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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. I only watch brazil in the world cup. The only internationals I watch are England friendlies. The next two years will be all about turning the likes of wilshire, gibbs and connor wickham into world beaters.
  2. ASWRB. I will publish this in Ramadan. Peace.
  3. ^^ Mataqanid this guy. One time he waged a one man war against nther somali forum. Let him be.
  4. ^^ A long time ago when I was in Dubai on transit- all these somali kids from all corners of the globe started playing football in the airport. And the Arabs started to get pisseed.
  5. ASWRB. You need to buy yourself the medina arabic book 1 and there is a nice basic book buy dr imran alawiye, a nigerian fellow. cheap stuff. Tayyibun institute is good for beginners arabic. check their website. If you need private lessons in your area, i can give you the email of an arab sheikh. but don't know if he's still in ur endz. alternatively, you can sol arabic lessons from muridi, kashafa or maddey. GOVofbladland.com
  6. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: They hate Somalis dear .... they do. Because they are against SOmaliland?
  7. ^^ True. In athletics, it is widely believed Bile would have won more medals, including the olympics, were it not for his injuries. When he did compete, he beat the best of the bunch( Africans weren't really dominating during his era).
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/7919501/Israeli-rabbis-clamp-down-on-bur ka.html http://www.thejc.com/node/36322
  9. ^^ Your translation is correct. But you are not understand it in the context he said it and the words that followed it. I repeat: the man never said he was part of them in the literal sense. Ngonge can explain this for you.
  10. Wenger send he was getting @ defender. i STILL THINK arsenal need a 20 g0al season striker. arwan Jamac looks decent, too early, though. VAN persie is cripple with high potential.
  11. waxan maqlay lee hughes became a muslim. Rumour has it Marlon King too. Allahu Akbar!
  12. ^^ lol, you're still going about that interview? Did you even listen it objectively or without bias? The man said shabab are his brothers like all other Islamist groups. Then he recited the well known Ayat from the Quran( very rough transliteration: the believers are one brotherhood). By your Logic, this would mean ATOM is also a member of AQ, Taliban, Xisbul Islam, the Chechnyan groups and so and so forth. Evidently, the interview was a good propaganda coup for diehard supporters of the Anti Islamic and oppresive regime of puntieland against the local, halganized Islamic Wilaya of Galgala, Maakhirstan, whose only crime was to use the Islamic SHariah as a system of arbitration and justice. However, the man didn't literally say he was part of them. Anyone took that from the interview, frankly, doesn't have a clue.......nice try though....lolllllllllll
  13. many of you may have already seen this video as people are posting it everywhere. The funniest vid i've seen in a long time.' the original
  14. my mum won't let me watch. a darn shame.
  15. i bet you've been up for the last 48 hours
  16. Originally posted by NinaNC: quote:Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: umm walalo umm say walahi umm cambaro. (tuuxafo and such are *******ised arabic words for fruit.lol) Come up with Somali female names and lets see your choices maskax qalooc yaho! . you are so kool, nina.
  17. umm walalo umm say walahi umm cambaro. (tuuxafo and such are *******ised arabic words for fruit.lol)
  18. Being born in Muqdisho was a great experience on my passport.
  19. This explains Jacaylbro's two flag avatar. Mashallah, he is back to Somaliweyn
  20. Originally posted by Haatu: How can the people of that region trust the Ethiopians? Weren't they not betrayed once already? I wouldn't mind peace but the people chose to fight and we should support them in that. But, isn't the admin the Somali region a legitimate Islamic regime which should be obeyed?