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Everything posted by Geel_jire

  1. ^ Malika I'm on the other side of the pond as you brits like to put it. ibti a little embellishing is expected but be careful of something that can come back to bit you in the @zz later. The worst thing i hate about these damn interview is the weird questions like 'What is your favorite color'............ its a color dammit not a person im neutral. Edit: CL and JB why the surprise with 'aboowe' are you guys implying that she is not usually this charming
  2. ^ it's expected don't worry about it ..... all part of the courtship. good luck on your job search Ngoge: what was that famous somali mahmah Seedigaa ha colaysan walashaa iskuma hubtid.
  3. subax wanaagsan people. :eek: women raping men and women beating men.... I woke up in a different world walee
  4. ^ sxb Geela somalida mid tartan qurux ka qayb geli karo maho .......... waa kuwa loo isticmaalo rar oo dhul abaareed ku nool oo sidii dacay loogu jiidayay faruur la moodo.
  5. Originally posted by sheherazade: win is win is what I was thinking. What's health got to do with it? i missed that......... you know ladies pretend they are doing you a favor even though it really is a win win game....... as FB likes to say they like to play with our psychology.
  6. ^ no argument on that point he held on too long like a typical African but the Economic toll suffered by Zimbabwe can not all be laid at his feet The U.S. has dealt the country serous blows by the sanctions.......... Iraq with oil suffered through the sanctions how could Zimbabwe survive. other than holding on too long ... and did not adequately plan for the Land reforms....... the man is one of the few African leaders that make me proud
  7. ^ Afraid to joke about Islam?Muslims we are the target of every 'enlightened' news organization and the butt of almost all their jokes. the worst kind in my view are the sly underhanded insults that go unchallenged for example you all heard recently Barak Obama was 'accused' of being a Muslims (as if it was a crime :confused: ). and how does he respond by vehemently denying it like its something dirty....... and some news organization come out to 'defend' him against the 'accusations'. This is twisted in soo many ways ......... where do you even begin :confused:
  8. ^ in a good mood today but on a serious note the Man is great ........ I remember in early 2003 he was addressing the UN general assembly the line i loved the most was Blair you keep your England, I will keep my Zimbabwe ^ or something to that affect....... the way he carried out the Land reforms were not 100% fair but i could not help myself feeling happy that the English were feeling the backlash of colonialism.
  9. ^ The Land redistribution was poetic the old man hung on for too long but allot of western pressure contributed to the current economic problems it wasn't all his fault
  10. looooool@Cara skinny faraaxs could not handle the whiplash involved I would break something for sure. Selling it.... is not where my problem is.... it's just that I would like to convince her it is in her best interests(health wise )to do it often and nO I'm not THAT good of a salesman
  11. A U.N agency UNOSAT plots on a satellite based image all the locations of the pirate attacks in 2007. Pirates have been attacking ships off the coast of Somalia for years. This map, from the United Nations satellite imagery team, plots all the strikes in 2007. There are no big red Xs to mark the treasure spots, I'm afraid. But it does note the last known whereabouts of the pirate "mother ship." Which is still pretty cool. The details are pretty thin. but is this for Hunting pirates by the U.S navy stationed close by . or to warn commercial ships on what routes to avoid soruce
  12. A^2+B^2 = C^2 The Pythagorean theorem is much easier to understand in algebraic form and besides The Japanese have already defined such a formula (no joke) The Japanese think they've discovered a mathematical formula to find the hottest chicks ever... find a regular chick on the street, ask her to introduce you to her hottest friend. Then ask this chick to introduce you to HER hottest friend... and so on and so on.
  13. ^ i was just attempting to portray it in a win-win light .......... the old fashioned way will have to do
  14. I have a question for the Pole dancing sisters. surely 'Niikis' classes would have a greater benefit all around i.e exercise for you and a grateful audience(your special faarax). old school faaraxs do not find pole dancing sexy or erotic must be a cultural/generational thing but Niiko on the other hand is xaaaax No way i can convince her without some sisters backing me up as to the health benefits... any assistance is greatly appreciated
  15. ^ i'm wondering whether the special class is the one for slow kids or the special class for smart kids ? if the former maybe the misjudged
  16. I really admired the man during the land redistribution lakin wuu isku xaaray hada
  17. ^ looooooool , i have gotten a couple of those before not fun there is this one lady that when she blows it is a terrifying experience .......... most likely not there fault but sorry to hear anyway
  18. The official results are in Mugabe lost the majority ... lets see how he handles it the typical African way or not ? Mugabe loses parliament
  19. ^ just what i was thinking this is scary. times are changing kids arent what they used to be as little as 10 years ago
  20. Gar-Haye thnx for posting this. let me summarize code: Date Dead Injured ------- ------ -------- 30/03/08 2 1 30/03/08 5 4 21/03/08 6 4 29/03/08 5 4 28/03/08 3 5 27/03/08 6 3 27/03/08 5 6 25/03/08 100 0 19/03/08 17 5 18/03/08 3 2 16/03/08 3 2 ----- ------ 155 36 Disclaimer: There is a slight margin of error due to figures from the 'injured' column being carried over to the 'Dead' column Good job to the resistnace all in all it was a good month keep up the good work lads.
  21. loooool, Jimcaaale and AbuGeeljire the pic is out of date from the early days of the ICU vs Warlords war. and it is a bit too colorful... will resume my search for the pic that portrays the msg i want
  22. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: ^ lol, pics of m-dheeRe and cyadiid always make me lough. but what is the point? interesting you left out A/Y and geedi but the point is "I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery. --Aeschylus"
  23. looooooooool@kk that is a brilliant summarization of the whole article.......... it is easier for a machine to 'predict' with reasonable accuracy the preference of men ........... but too many variable for a viable solution the other way around
  24. ^ shameful yaa Dabshid it is disappointing that you are still stuck in that mentality. Even the TFG supporters on SOL are a step above that at least some of them claim to support the TFG politically. an underhanded way of working around the SOL rules.