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Everything posted by Geel_jire

  1. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Ku: Qalbigayga, Nuurkii indhahayga ,, heblaayo hebel Waxaan hawada kuu soo marinayaa erayadan ka macaan malabka, ka udgoon cadarka kana quruxda badan dahabka saafiga ah. mid ay soo qortay soo qortay Nephy markaan arkay waan yaabay alaabtan JB oo kale ayaan ku qaraaban jirnay ! Originally posted by Geel_jire: ^ looks like im out of touch waxaa iigu danbaysay "Ka macaan malabka... ka udgoon cadarka" alaabtaas goormaa laga baxay ?
  2. lol@cara women can play as well A specially designed paper cone allows women to play too, the inventors say. lol these guys take the equality thing too far .. taleejin used to be an exclusively male domain ! I imagine the input here is for target practice the sensors in the urinal represents 'aliens' that must be killed in the game ... so aiming carefully is a must
  3. Yaab badanaa ! these drunkards will come up with the craziest sh!t ... a game whereby you kill aliens by literately aiming urine at sensors installed in a urinal for male gamers and a paper cone for female gamers. This is a perversion of HMI (Human Machine Interface) designs which has given us the Mouse,keyboard,POS,Microphone,camera,single/multi touch screens and many other ways of allowing a computer system to accept input ... the gaming industry has been coming up with new Input/sensor devices the last few years such as the Guitar in the Guitar hero game etc. but this is just stup!d and how do they propose to make this a multi player game :confused: .... walee nimaan dhiman wax weliba wuu arki ! BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Two Belgian beer fans have launched a video game named 'Place to pee', which allows players to slalom down ski slopes or kill aliens while relieving themselves at urinals. Werner Dupont, a software developer, and Bart Geraets, an electrical engineer, got the idea while drinking Belgian trappist beers, they told Reuters Television at a local festival on Sunday. "This thing had to be invented by Belgian people and that's what we are," they said. The 'Place to pee' booth is designed for two users at a time and offers two games -- blowing up aliens in outer space or skiing down a virtual slope. Gamers hit their target by aiming at sensors positioned on either side of the urinal. A specially designed paper cone allows women to play too, the inventors say. source
  4. ^ Amiin if not for these young warriors who fight in this Jihad waanala gumaysan lahaa ... ilaahay janada ha ugu abaal mariyo !
  5. ^ qalad ayaad iiga fahantay sxb no xanaaqing here this topic is not even half as bad as some of the stuff that im talking about... but it is just an observation. I am talking about JB not gobalada waqooyi galbeed so no, good things going on back home don't hurt me .. infact nothing makes me happier
  6. ^ you have no idea the career you're missing out on ... you would have made a world class spammer. do you think all those Viagra or get bigger emails just send themselves ... tireless folk like JB and Duke make it possible. hadii gobolada waqooyi galbeed dhuuso ka dhacdo waa soo dhajinaysaa ps: there is serious money in it runtii ... and you are in a part of the world where you can't get prosecuted for spam !
  7. ^ actually it is significant. because this is a major social problem in Somalia and the root cause for most of our problems .... even if they are true/honest journalists the perception it would create would harm their image and every news story would be filtered through it is 'reer hebel' news source. The Prof. was right in bringing this up ... it is like 1 step forward 2 steps back
  8. ^ looks like im out of touch waxaa iigu danbaysay "Ka macaan malabka... ka udgoon cadarka" alaabtaas goormaa laga baxay ?
  9. ^ that is what i thought but that has happened to me so many times i was beginning to doubt my ESL teacher
  10. Geel_jire


    Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: Thanks everyone!~ Lander & Geeljire, are you guys in the programme? no bro. I've only taken a few intro business courses which i did not enjoy ..... the points i mentioned are common to most professional degrees and online courses. good luck with your studies
  11. ^ this reminds me of Godwin's law Godwin's Law is often cited in online discussions as a caution against the use of inflammatory rhetoric or exaggerated comparisons, and is often conflated with fallacious arguments of the reductio ad Hitlerum form. As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress. Godwin's Law thus practically guarantees the existence of an upper bound on thread length in those groups.
  12. since this thread is about grammar I have a question .. something that has been bothering me for a while. today a coworker came into my office and she asks me "Do you mind ?" *pointing to the chair* I say "NO" and she gets this weird look on her face .. anyway long story short she believes I refused her permission to have a seat. I have faced this kind of problem before ... which makes me think perhaps I am the one who is getting it wrong. when someone says 'Do you mind ?' and you reply "NO" doesn't/shouldn't that mean no, I do not mind as in giving permission instead of the opposite :confused:
  13. Geel_jire


