The King has the ability and an obligation to assist in this regard more than most, especially as the Messiah instructs this in the Bible, calling for an encompassing mercy and general goodwill by all towards all, akin to the work of the sun and the rain. There have always been amongst the Christians those at an advantage in knowledge and religion. Many of the rulers, the clergy and the general public recognise parts of the truth and aim to follow it. This group know the status of Islaam and its people where many do not, and as a result treat Muslims equitably. Indeed many are the sayings of the prophets and pious regarding the virtue of releasing the imprisoned and freeing the oppressed. In short, the King is bound to see the fruits of his labour in this regard. It is of note how the Christians, leaders and general public, who live in Muslim lands, far outnumber Muslims living in your own country. Yet at the same time, we do not seek our prisoners for our own lack of number, neither is it out of our dire need for them. Rather we seek the reward of Allaah, the Exalted, and His Pleasure on the Day when He shall recompense the truthful and He shall not fail the pious. It was Abul-'Abas, the carrier of this message who had informed of the good attributes of the King and his brother amongst us, and my message was written after this knowledge. I write to the King, sensing his eagerness for the truth, and his search for knowledge and deen, as I am one of the representatives of the Messiah and the rest of the prophets, advising the rulers and directing them to guidance. Indeed, the nation of Muhammad (saw) is the best nation, raised for mankind, as they want for the whole of creation the best state in this life and the next. This nation enjoins good, forbids evil and calls mankind to Allaah and assists them in the affairs of their life and their hereafter. If any information defiling Muslims or defaming their religion has reached the King, then it is either a lie or a misinterpretation of a condition. In fact, rarely is such information true, that some oppression, sins or vice were viewed within Muslim lands. Yet the fact remains that although every nation will possess some sickness of one type or another, evil when found amongst Muslims, is much less than that found amongst others, and their merit and righteousness is unequalled by any. Ibn Taymiyah's Letter to the King of Cyprus
  14. Just some revised Malthusian bull.
  15. Sometimes it is good to write love letters to your own address and reply to yourself.
  16. ^^ Your chatting crap as usual. People from SSC on here have families and relatives who were illegally detained and inhumanely treated by SL regime in LA. There are have been countless demonstrations in that city. And you want to have us believe that some opportunistic pics reflect the reality?
  17. Akhi, the application is being processed as we speak.
  18. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: Did anyone get some weird PM from Muriidi talking about satelites 'n stuff? I GOT A pm from muridi once. but i didn't have a clue what he was on about.
  19. ASWRB. Polygamy is a must for the survival of the Somali Race. Personally, I have enlisted my name on the board for three, maybe four in an emergency. ASWRB.
  20. ASWRB. Peace and Victory to all da halganized Somalis of Moorish and Berber origin. Ama Bacad: Truly the Freemasons are behind poisoning the diets and lifestyle of Somali women. This has caused an increase in obesity, depression, mental illness, diabetes and a host of other medical conditions. In order to counter this, all Somalis should be extremely weary of living in areas where there exists a high number of fast food, mostly chicken outlets. Areas with a high number of chicken and burger outlets are largely places ravaged by crime, poverty and social degeneration. Freemasons flood drugs there. Moreover, the freemasons have entered the sphere of SOmali culture, religion and politics, therefore,in the process, implanting a number of trojan horses and deceptive tools, all, of course, desiged to divide the societal and Islamic fabric of SOmali society. Seccessionism, Khat, Tribalism, Corruption and Anti-Islamic practices are all encouraged through the Ethiopian freemason headquarters. Another tactic of the global freemasons includes attacking and bombing institutions and then blaming it on da Muslims. All Somalis should be weary of salt, freemasonry, too much chicken outlets and tribalism. All Somalis should also seek people with wisdom and knowledge of these field like myself.
  21. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I have the feeling at least one of them is a SOLer ,,,,, I don't think we have any Jordanians or South Americans here.
  22. I watched Sheikh Umal views on the subject. Enlightening and Balanced explanation.