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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/a-positive-change-in-the-north-of-somalia-ahmed-mohamed-siilanyo-pres ident-elect.html
  2. A few days ago, the illegal rulers of the lawless state Somaliland undertook a farcical round of elections of their own, whereby the undemocratic, totalitarian procedures reflected some of the worst practices attested in neighbouring Abyssinia (fake Ethiopia). While the results are being falsified for a couple of days, before a false figure is given in their "official" announcement, numerous pieces of news about the chaotic situation that prevailed during the farcical electoral process are coming from various parts of the ill-fated territory controlled by Rayaale’s gangsters. Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (pronounced Aa-een) represent a sizeable part of Somalia’s northern territory, which has been a matter of dispute between the pseudo-states Somaliland and Puntland that constitute the epicenter of the Somali problem. An effort to setup an autonomous pro-Somali Unity state there lasted only several in 2007 – 2008, and then failed. More on the subject: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/maakhir-a-new-somali-state-calling-for-somalia-unity.html http://www.buzzle.com/articles/the-maakhir-state-of-somalia-an-insightful.html http://www.buzzle.com/articles/laasqoray-the-maakhir-harbour-in-northern-somalia.html http://www.buzzle.com/articles/somalia-a-german-abducted-maakhir-in-stability-and-somaliland-in-disa rray.html The entire area reflects some of Islamic times’ most glorious pages of Somali History, and the traditional social hierarchy, the elders of the tribes, totally revile the shameful regime of Hargeisa. They and the entire population of the region defend the historical values of the Somali Nation against the Hargeisa regime which remains in place only due to the support and the involvement of the racist, Anti-Somali, Anti-African and Anti-Islamic regime of the Amhara and Tigray gangsters of Abyssinia. Concerning the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn Somalis, I noticed a recent insightful elaborated by the Somali political analyst and commentator Nasr Ibn Othmann; I herewith republish it integrally. Somalia and the Honourable People of the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn Regions By Nasr Ibn Othmann http://sommusings.blogspot.com/2010/06/somalia-and-honourable-people-of-sool.html http://sommusings.blogspot.com/ 'That which does not kill us makes us stronger' -Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) Firstly, let me express my solidarity with the honourable people of the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions of Somalia. These people have been treated quite appallingly, in recent years, by the puppet regimes in both Puntland and Somaliland. To make matters worse, the rather thuggish Ethiopian state is now attempting to achieve its nefarious desired objectives directly in North-Western Somalia by extremely violent means, as was the case in recent massacre in the border town of Buuhoodle. There can be no doubt that the Ethiopian regime, in Addis-Ababa, is pursuing a divide and rule policy with respect to the entire Somali peninsula. The Ethiopian state, as has been demonstrated time and again, has no regard for the truly awful consequences of the manifestly anti-Somali policies which it consistently chooses to pursue. Indeed, the shedding of Somali blood is an integral component of the long-term objectives of the Ethiopian state to depopulate the Somali national territory of both the Somali people and their ancient culture. The honourable Somali people of the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions have courageously thwarted both the evil designs of the brutally extreme Ethiopain army—and its associated militia—and the dastardly plans of the secessionist Somaliland regime of Dahir Riyaale Kahin in Hargesa by refusing to participate in the sham elections of this month. 1 The secessionists of Somaliland seem to believe that they shall somehow benefit materially from supporting the profoundly anti-Somali elites of the Ethiopian state. However, by attempting to violently destroy the legitimate interests of the people of the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions, the secessionists in Hargeisa only draw themselves deeper into the malignant sphere of influence of racist Ethiopia. I call upon the leadership in both Puntland and the secessionist enclave of Somaliland to respect the right to self-organisation of the honourable Somali people of the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions. This includes the right to organise their own economic affairs without fear of extortion or violent intimidation by the wicked security apparatus of the Ethiopian state and its puppet regimes inside Somalia. At the present moment in time, far too many so-called Somali leaders are all too ready to go out of their way in order to serve the best interests of the Ethiopian state; 2 and too often at the absolute expense of the Somali people. This must stop. Far too often, people such as the hopelessly weak and ineffective prime minister of the ghastly TFG of Somalia—Cumar Cabdirasiid Cali Sharmaarke—have made statements which condemn the people of the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions simply because—in the eyes of such so-called leaders of modern Somalia—to oppose the Ethiopian state is considered to be something wrong and unthinkable. This is a great pity. I, for one, am deeply disappointed by anyone who can claim to be a leader of the Somali nation whilst simultaneously serving the best interests of the beast Meles Zenawi! Ethiopia is directly responsible for all of the death and destruction that has been the ruin of the Somali republic during the past 21 years. Ethiopia is the prime beneficiary of all anti-Somali policies ever pursued in the Horn of Africa region—by one power or another—for over 100 years. Ethiopia is an illegal entity which is built upon the illegal partitioning of the Somali national territory a long time ago, and we still with the dreadful consequences of this evil act to this day. Not satisfied by this historic criminal act, the modern Ethiopian regime seeks to further divide Somalia, region by region, for their own nefarious ends. Ethiopia is an entity built upon the bodies of many oppressed nations and it is sustained by the spilled blood of all of these nations—not least the blood of the Somali nation! I sincerely believe that the road to freedom, for all of the oppressed and long suffering nations of the Horn of Africa, can be found by all those who are able to emulate the strength and courage demonstrated recently by the honourable people of the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions of Somalia. Only then, with the will of the Almighty—when all of us completely reject the manipulative influences of the puppets currently active in the Horn of Africa and their shadowy handlers—may we find peace. Nasr Ibn Othmann can be contacted here: yann1@live.co.uk Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis Published: 6/29/2010
  3. If you meditate and halucinate long enough, you can create and watch your own 5d movies.
  4. masjid carpets are good for extensions.
  5. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: D blocku manay ahayn kuwi mad madooba eeh surwaalku ka dhici jiray eh maruwanada cabi jiray JB is right, Cowke and Xaaji are the same person! Both need to be spoken to, they are getting out of hand now. Rubbish. Cowke used to put his pic up on other forums. And Xaji Xunduf is a well known SOmalilander from youtube and other places. But cowke is a crazy one man imaginary army, lol/
  6. Polanyi


    Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Bacda Salan, "Mali" women are not of moorish or berber descent. ASWRB. where is "berbera"?
  7. It's healthy to get away from somali food once in a while,have a large doner and one coke to roll with that.
  8. Qhudac said nothing wrong. He told the truth. I know the truth hurts sometimes though.
  9. ASWRB. Peace and victory to all the Somali people of pure moorish and berber descent. As to what follows: 1. The bedouin Somali bLACK arabians typically fit iBN khalduns theory of civilization. We do not have the time to discuss the sociological theories of Ibn Khaldun; however, we can make a number of logical hpothesis' regarding the why SOmalis have failed to live in peace for a great deal of their existence: 1. Somali bedouin culture is prone to a winner takes all mentality. Therefore, compromise and strategic thinking ahead is always looked down upon. b. As a consequence of B, we can say that Somali leaders and movements often go thorough periods of rebellion, extreme power and then a relative decline. I've also seen this form other studies which I have done on the Masai and Fulani people. c. Somali movements and regimes are popular to being with. But power, zealousness and arrogances gets the better of them, leading them to be at conflict with their own people. d. A number of Somali leaders and groups can be said to fit the hypothesis above: 1. Imam Ahmad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Al Ghazzali defeated the Ethiopian state, amassed a great deal of territory and largely realised his goals. However, he made one of the most strategic and military blunders of African history by attempting to take over Ethiopian territory as far as Axum. He should have settled for his relative gains. The Mad Mullah can also be said to have made the same error. So did the ICU in 2006 when they threatened neighbouring countries. So did the Marxist regime. 2010 Islamists? All in all, the Somali folks in the diaspora should practice fishing, meditation, avoid argumentation over politics, take anger management classes, stay off benefits,avoid bad diets and try to bring Somalis at home into the economic sphere of anti camelisaton mode. The meaning of this is that the Somali culture is extremely prejudiced, and many groups such as fishermen, hunters, unarmed people, women,children and labourers. All of the aformentioned groups are looked down upon and instead the alpaha somali male, the camel herders, who have been politically and economically stagnate for centuries are promoted as the vanguards of Somali culture.Such a phenomoena can be seen from the name of this forum and imagery which used to symbolise somalis. ASWRB.
  10. Polanyi

    Serena Williams.

    I think the likes of Federer and Serena should be banned for a year so as to give others an equal chance.
  11. Polanyi


    peace and victory all the noble mali women of moorish and berber descent.
  12. I don't think you comprehended the question very well.
  13. ^^ Mr "Somalinimo", simple question: Why don't even say one word of condemnation against shariff(like you used to do with abdullah yusuf on a daily basis) for camouflaging himself with army gear and sitting on amisom tanks, all the while they are bombarding hundreds of Somalis?
  14. A marvellous performance from Germany. The way they find short passes and make space each is great stuff. Both england and argentina couldn't cope with it. And the lad Ozil is something else. ps. tacsi to ghana.
  15. this is the only forum where i see people post 20 topics about the same thing. lol/
  16. ^^ you work in a somaliland call centre or something? :confused:
  17. stick to the discussion, sxb. Let us make this simple: 1. I believe Bashir's opinion is wrong according to the quran and sunnah. It is also not supported by the most prominent Ulema of this century, most notably the ulema of Saudi Arabia. I am sure there are many others. Adigu, you just seem like you are agreeing with him just to spite another group and you have brought no daleel explaining for why it is permissible. If said it was haram, would you from celebrating it? It seems like a case of samcina wa adacna- sheikh bashir 2. Muslim scholars, jamats and groups can forbid the evil and enjoin the good with whatever means they have. They are many examples of this in history and you certainly do not need legitimacy from scholars or the UN backed somali regime. 3. You still haven't explained why you agree with sheikh bashir's little speech, in which he so kindly permited for Somalis to take part in junly 1 celebrations.eh? @cawale, stop cheerleading.
  18. No need to go off on your usual tangents. The article is talking about hisbul-Islam you nightmare, , btw, though i can see alshabab is giving you nightmares. Secondly, Bashir Salad's opinion is not enough to permit independence day nor is it enough to deem others Muslims as extremists. Thirdly, muslim authorities and groups can stop what they deem to be munkar by force. We expected this from secular sOMALIS, but we certainly did not expect it from men who use religious arguments.
  19. ^^ "In Times of Extremists, Scholars Permit Independence Celebrations". The title gives the impression that not permitting it is an act of extremism and that Bashir Salad is right for "permiting" Muslims to take part in the nationali festivities. As for your second comment: according to who?
  20. So, in your opinion, anyone who opposes the celebration of independence day, is an extremist, all because the "highly esteemed" Sheikh Bashir Salad said so?