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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Originally posted by Cawaale: ^Somalia's U17 team will play against Egypt U17 team in this Ramadan, and i am soo waving the blue flag. karl, Anwar al-Awlaki, muxaadaradiisa ma dhageysanin miyaa adi? adopted country maxaa waaye? :cool: No, I didn't, and that is another debate for another day( what does the shariah say about living in non muslim countries?)...........Once I heard there was this brother who believed taking a passport and swearing allegiance to a country completely nullifies your Islam. So, one day, out of necessity, he had to leave one country and go to through several others. When he returned, some of the people asked if he had become a disbeliever for using a passport. He replied, " thuma amanu, thuma kafru, thuma amanu"
  2. ^^ So you'd support Ethiopia because they look like Somalis. Traitor waxid. If Marcus was here, he would agree with me. btw, I am not saying Somalis must support England. Anigu, I support all the thoroughbred Cushitic and Sexy football Afro asiatic teams. However, I think it is undiplomatic for Somalis raised here to root for Germany or italy out of spite and mock english folks.............
  3. xaji- ssc n khususi has been on a your mind alot these days...........
  4. The Iranians executed AbdulMalik Al rigi, rahihumullah. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdolmalek_Rigi
  5. So you'd support honduras over England or Argentina just because they have more black players, lol? Juxa, No, people can support whoever they like. But one thing I've noticed over the past 2 weeks is that the english I work with have automatically assumed that I support England without asking. I guess they don't see why i shouldn't. Fair enough, if one is rooting for a fellow African team or your own country is in the wc........or you just love brazil...But what I questioning is when some folks say " this aint your country bla bla" and then they root for italy or germany(like they are your countries,lol) just spite england..and then start telling the true english how rubbish they are..lol... Your adopted country needs you.......
  6. For a Somali to start dissing england and rooting for others teams in front of white english fans. Although pppl should have the freedom to support whoever they like,I think it is still somewhat unethical, especially when your a skinny asss ibn refugee and your team has never made the wc..and you've.been raised with this countries financial support..and and and...... Or I am I chatting stuff and nonsense?
  7. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Oodweyne ma racist baa?? :eek: Oromo women look like somali women, I cannot tell them apart most of the time. In the Somali racial heirachy Oromos are ranked higher than "Adoons" and others. But they are still not up there with the "pure" and "noble" skinnies.
  8. Polanyi


    Last time I played football with an Algerian, he was threatening to break a fifteen years old nose. ( the lad was apparently taking the mic by wasting chances).
  9. England winning is good for the national cohesion and the economy. ( the above article is probably written by a german or someone with possible german ancestry).
  10. Originally posted by Oodweyne: Che , If my daughter, god forbid, were to bring home some sort of the character you had in mind, then I think "disowning" her will be the least of her worries. Since I may be really minded in that case to hire a local rough-neck, particularly of the "Soprano's of New-Jersey" kind of a wise-guy; who in turn could be found in this side of the Atlantic pond. So that he can make that chancing chap at daughter's expense to "sleep" with the "fishes" in the bottom of the Thames river, indeed...
  11. Big up 2 ghana and all the African Man Dem.
  12. Ghana ist sumvat naive. Kudos to dem though. Abder England vil beat Germany on ze penalitie.
  13. I hope you're not getting the poor farax to move around the furniture or something. "Just move the tv here and the cupboards there.so you can get a better view"........ ^^ i've 2 see the doctor ten minutes before the end of the match. :confused: But that's nothing compared to this guy who was complaining about his wedding falling on the same day as the englan vs usa match. The presenters told he should cancel it....and change it 2 another day. ps. Brazil's africanimo is a big stretch. But many of this current French generation of Players were either born( Viera, Dessaily, etc.) in Africa or are of African descent. I hope Le pens happy though.
