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Everything posted by Geel_jire

  1. Cagtii joogsan waydaa, mar un bay ceeb la kulantaa Balaaya dhabano la qabto ayay leedahay ee **** la qabto ma leh Nin daad qaaday xunbo cuskay
  2. Troll section is becoming too crazy to keep up with. sheekada meel aan kaga soo dhex dhaco ayaan garan laa'ahay
  3. Maalin wanaagsan trollers ! NG, Juxa, Ibti iyo JB ma wada raydaan ? xaad maha ku haydaan maanta
  4. my favourite classical one Ninkii seexdaa siciis dibi dhalay my favourite xamari one Bada mihii laga galo, dhinaan lee waaye
  5. It's the digital equivalent of waving at someone from across a crowded room. Photo: Tenn. Woman Arrested for Facebook 'Poke': 'Poke' Allegedly Violated Order of Protection A Tennessee woman was arrested for "poking" another Facebook user. And yet a Tennessee woman was arrested last month for "poking" another user on Facebook. According to an affidavit filed with the Sumner County General Sessions Court on Sept. 25, Shannon D. Jackson of Hendersonville, Tenn., allegedly violated a legal order of protection that had been previously filed against her when she sent a virtual "poke" to another woman on Facebook. story
  6. Maadey soo dhawoow widaw nin imtixaan ah inaad tahay threadka ugu horeeya aad nagu soo gashay baa laga garan karaa. xeelad fiican baad samaysay lakin .. markaad dadka kale baratay iyo siday wax u socdaan uun baad afka kala furatay. newbies ka cusub waa inay kaa faa'idaystaan. mug kale soo dhawoow
  7. this reminds me of sheeko ninkii liin dhanaanta lagu siray mise laf canbe ahayd si fiican uma xasusto hada
  8. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: quote:Originally posted by -Serenity-: Well, I now know the avg UK asking price is 3-5K. But I did genuinely think it was 10-20K... According to Ibts numbers, a girl should get 40% in total of whatever he has saved - but what if he has just 1K saved, would any1 be willing to go for £400? I also think it is between 10-20K, must be the credit crunch or something, 3k waa la isku cay jirey Serenity, I said his wealthy, not savings. So, the total of his saving, business, assets including car/ home value, so maxa £400 keeney Ibtisam ... I think Capital would be a better way of calculating his worth. Capital = Assets - liabilities. so deduct car loan, student loan, mortgage and 20% of his capital is reasonable just dont be surprised when your meher becomes a fraction of a -Ve number i.e you have to pay the brother instead
  9. I have seen 1.5K - 8K. Marka it depends. dumarka soomaalida haddii loo soo hormariyo meherka waxay moodaan in la fuurayo .. they are deathly afraid of it .. I wonder how that came about
  10. Dhubad No sxb. I haven't been invited to try it im just as curios as everyone else. Serenity could you post a review after you've taken it for a test drive ? The live IM conversation is a -ve for me .. I actually like the delay involved gives you a chance to edit your response or think about what your saying.
  11. forget trying it out. I'm having trouble figuring exactly what Google wave is. from watching part of that video it is a communication tool that is supposed to combine the functionality and replace multiple communication apps e.g instant-messaging, email, blog, file-sharing etc. how this is done or even used im not sure yet .. but it sounds like a good idea.
  12. Geel_jire


    I've had the iPhone 3G since july 2008. and i've only recently started using the apps .. i now have 4 pages of apps everything from CBC radio, yellow pages, Wikipedia , currency converter, unit converter, flashlight, specialized alarm clock, islamic calender, prayer time etc. my favorite feature of this phone is the powerful tethering capability ... recently I have been working in some rural areas .. and browsing on the 3G network is much better than I thought it would be at least when compared to the terrible hotel connection
  13. The aim of the awards is to honour achievements that "first make people laugh and then make them think". The full list of winners: Veterinary medicine: Catherine Douglas and Peter Rowlinson of Newcastle University, UK, for showing that cows with names give more milk than cows that are nameless. Peace: Stephan Bolliger, Steffen Ross, Lars Oesterhelweg, Michael Thali and Beat Kneubuehl of the University of Bern, Switzerland, for determining whether it is better to be smashed over the head with a full bottle of beer or with an empty bottle. Biology: Fumiaki Taguchi, Song Guofu and Zhang Guanglei of Kitasato University Graduate School of Medical Sciences in Sagamihara, Japan, for demonstrating that kitchen refuse can be reduced more than 90% in mass by using bacteria extracted from the faeces of giant pandas. Medicine: Donald L Unger of Thousand Oaks, California, US, for investigating a possible cause of arthritis of the fingers, by diligently cracking the knuckles of his left hand but not his right hand every day for more than 60 years. Economics: The directors, executives, and auditors of four Icelandic banks for demonstrating that tiny banks can