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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. And the final Score: Spain 1 Wimbledon FC Nil Poi. Congratulations to the spaniards. Champions of the world and Europe.
  2. ok. spain will get 1, if not 2, in the next fifteen minutes.
  3. oooh, and the game needs a goal.
  4. Robben runs like his body is about to cripple every time. Van persie runs like he got shot.
  5. Originally posted by Norfsky: Over-rated. I will be surprised if he becomes anything more than a pre-madonna. Ghana should be glad he doesn't want to join them. This lad has great potential sxb.Potential is the important word though. I can see him flourishing in the premiership. ps. it makes sense 4 him 2 play 4 italy.
  6. Somalis are used to bad press image. They don't really give a damn....This story will be forgotten about- no biggy here.. I remember back in the day these girls and boys from my estate saw the arabic sofas in the living in the room and they thought we were rich. Somalis live it large wale, even the poor ones, lol.
  7. Originally posted by Jacpher: ^Low on crack. DON'T confuse me with your dad, jonathan bahoku.
  8. ASWRB. During apartheid, the Somali Berbers and Moorish people played an instrumental role in the liberation of African states from grip of racism and imperialism. Thabo Mbeki, the former president of SA, recently thanked Somalia for her role in the liberation of fellow Melaninised folks. Today, when Somalis and Somalia are at their lowest, our people are being targeted on the streets of SA- for no particular reason whatsoever. Many have already lost their lives.The government of Bladland and Moorishland calls upon the Azanian Nation to help and protect their fellow Berber and Moorish brothers/ sisters. DR KARL and the man dem.
  9. Also, the British government owns my clan 1 million clans as compensation from the 1920s. I hope the Conservatives will include this in the next budget.
  10. Also, the British government owns my clan 1 million clans as compensation from the 1920s. I hope the Conservatives will include this in the next budget.
  11. Also, the British government owns my clan 1 million clans as compensation from the 1920s. I hope the Conservatives will include this in the next budget.
  12. Also, the British government owns my clan 1 million clans as compensation from the 1920s. I hope the Conservatives will include this in the next budget.
  13. Cowke, the government of bladland and moorishland had 2 million camels. But 1 million are being held hostage by pirates. My representatives are currently on facebook negotiating with the pirates. My government doesn't pay ransoms, so you'll see some action against your pirates-if they don't return the camels- which the Australian government gave as a gift to us.
  14. Cowke, the government of bladland and moorishland had 2 million camels. But 1 million are being held hostage by pirates. My representatives are currently on facebook negotiating with the pirates. My government doesn't pay ransoms, so you'll see some action against your pirates-if they don't return the camels- which the Australian government gave as a gift to us.
  15. Cowke, the government of bladland and moorishland had 2 million camels. But 1 million are being held hostage by pirates. My representatives are currently on facebook negotiating with the pirates. My government doesn't pay ransoms, so you'll see some action against your pirates-if they don't return the camels- which the Australian government gave as a gift to us.
  16. Cowke, the government of bladland and moorishland had 2 million camels. But 1 million are being held hostage by pirates. My representatives are currently on facebook negotiating with the pirates. My government doesn't pay ransoms, so you'll see some action against your pirates-if they don't return the camels- which the Australian government gave as a gift to us.
  17. i thought this was thread was about work or something. But it's about Cawale's favourite subject.
  18. When the colonizer used him and finished with him, he was forced to resign�It was part of the scheme the colonizer used to capture Somalia and whoever replaces Gedi will certainly serve the colonizer"
  19. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Haddii Shariifka dalka kuwaas ku wareejiye, asaga yuu ku wareejiye dalka? Sadex Yemani ah iyo afar Reer Afgaanistaan iyo Bakistaan ah? And asaga iyo kooxdiisa soo ma ahayn kuwii diiday hala wada heshiiyo, Soomaalinimo wax ha lagu qeybsado. Muxuu la qeyl qeylinaayaa now? Yaab ayee leeyihiin. Stop being obtuse. If you are true about your fake "Somalinimo", you would have condemned Shariff(stooge?) too for doing exactly what he fought his predecessor( a man you used demonise for doing what Shariff is doing) for . However, excelling in the art of munafiqnimo and stubbornace, you will never admit that Shariff has made onE error. You will never condemn him for the hundreds being killed by AMISOM, even though you labelled his predecessor as a stooge for doing the same thing. Instead, everytime Shariff puppet is criticised, Like a little child, all you will do is say " what about them".?
  20. Yo, I think SOLERS need to apologise to Duke and his "uncle".
  21. This guy comes back from begging Igad/Ethiopia to colonise Somalia and then he tells us he is busy building mosques. What a wasteman!
  22. Originally posted by NinaNC: WCSWW, Are you related to Cowke by any chance? Yes. We are both from Block D.
  23. Ethiopia - Meles Zenawi holds talks with Somalia President ENA Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said Ethiopia is committed to implement decision made by member countries of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to maintain peace in Somalia. The Premier here on Tuesday held talks with Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia. The president took part in the meeting of leaders of IGAD countries. Meles on the occasion said Ethiopia will exert efforts to implement decision of the IGAD countries except deploying troops to that country. The President on his part lauded Ethiopia's efforts to maintain peace in Somalia. He also requested Ethiopia to strengthen its ongoing support in coordinating countries providing support to Somalia and deploying security forces to that country. http://nazret.com/blog/index.php?title=ethiopia_meles_zenawi_holds_talks_with_s&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
  24. ASWRB. pEACE AND VICTORY TO THE ALL FREEDOM(?) AND PEACE LOVING MALIS OF NOBLE MOORISH AND BERBER DESCENT. The government of moorishland and bladland has found that eating rice and banana can cause an increase in emotional and behavioural problems amongst somali/other ethnic communities. The enzymes in Banana, known as Moos2, mix with the bacteria in rice,thus creating what is known as the moos fungi. This can lead to a small build up of glucose and alarming levels of sugar in the body, leading to an increase in hyperactive behaviour and argumentation.Overdoses of rice banana are responsible for the following problems: 1. Academic failure of Somali students 2. Civil War 3. Khat abuse 4. Divorce Aswrb.
  25. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/oppressed-south-azeris-aramaeans-baluch-loris-turkmen-qashqai-to-sece de-from-iran-ai-report.html