  14. Originally posted by peasant: ^ I dont think they have such thing called phases in their plan because if they had one they would have prioritized what they want to achieve acordingly. To my understanding in the first phase they should only worry about securing the country and getting grip of all regions of the country. In Phase one, during the period they are securing the country they should only concern them selves people who are committing major crimes and ignore minor things that can turn the population against them and can serve the interest of their enemies. Phase two they start addressing social issues and implement programs that solve the problems. Phase three, they can set up proper judiciary system for the entire country and slowly start introducing and enforcing laws. For now they are doing what was suppose to be done in later phase in phase one which puts them in conflict with the vary people that suppose to support them. I don't know if you have following, but they have been doing all the things you mentioned. This(security, safety and the return of commerce in many parts of SSomalia. ) has been acknowledged by the international media and even the UN in one recent report. Having said that, banning people from watching the world cup and enforcing people to grow or beards/wear the trousers above the ankles shows a certain ignorance of Somali Islamists in the understand the current global climate and the spirit in which the Shariah should be used( the point is not to enforce and ban everything deemed..(even if there are sharci evidences...........)
  15. Originally posted by Oz: I miss evertything above.. Home is where the Ugali is?
  16. ASWRB. good points@ Ngonge. Technically all the Africans are not out, as Brazil are truly part of the larger Pan African race. Come on, Brazil.
  17. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Karl, you saw Torres last night and it confirms what I said above. Villa played well but against a very weak Honduran side. Let us see if he can keep doing this with others. By far, the most brilliant player for Spain so far has been Jesus Navas. Villa seems to do better than Torres for pain. As for Jesus Navas, he make a lot of good run, but some hi crossing and decisions are erratic to say the least. He looks like a slightly better version of lennon.
  18. Originally posted by AT: 4. Spain's next weakest department is the attack. Torres has been living on old glory for the past one year. He can head good balls, but his first touch is poor and he has a love affair with the grass, continuosly preferring to roll over it than stand firm and fight with defenders. And the biggest overrated player, David Villa is by his side. It is easy to contain Villa and contrary to all the praise heaped on him, he is a mediocre attacker and I will not put a lot of faith in him. Oh dear. AT, villa is one of the best strikers around. he wasn't top scorer in the euros for nothing.
  19. ^^Negroe stop memorsing words from the dictionary.
  20. ^^ I stand by everything I said and I don't see it as "badmouthing"(maybe harsh,but not badmouthing.).You can go back to the thread, sxb, and reply it, it has nothing to do with this discussion with the murtad.
  21. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: Karl, were you not the guy bad mouthing an Al-Azhar Sheikh( who was dead) and calling him names? no!
  22. Originally posted by Rayyan*: Lol, you take us to his website and his reply to his old fatwa, where is the original, dont go in circles.(Alrad calal qadiim, where is the old fatwa adunnyada oo dhami la yaabtay. Now com'on what u trying to the defend, the issue of Shia and Sunni(Nacaraat al Qadiimah) wasn't the issue here, to discuss, the issue was he was trying to support, and legalise the Isreali aggression against all in the vicinity of lebanon - MuslimSuni,shia,or christain, cos his goverment was in line to the american order, and basically in that direction against the Muqawa(Hamas &Hizbullah). "The issue" is not how you are making out to be. 1. Ibn Jibreen's (rahihumullah) fatwa was specifically concerning making dua and praying for the shiite group known as "hezbollah". It had nothing to do with legitimising the Israeli aggression. 2. As Maddey pointed out, Ibn Jibreens stance on the occupation of Iraq and various other places is well known. Doesn't sound like the the AL Saud line, does it?
  23. btw you sound like an awful lot like raamsade.
  24. Originally posted by Rhazes: ^ No need to strike a defensive posture sxb. It might be fashionable these days to play the irascible islamist but it's starting to become tedious. Despite your histrionics, Islam was not derided. This verdict is, by all reasonable accounts, either unfair (women are singled out), or downright preposterous (forbidding the enjoyment of a harmless pastime). The mullah's reasoning is clearly specious. No one said anything about Islam. You seem to have conflated both in your fit of excitement. Do you think parroting long words from the thesarus for verbatim will make you any smarter? Listen, you already insulted the alim when you called him senile. The Sheikh make a verdict, which he felt was reasonable, that is, according to his understanding of Islam. Why do you need to make a mountain of it? Take it or leave it; otherwise, keep your qashin mouth from the ulema. No need to bore us with tedious essay style waffle and bila macni talk.
  25. All of the African teams( especially ghana went they gained the man advantage) could have done better over the weekend if there used better tactics. more problems in the england camp, lol: http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2890/world-cup-2010/2010/06/21/1987044/world-cup-2010-fabio-capello-g ags-england-rebels-at-team-meeting-