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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Stop advertising your products.
  2. well, if rudy endorsed him, then he must have a good chance. Bladland.
  3. ^^ whey protein bu ku afurey I have to agree with this women. But zealots like her rarely offer any tangible soltutions. They just state the obvious and simply give the rightwing more fuel.
  4. Joe cole is a winger. His best ever season came when he played on the right for Chelsea. When Ancelotti tried to play him in the hole behind the strikers, he quickly dropped it as he realised Joe, like most english midfielders, isn't intelligent enough to play in that position, which is one of the hardest positions to master anyway. Liverpool would play better if Cole was out wide cutting in and gerrard playing behin the main striker.
  5. I can indeed confirm that he is the black one with the face veil.
  6. Quran Explorer tafsiir by Somali Ulema English Tafsiir-Ibn Katheer ASWRB. Islamic Government of Bladland.
  7. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: gaal ismood! somalidi iminka cajiib eeye noqdeen. every flight 13 who had couple of hamburgers all of sudden thinks that hes hip and starts yapping about white mans trash. cajiib. word up.
  8. Polanyi


    canada should be gobbled up by the usa like the pasta i'm having for suhur
  9. This charachter reminds me of those anti-war socialist dudes at uni. The only non-muslim white people who referred to me as "brother" :cool:
  10. It is not a coincidence that an area in the hood is more likely to have dozens of chicken shops located in a couple of roads. This is one one of the most hidden forms of stagnation warfare against working class people. The natural reaction to this is for a person to eat and live more healthy. However, careful analysis and speaking to the people of deep wisdom on the old kent road, clearly shows that gyms,excercise machines, organic foods and supposedly healthy food are all money making gimmicks, which simply want to jack your money and make you become an addict to their products. In light of these worrying developments, the question is this: how does one live more healthy without being caught up in the global freemason and greekosatanic process defined above? How does one become healthy according to our traditional jamaican, inca, afro-arabian, somaloid, cushitic and natural peasant economics? I would be happy if anyone with a deep conciousness can shed light on this. Aswrb. Dowlada Islamiga of Bladland. Health department.
  11. Regarding His , Guidance in Fasting Since the intention behind fasting is to restrain oneself from desires in order to prepare oneself for seeking that wherein lies the utmost happiness and the acceptance of that which purifies the heart and reduces the sharpness of hunger and thirst and reminds one of the hunger felt by the needy and narrows the courses of Satan by narrowing the courses of food and drink. It is the bridle of Al- MuttacifinE the shield of the warriors and the ( spiritual) exercise of the righteous, who are near to Allah And out of all acts, it is for the Lord of the worlds, for the fasting person does not do anything; he only refrains from following his desire - and that is abandoning the things which he loves for love of Allah and it is a secret between the slave and his Lord, for the slaves might Observe one abstaining from the things which clearly break the fast, but as for him abstaining from them for the sake of the One Whom he worships, that is something that mankind cannot see and that is the reality of fasting. Fasting has an amazing effect on protecting the limbs (from sin) and the internal urges from attraction to corrupting elements and in removing the harmful substances from the body which prevent it from attaining good health. It is one of the greatest forces in helping one to achieve Tagwa, as Allah, Most High says: -O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) isprescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun-M (the pious ). And the Prophet A ordered those whose desire for marriage is intense, but who are unable to do so, to fast and he declared it to be a means of controlling these desiresPI The guidance of the Prophet W, was the most perfect of guidance and the greatest in achieving the goal of fasting and the easiest for human beings to follow And since weaning people away from their desires and the things to which they are accustomed is one of the most difficult things, the injunction to fast was delayed until after the Hzfrah; and at first its obligation was in the form of a choice between fasting and feeding a needy person for each day, then fasting was made compulsory and feeding a needy person was granted for the old man and the woman, if they are unable to bear fasting. And it was permitted for the sick person and the traveller to break their fast and to make up for it; likewise, it was permitted for the pregnant woman and the breast-feeding woman, if they fear for their health. And if they fear for the safety of their children, then in addition to making up for the fast, they must feed a needy person for each day.E This is because their breaking the fast is not due to fear of illness, but it is done in spite of the woman being in good health and so she must feed a needy person, as was the case with a person who broke his fast in the early days of Islam. It was a part of his guidance e: in the month of Ramadan to perform many acts of worship of various types, and Gabriel (peace be upon him) used to go over the Qur'an with him in the month of Ramadan. He also used to perform many acts of charity and benevolence, recite the Qur'an and pray, mention Allah's Name (Dhikr) and perform ttikaf. [ He used to favor Ramadan with more acts of worship than other times. So that he would sometimes fast continuously for two days or more without breaking the fast (Al-Wisal), in order to devote the hours of the day and night to worship. But he forbade his Companions 4 from practising Al-Wisal. They said to him: "But you practise Al-Wisal." He said: "I am not as you." I stay with my Lord and he sustains me." 111 He prohibited it out of compassion for his people and he permitted it up to the predawn. ( Ibn qayyim Al Jawziyya- provisions of the hereafter)
  12. Rumour has it Libaax supported Norwich for five years, that is, until it was explained to him that brazil is not the only team that wears yallow.
