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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Johnny B, again, wax fahan. 1. NIQAB: mentioned in several early Muslim sources(Bukhari, etc.). All of the Early Islamic Scholars and the four schools of Islamic thought are agreed upon this. 2. However, there is a difference of opinion on the status of niqab. Some Ulema hold it to be Waaajib(Obligatory for the Muslim women to wear it at all times as they deem the face to be part of a women's awrah).Other Ulema hold the Niqab to be something highly recommended and virtous, but they believe it is not something obligatory. Yes, there is a disgareement here. But this doesn't meant that Muslims scholars or Muslims are in disagreement as to whether or not the Niqab is part of Islam. For example, the Hanafi school of thought doesn't hold the view that Niqab is obligatory at all times; yet, some of their early scholars recommend women to wear it in times of "fitna". So, as you can see there is a difference of opinion on the status of Niqab under Islamic Shairah, and not if it is part of Islam or not. 3. A bra is not worn out of religious conviction nor does it appear in any Islamic texts. USING it as a comparison shows your ignorance. 4. It is you who wants to have it both ways, ya Johnny. Apparently women should be allowed to wear what they want and governments shouldn't intervene in such personal matters. Lakin, there should be an exception for the "barbaric" Niqab. Sums up your position accurately, no? 5. Most government banning Niqab would do it anyway even it was proven that it was completely part of Islam. Bukhari or the fiqh of the madhabs are the least of their concerns when debating this issue. Most of their arguments are centred around the freedom or oppression of women. This is why i said it is a non issue, that is, in the greater context of the debate. @Hales: No Muslim scholar , whether among the predecessors or contemporary scholars, has ever been reported to have regarded wearing niqab as forbidden except in the case of ihram for women. The scholarly difference regarding the issue of niqab is only over whether it is obligatory, recommendable, or merely permissible. Thus it is untenable that a Muslim jurist would regard niqab as prohibited or even merely undesirable in Islam. Hence, I was really shocked to learn that the writer Baha' published an opinion attributed to some Al-Azhar scholars to the effect that they believe that veiling the woman's face falls under prohibiting what Almighty Allah has originally permitted. In fact, the advocates of this view cannot be said to be of firm knowledge about the Qur'an or the Sunnah or fiqh. Suppose even that wearing niqab is merely permissible — as I do myself believe — not obligatory or desirable. Even in such a case, any Muslim woman may wear it, and no one has the right to prevent her from doing so. It is her personal right, and in practicing it she neither falls short of her duties nor causes others harm. Even man-made laws and the conventions of human rights advocate the personal rights of people. Yusuf Qardawi Read more: http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaE& cid=1161242210171#ixzz0uKgHU0eR
  2. Did they have have badges saying, " British Secret Service">?
  3. ^^ Niqab is not a source of disagreement amongst Muslims, wax fahan. The only disagreement is the status of it, meaning if it is obligatory for a women to wear or if it is a recommended sunnah act. In both cases, the Niqab is still part and parcel of Islam. In any case, whether it is part of Islam or or not is a non issue, since this is not one of the deciding factors most governments are using when banning the item.
  4. in fact, a 1,700-strong Ugandan force arrived in March 2007, within months of Ethiopia’s invasion.
  5. These kids keep asking me if I'm a "lander" or a "mali". I finally budged and told them I from Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. I wish my forehead was slightly more ethiopian though. btw, most great men self hate.
  6. Eat Puntland, Sleep Puntland, chew khat.
  7. The vehicles were captured in a daring raid carried out by the elite commandoe group, " catch it, bin it, kill it". The government also captured a number of suspected ufos and prisoners from faraxland. Will upload the pics later. Sadly, one of our soldiers sustained an injury on his left toe. That was the only casualty we suffered.
  8. Basically, this Sheikh Atam is one of the boys. Therefore, he should be left alone.
  9. Akhuna Mzanzi, some pakistanis told me it's " ha-ram". ** see yall.
  10. ASWRB. My hands got darker due to the sunglight. When the winter starts, i'll scup them with some snow and black seed oil.
  11. Deg Deg News: Bladland was mentioned by some europeans on classic fm. I think the world is taking bladland seriously.
  12. Originally posted by Haatu: I forgot. You are useless. You might as well support hayes town or yeading fc,
  13. Originally posted by N.O.R.F: Who is this guy? Arsenal's new center half for next season, brought for around 9 million from french side loreint. His name is Laurent Koscielny. Hopefully Wenger will be bring in the new wayne rooney, connor wickham(Ipswich). ps. if you ever get a face without a caption from the internet, just right click on the picture and press properties.
  14. 1. Greggs 2. Sam's Chicken 3. Thorpe Park 4. Notts County FC( boxing day match) 5. Towler Hamlets Somali sights ASWRB.
  15. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: She is a big time decoder but unfortunately it is a common acronym ,,, Hmmmmm ,,,,, Indonesia is missing in that list ,,, ASWRB. The first settlers in modern day Indonesia where aboriginal Somalis such as the people currently residing in Papua new Guneia Islands. Melanesia is taken from the Greek words melas which means black and nesos which means island. Melanesia includes Papua, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Fiji. The people are very dark skinned with Afro hair and are thought to have their origins in East Africa migrating by ways of Indonesia. http://www.janeresture.com/melhome/index.htm
  16. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=8wqMWl6sSwwC&pg=PA121&lpg=PA121&dq=bilad+al+barbar&source=bl&ots= c-U-lwW_Mg&sig=FH9R75UF2X2LjAo1OBUVjMcilAw&hl=en&ei=cf5BTKvBIoPw0gSJtfykDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=re sult&resnum=10&ved=0CCsQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=bilad%20al%20barbar&f=false
  17. Johnny B. You haven't been to a mosque since 1986. Wat you know bout itjihad? Seriously, I respect you since you are open about views on religion. I have never seen posing as a mufti. However, I found it hypocritical when an atheist such Rhazes starts posting AF CARabi poems, declassifying hadiths and telling Muslims that the doors of itjihad are open on everything, including the subject of prophethood, . One can't do itjihad or reinterpret a religion which they have rejected long ago and spend most of their time mocking. In other words, you can't be a cyber mufti and commited atheist. Munafiqnamada naga daya, for we are not ******.
  18. ASWRB. The people of the so called "Somaliland", "SSC" and "puntland" are brothers in Islam. Moreover, they are united a by a shared descent from the Islamic Nobility of the hashimite and other noble tribes of the companions. The enclaves are created by the freemasons, ethiopia and israel- in order to divide and colonise the Somali people. Furthermore, the leader of the Puntland and SOmaliland are secret allies who regurlarly take instructions from the Ethiopian lodge. Their differences are only acted out to fool tribal and idiotics Somalis. As for the Aljazero report, What you witnessed in the video was men calling for asabiyah based politics and the spilling of blood on tribal basis. All of these entities should reconcile under a tree and unite under the banner of the Islamic Moorish Government of Waqooyiland.