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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. la is three times the size of qardho. Nassir, poverty of the mind? NAGADA, Somalia is poor and you know it. You're clutching at straws.
  2. I've seen pictures of farole n zenawi on this board.
  3. Originally posted by NASSIR: We are not a poor nation saxib. to the small village of Las Anod ' :mad: :rolleyes:
  4. walalayal, we need to make peace in the middle east. We need to make peace in SOmalia. We need to make peace on the streets. We need to make peace between black people and the police. All the political prisoners should be released. All men should should be entitled to a bowl of bariis. We need to plant the future for our seeds. Oppressors should sit on their knees and plead for forgiveness. I wonder why there is much sickness?
  5. I heard from reliable people that he was never arrested. He was just moved to another masjid..........
  6. Originally posted by The Zack: Ramos is good but not worth of $40M. let tujjiye dream.
  7. Good one. The comments attributed to the UWSLF official are disturbing though.
  8. lol, looks like somaliland never heard of dual "citizenship". Kulaha must renounce her citizenship. he he.
  9. well, his roots could easily be from albania or the balkan area. But Jews of Northern Africa is good sensationalism.we will never really know, though.
  10. warya nueman, if you want to cheerlead for lazie, you don't need to use me as a fence.
  11. Originally posted by Neumann: quote:Originally posted by Polanyi: Khadra Yusuf is a typical freemason, racist, self hatin troll who is being used to incite the authorities against her own people. Freemason? That's an odd choice of word. In as much as I agree that this paints an unfavourable picture of the Somali community in Norway and elsewhere, I can neither think of moral nor legal justification for cheating the welfare system. On that grounds, I can't help but think that her act could be for the betterment of the Somali society. I disagree. Look, most SOmalis in those countries who are allegedly cheating the system do not speak the native language of those countries-let alone read english articles. So how is her act going to "better" Somali society? People cheat the system, not because they belong to a particular ethnic group, but because they are audacious enough to think that they can get away with it, and they do in many cases.
  12. lIVERPOOL should have played 451..It was just to easy for the three central mids of MC. .......
  13. ^^ Whatever it is about, it is irrelevant to the discussion and there was no need to bring it up in this thread. The discussion here was about your fake and deceptive praise of Meles Zenawi, a man with so much Somali blood on his hands, even though you are fasting. In any case,Jabhad has done a good job at highlighting how little ye know.
  14. Somaliland intelligence is training the fbi.
  15. Sakhar, what makes you think I support SSC militia,TRIBAlistyahow? ps. can you give us more information about the merits of Meles Zenawi?
  16. Originally posted by Sakhar_The: ^ Meles was also once hailed as a 'visionary' leader and 'great democrat' by the west which slightly got tainted in the 2005 elections but nevertheless he's miles ahead and attends all G20 meetings as the sole African representative. Meles leadership changed a lot since the feudal leadership of the Amhara Derg. As a result Ethiopia is more open now and because of Ethiopia's delicate ethnic make up and Meles himself coming to power in a bloodless coup as a guerilla movement and the stubbornness of the Amhara many reforms could not be implemented but a great deal has changed for the better since Meles came to power in Ethiopia. [b [/b] And you are the spokesman of Meles?
  17. just ask if there is anyone called Abdi.
  18. can i sample the afur you lovely folks are making? can i collect it from outside bond street?
  19. http://energybulletin.net/stories/2010-08-04/what-zapatistas-can-teach-us-about-climate-crisis
  20. Khadra Yusuf is a typical freemason, racist, self hatin troll who is being used to incite the authorities against her own people. In a nutshell, she wakes up everday cursing the world for being black, SOmali and Muslim. Such people are known in scholarly terminology as " peacenowites". Peacenowites are people who flee from their own people, culture and religion, which they blame for their predicament. These people are schizophrenic cocunuts who feel white and european in their heart; yet have to still face the stigma of god creating them with melaninised,black cushitic skin. Thus, exposing SOmalis in the media, ridiculing them, mocking them and reporting their internal affairs to the authorities, is, indeed, a self coping mocking mechanism to address their own ilnesses. It is as if they are saying: " look at us, we are one of the good sheeps, please do accept us". Common symptons of the peacenowitus illness include: an obessive compulsive disorder which manifests itself in trolling the internet for bad news about Somalis, bringing SOmali problems to the mainstream, dissocating completely from ther SOmali community and many others which tim does permit for us to diagnose. One common characteristic of such individuals is that they rarely do anything for community. You will never see them giving a hand to any intiative. All they are good for is opening their big mouths, criticising, criticising and criticising. Having said that, one cannot deny that the problems in the article exist and some of those statistics are very troubling. On One level, though, it does show that Somalis are entrprenurial fellows and true hustlers of high calibre. I think we need to channel those skills in the right direction and not break the law. We need a long term solution, not self hating-media hoggers and clowns. The problems mentioned in the article can only be addressed by the community. We need community activists, teacher, cushitic xalimo mothers, skinny amphibian farax alpha males, sahwa scholars and poets to sit down and come up with a solution. A great insight can be learned from the mexian peasant revolutions and the earl inca resistance to the Spanish colonisation. Malcom X and Fanon also offer great insights. If we start our own SOmali Islamic Schools and employ purely SOmali teachers, I think we can create a real generation of halganised, cushitic and educated Somalis. Within 20 years it will be the norm for Somali folks to be professionals and highly educated people. Islamic Government of Bladland