  13. Impact Beyond The Caliphate The details of the rise of this unassuming movement to power and the way it went about restructuring the society and running an Islamic state can be seen in a number of published works. The concern of this paper is essentially the impact of this movement outside its immediate constituency, Hausaland. Naturally, this impact was first on the immediate neighbours, Borno to the East, Adar to the North, and Yorubaland to the South. Later this impact spread into Masina, Senegambia and the Nile Valley. Rather inadvertently, some of the ideas of the jihad found their way to the slave plantations of the West Indies, where they caused more than a stir, thus echoing the jihad. There could have been more, considering the network of scholars and scholarship in the Muslim world and beyond, but this has to be left to further research. In this paper we shall limit ourselves to five such areas: Borno, Masina, Senegambia, Nile Valley and the West Indies or the Caribbean Islands as they are better known today. BORNO Borno, a Caliphate with much deeper roots and richer Islamic history, was neighbouring Hausaland in the east. But 18th/19th century Borno, very much like the contemporary Hausaland, was immersed in decadence. A lot of the Shehu’s criticisms of Hausaland applied equally to Borno, and Shehu drew a lot of following from among Borno citizens. So when the jihad began in Hausaland, many of Shehu’s students sought and obtained permission to begin jihad in Borno and went ahead to do so. This provoked a very hot debate between the Muslim leadership in Borno, who saw no justification for the jihad in their territory and the Sokoto jihad leaders who argued and pressed their claim that for as long as Borno harbours the same aberrations which provoked the jihad in Hausaland, Borno will have to suffer same. The then Mai, ruler of Borno, commissioned an erudite Borno scholar, Shaykh Muhammad al-Amin al-Kanemi to address the challenge. That the Mai was not able to do it himself suggests that the rulers of Borno had fallen to the level of the rulers in Hausaland. Shaykh Al-Kanemi engaged the Sokoto jihad leaders first through correspondence and later on the battle field. In one of these correspondence, al-Kanemi challenged the Sokoto jihad leaders: "Tell us therefore why you are fighting us and enslaving our free people. If you say that you have done this to us because of our paganism, then I say that we are innocent of paganism, and it is far from our compound. If praying and the giving of alms, knowledge of God, fasting in Ramadan and the building of mosques is paganism, what is Islam? These buildings in which you have performed the Friday prayer, are they churches or synagogues or fire temples? If they were other than Muslim places of worship, then why did you pray in them when you captured them? Is it not a contradiction? Among the biggest of your arguments of the paganism of the believers generally is the practice of the Amirs of riding to certain places for the purpose of making alms-giving sacrifices there; the uncovering of the heads of free women; the taking of bribes; embezzlements of the properties of the orphans; injustice in the courts. But these five charges do not require you to do the things you are doing. As for this practice of the Amirs, it is a disgraceful heresy and certainly blameworthy. It must be forbidden and disapproval of its perpetrators must be shown. But those who are guilty of it do not thereby become pagans; since no one of them claims it is particularly efficacious, or intends by it to associate anything with God. ... The taking of bribes, embezzlement of the property of the orphans and injustice in the courts are all major sins which God has forbidden. But sin does not make one a pagan when he has confessed his faith. ... Acts of immorality and disobedience without number have long been committed in all countries. Egypt is like Bornu, or even worse. So also is Syria and all the cities of Islam. There has been corruption, embezzlement of the property of orphans, oppression and heresy in these places form the time of Bani Umayya right down to our own day. No age and no country is free from its share of its heresy and sin. If, thereby, they all become pagan, then surely their books are useless." Having argued his case, al-Kanemi concluded his letter with a rather sarcastic praise of Shaykh Usman: "Indeed we thought well of him. But now, as the saying goes, we love the Shaykh and the truth when they agree. But if they disagree it is the truth which comes first." Muhammad Bello replying on behalf of the jama`a, wrote, inter alia: "It is indeed seemly for me not to reply, but I am constrained to do so through solicitude for the