    Faarax B. The MBA is a professional degree meaning it is geared towards working professionals rather than students that is why it costs much more, and usually they are very lenient with assignment deadlines, even exam rescheduling so you can probably work it around your schedule. at that stage you don't need to be spoon fed anything and if you can make it work online classes are ok but be careful of the reputation of the institute you want to attend. University of Phoenix does not have a good reputation I'm not aware of their business school but their Technical programs are known as Degree producing factories. before you commit to online courses I suggest you first give it a try. MIT offers free online opencourse ware on their website entire courses in video lectures give one course a try and if you think it can work for you go ahead.
  14. STOIC let me offer a few I remember just in case you need them. Greatest common Factor = Dhfusanahah ugu wayn ay wadaagaan. Least common multiple = dhufsanaha ugu yar ay wadaagan Greatest common denominator = qaybsanaha ugu wayn ay wadaagaan lowest common denominator = qaybsanaha ugu yar ay wadaagaan *Matrices* row = jiif u tax colum = joog u tax i cant remember prime numbers and other terms i picked these up while tutoring a guy from somalia as well with perfect somali .... couldnt understand some of the words
  15. I see the two champion trollers are keeping it lively in here. JB & ibti maxaa la sheegay ?
  16. Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire: Glad to see u back bro.......some ppl keep thinkning u changed ur name to Abu GeelJire/Geeljire............wat ever gave them that idea my thoughts exactly and wlc back
  17. kiyaa huwaa = what happened see i can be nice sometimes
  18. kiyaa huwaa ? ayaa sax ah ibti sidee tahay
  19. Guilty iyo nus I only worry about punctuation if it is an Academic or professional paper otherwise as long as the message is conveyed ........ but i draw the line at spelling !
  20. ^ why must they be mutually exclusive ? are you suggesting that because they play war games they have no possible future or education what does one have to do with the other ? boys have been playing war games for centuries ... in the west they play 'cowboys & Indians' back home they play Shabaab vs Xabash. Al-shabaab would be a perfect role model for young boys to aspire to they have all the qualities a boy should strive for .. geesinimo, diin jacayl, wadaninimo, raganimo. You don't see anything wrong with a 10 or 11 yr old boy playing mujahid? LG curious you have an issue with young boys playing mujahids yet in your whole post nothing about the ones playing Ethiopians ? dont let your recently acquired hate for the honorable al-shabaab blind you.... since you believe they are 'mujaahids' could there be a more perfect role model ?
  21. I dont see anything wrong with this. who hasnt played war games growing up. we used to fight neighborhood vs neighborhood attacking each other with wadhafs in simulated war which sometimes resulted in serious injuries but was really fun and sabaxaad & lagdan on the beach.
  22. ^ It reminds back in the day when somali where not so divided and at each others throat the citizens went out and built schools 'iskaa wax u qabso' DIY projects even after the ICU took over xamar ... people would organize themselves and clean the streets and clear all of the junk from the sea port and the air port ... there was a hint of going back to out glory days but the !@#$%^& came and it went to hell !
  23. ^ let me qualify that we do not mean anything by it sometimes if a faarax is laying it on extra thick then 'timir laf baa ku jirta' and conversely if your not careful she might assume inaad wax rabto adigoo iska daacad ah ... niyo jab on either side this is same for xalimo's especially from certain parts of somalia if you are not aware that most people from those regions speak like that you might think inay wax kale ula dan leedahay best advice is to diversify your shukaansi experience you should sample north to south and east to west
  24. ^ in Somali it doesn't sound and is not meant to be condescending ... raga qaar waa afku malable and this is how they talk sometimes we mean nothing by it ... I have not come across anyone offended by this.