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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. nur, great quote from paragon: "Whether these folks in Galgala are indeed Al-Shabaab or not, one thing is clear: they made a cardinal sin in PL's political perspective and all over Somalia's as well - they they made the mistake of mentioning Islam as their prefered system of self-governance. And that is their mistake; the term Islam is a psychological taboo in all the world".
  2. Originally posted by N.O.R.F: ^So the fighting (and all it's side effects) should continue? Both sides need a break. Thats all it probably be, a break. The resistance and all the effects of a people under occupation will continue-regardless of some thirty sheikhs and their 40 men accepting the Ethiopian constitution. Ethiopia recently slaughtered many elders near the somali "border" and it also took part in the masacre of buhodle. That is the point I was making( these men have little control or influence). Their will be a break if the strongest resistance group, the ONLF, signs a comprehensive(not a photo shoot) cessation of hostilities or a ceasfire, which I would support.
  3. More gullible Sheikhs! The Ethiopians are just using them to turn public support against the ONLF's resistance, the same way the USA used Shariff against his allied groups.
  4. Originally posted by GaroweGal: Oh My Allah, not again :rolleyes: This guy is creepy , this is not the only time I have seen him talking about bleaching creams, balaayo! I am suspicious, why is he sooooo caught up on what afro-women do??? I am suspicious and a little concerned. Walaal, shaytanka iska nar. As someone who holds an advanced A Level in politics and business, I consider it my duty to inform the gullible masses about social affairs, media and dodgy products. Now, feel free to disagree, but don't mess with me, cus am a g, you see, and not creepy, believe me.
  5. You guys are cold. @Zack, I was referring to his english. And I do speak good SOmali.
  6. Yo, BoB, I don't have a broken accent like afisoone. Plus, I don't have a clue about science.
  7. cnt find a wife on paltalk, eh?
  8. A bit late. But it really doesn't matter if they are a independent of alshab or not. In the current climate, the black flag and everything that goes with it, is automaticaly associated with certain groups.
  9. AT least make it educational: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2yW7m2aT2o
  10. Cowke, buy yourself a khamees and scarf, call yourself abu coke and join the caravan.lollllllllll.
  11. Cowke, Maakhiristan,SSCstan and Puntlandistan will be the natural outcome of this conflict. Somaliland will be tougher as many of the population is radicalised with Somalilandism. But they can be cracked too.lollllllllllllll.
  12. ^^How? Mascherona can easily be replaced. I think Liverpool can even find some better for less money. If you keep torres- liverpool can do well and finish 6th.he he.
  13. Polanyi

    Mo farah

    When he pulled out the SL flag, he didn't pull it out properly, so all I could see was a blurry bit of the shahada. I said WT is..... hell is that........ Ah, it was the Somaliland flag. Anyway, the Somaliland banner is our flag too.Ma fi Mushkila. Good run from ina farax, i mean mo fara.
  14. torres is staying. he is just having a sulk.
  15. ^^ i coined that one just now. Chamakh look decent from youtube videos. The only problem is that Van Persie never gives a full season, so arsenal should have looked at an accomplished striker this time. Arshavain doesn't get that many too. Bendter is half rubbish- half good. Stubborn Wenger as usual.bOOOH.
  16. Originally posted by N.O.R.F: ^He probably doesn't know quote: Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: Arsenal buying unknown french dudes as usual. Still signing unknowns from Ligue 1 Yeah and Eduardo left to Shakhtar. The Morrocan guy "Jamac" should be a good buy though.
  17. ^^ I read that book before i stopped reading books. It's an eye opener for sure.
  18. Transfer news, what news? I think the big four are content with what they got. Man city are the only who can afford to spend big. Arsenal buying unknown french dudes as usual.