ignorance of the talaba, so that they may not follow you... This is so that you will learn in the first place that what made it proper for us to permit our people neighbouring on you to fight Bornu was the continual receipt of news from those who mixed with the people of Bornu and knew their condition, to the following effect. It was that they make sacrifices to rocks and trees, and regard the river as the Copts did the Nile in the days of the jahiliya. It was also that they have shrines with their idols in them and with priests. We have seen the proof of this in your first letter where you say: ‘Among the biggest of your arguments for the paganism... the Amirs riding to certain places... Then you explained that they do not wish by this to associate anything with God... But it is not hidden to meanest intelligence that this claim warrants no consideration. the verdict depends on what is seen. ... For what caused the Amir of Bornu (according to what has reached us) to inflict harm on the believers among the Shaykh's people near to you until they were obliged to flee? What caused him to begin to fight them, unless he were in alliance with the Hausa Kings to assist them? It is manifest that he would not have risen to assist the Hausa kings had he not approved of their religion. And certainly the approval of paganism is paganism itself. To fight them is permitted, since the jihad against paganism is incumbent on all who are able. ... The statements in your premises and the contentions you have used to elucidate them amount only to refutable arguments. How can it be said that it is not legal, for him who is able, to reform immorality or put an end to corruption? It is not right for an able man to point to learned men who in the past have not bothered to change it or speak of it. By my faith, that is of no avail. ... " After these kinds of exchanges and a few running battles, a truce was struck, but not before some parts of Borno were annexed to Sokoto Caliphate. More fundamentally, this jihad in Sokoto shook Borno establishment to its very roots. Shaykh al-Kanemi who began to defend Borno on behalf of the Mai ended up as the de facto ruler of Borno and after him his progeny continued to rule Borno to this day. This change of leadership, occasioned by the jihad of Shaykh Usman, was to bring very fundamental changes in its trail and Borno was never the same again. (Usman Muhammad Bugaje-academic paper) (list of academic papers:http://www.webstar.co.uk/~ubugaje/main.shtml)
  14. i believe in living. By Assata Shakur i believe in living. i believe in the spectrum of Beta days and Gamma people. i believe in sunshine. In windmills and waterfalls, tricycles and rocking chairs; And i believe that seeds grow into sprouts. And sprouts grow into trees. i believe in the magic of the hands. And in the wisdom of the eyes. i believe in rain and tears. And in the blood of infinity. i believe in life. And i have seen the death parade march through the torso of the earth, sculpting mud bodies in its path i have seen the destruction of the daylight and seen bloodthirsty maggots prayed to and saluted i have seen the kind become the blind and the blind become the bind in one easy lesson. i have walked on cut grass. i have eaten crow and blunder bread and breathed the stench of indifference i have been locked by the lawless. Handcuffed by the haters. Gagged by the greedy. And, if i know anything at all, it's that a wall is just a wall and nothing more at all. It can be broken down. i believe in living i believe in birth. i believe in the sweat of love and in the fire of truth. And i believe that a lost ship, steered by tired, seasick sailors, can still be guided home to port.
  15. http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/91453
  16. read my edit. btw, ask xaji xunduf,if you don't believe the story exists.
  17. Ibti, I said "originally settled". According to your own folklore Hargeysa was settled by a Jewish leader and he was driven away by Sheikh Yusuf Kowneyn. According to other SOmali mythology and even some historians many parts of what is now SOmali territory was settled by black gaalo and oromos. It's also a fact that the current NFD was inhabited by Oromos a few centuries ago and the SOmalis displaced those tribes. Now, if I said NFD was originally settled by oromo Gaalo, it doesn't mean NFD are originally gaalo oromo. ( personally, i don't believe the story about the jewish leader of hargeysa. but it makes for better reading). edit: nagada ciyarta. it's ramadan. I thought i caused a diplomatic controversey here and would have to apologise on universal tv.
  18. lol, you want to me apologise when I haven't said anything wrong.
  19. maddey, you messed up the whole page.