be rapidly transformed into huge banks, and vice versa (and for demonstrating that similar things can be done to an entire national economy). Physics: Katherine K Whitcome of the University of Cincinnati, Daniel E Lieberman of Harvard University and Liza J. Shapiro of the University of Texas, all in the US, for analytically determining why pregnant women do not tip over. Chemistry: Javier Morales, Miguel Apatiga and Victor M Castano of Universidad Nacional Autonoma in Mexico, for creating diamonds from tequila. Literature: Ireland's police service for writing and presenting more than 50 traffic tickets to the most frequent driving offender in the country - Prawo Jazdy - whose name in Polish means "Driving Licence". Public Health: Elena N Bodnar, Raphael C Lee, and Sandra Marijan of Chicago, US, for inventing a bra that can be quickly converted into a pair of gas masks - one for the wearer and one to be given to a needy bystander. Mathematics: Gideon Gono, governor of Zimbabwe's Reserve Bank, for giving people a simple, everyday way to cope with a wide range of numbers by having his bank print notes with denominations ranging from one cent to one hundred trillion dollars. story
  14. aaway reer troll .. sacaadanoo kale bay meesha cidleeyaan
  15. Originally posted by Ms DD: It is easy to guess most SOLERS ages i.e GJ: 26 (doesnt sound as young as that though) Thanks, I think
  16. Xildhibaanka ayaa lagu eedeeyay in uu gabadha u sheegtey in uu boholyow iyo kalgacal u hayo isla markaasna ay waqti siiso si uu ula sheekaysto, sida la sheegay waxa uu gabadhii geeyay halka uu ka deganaa magaalada. Kadib markii uu ku hubsadey gabadhii yarayd ee Iskooleyda ahayd gurigiisi ayuu ka dooney tii xumeyd waana ay ku gacan sayrtey. Xildhibaanka ayaa la sheegayaa in uu gabadha u isticmaaley in uu siiyo waxyaabo dooriya maankeeda kadibna waxa ay gurigiisa ku sugneyd muddo sadex maalmood ah waxa uuna kula kacay sida lagu soo eedeeyay Kufsi iyo faroxumeyn . this seems a little fishy ... how was he able to hold her for 3 days with this so called maandooreye ? and what kind of drug is it ?
  17. ^ Hi Juxa ... waa khayraysanahay wax badarka diiday malahan.
  18. Hello trollers. ma raydaan ?
  19. soo dhawoow .. I see gabadha is already spoken for.
  20. an entertaining read LOL but the funny thing is they included this in the news section... waxoo dhan waa khuraafad a very good case study of the misuse of statistics. 47-saac iyo 15-Daqiiqo the preciseness of this figure is the first clue it is hogwash this poll result is stochastic by nature which very rarely comes out with such precise figures ... it is more likely than not accompanied by a margin of error. - Afartii gabdhoodba seddax waxaa ay sheegeen in ay qarin karaan sirta .. that makes 75% sirta qarsanaya - halka 83% ay u tixgeliyaan nafsadooda in lagu aamini karo akhaabrka asxaab kale - Sidaa ay tahayna 10-kiiba Afar waxaa ay qirteen in Sirta saaxib ay u gudbiyaan saaxiib kale. 40% baa gudbinaya - in kabadan Toban waxaa ay aaminsanyihiin in caadi ay tahay in sirta Saaxiib loo sheegi karo saaxiib kale 10 out of ?? the 3000 in that case makes 0.3% - inkabadan 40% waxaa ay la qaybsadaan nimankooda. - Nasiib wanaag, in kabadan Rubuc (27%) waxaa ay qireen in ay ilaawaan wixii maalmo ka hor loo sheegay! The idea when using percentages is to get a total of 100% .. so we can appreciate how much of the total each group represents. The author needs to be aquainted with "statistically inpendent events" e.g if you flip a coin the probability of getting head or tails is 50% but if you flip once and get heads .. that does not mean the next time you flip you will get tails .. they are statistically independent events (they do even out over a large number of flips). i.e haday hal qof sirta gudbiso micnaheedu maha in dumarkoo dhan sirta gudibiyaan waa wax ku xidhan shaqsiyada qofka.
  21. not as good as it was last year sxb @ Norf everything that can go wrong with a project has gone wrong on the one im working on hence my late night. from completely way off guesstimates of cable length, 2 violations of the electrical code, and transposing two transmitters that work on completely different wavelengths, 1 major safety gaff resulted in a minor injury to installation guys. me and some other guys have been assigned the fun task of redoing the whole thing from scratch .. luckily my part is done and I never have to deal with this nightmare again. have things picked up at your end yet ? EDIT Morning Lily .. ma raydaa ?
  22. ^ Nice try but a geeljire wouldn't be in that position to begin with. lakin given the context .. what is it that he is doing wrong .. like I said he is a victim of his reputation
  23. Havent slept at all. just finished a write up .... so im waiting for fajr so I can crash
  24. horta ma anigaa waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa ? I don't see anything wrong with the old dog .. minus the slightly constipated look on his face. how is it that everyone is able to read that facial expression and know what the man is thinking .. he is a victim of his own reputation.