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Everything posted by chubacka

  1. habeen wanaagsan (somali is not so hard wen you jst copy it from others) anyway nyt
  2. ^^^ He came on TV trying to justify his racism and kept repeating "I am not talking about muslims, I am talking about islamists!" He was less than convincing...the man is simply another racist.
  3. waan sii soocdaa?! is my somali getting any betta? :confused:
  4. I wish someone had taught me to run away from dogs when I was little instead of smilin at them having my leg nearly chewed off for my efforts :mad: Run kids run!
  5. ^^^ It took me a long time to figure out who malakul Mowt was!!!
  6. OMG thats the best news I've heard all morning
  7. interesting, thx Cadaan, 10% does sound like a lot...i dnt know where they all hide if that no. is accurate.
  8. Morning ppl, need your intimate knowledge of the somali ppl. I was talking to this lady at work about religion (she talks of little else) and she asked me if there were any Somali Christians, I replied I dnt know any to which she replied in a knowing way "Its probably because you do not mix with them." I told her I dnt think they formed significant community in Somalia otherwise I would probably have of them, although there were some Churches in the capital in the past I assumed they were for the Italians. To appease her I said "I am sure there are one or two" Not satisfied wid my answer (not that I blame her) she went on the internet and she found this website that said Somalia's population is 90% muslim and 10% Christians. Which I found quite surprising. Call me niave but I really have not heard about or known any somali christians. So I am doing my own ameteur research, jst wanted to know if you guys knew of any somali christians, is there any particular place they live any tension b/t them and the somali muslims etc... Thxs in advance
  9. ^^Alhamdulliah, now we jst need democrates in US, Liberals (if only) in Britain and da world could become somewhat sane again.
  10. Originally posted by Zenobia: All the rubbish about doing better with an English manager has come back on them. They've got served and I'm so glad. how can you hate them they neva win anything! It would be a nice change not to have to see little kids crying after a match :rolleyes:
  11. up and coming warloads?! lol. I wnt ask what you will do with them...
  12. Aaliya i was depressed and I was thinking, imagine how ppl lived widout mobiles, I jst dnt know how they kept in contact wid anyone or arrange plans...glad we came out the dark ages :cool: And any help wid somali would be greatly there a level before basic?! OKComp...i know I always feel so wronged!
  13. When do you find out the results? I am hoping and praying that racist Howard is finally shown the door. :mad:
  14. Ismahaan loving da pic Jsheek I am ready to cast my vote, I wanna vote for Ismahaans pic... thankyou
  15. :eek: when did she become a terrorist?! She has jst asked for her skirt to be lenghtened which is reasonable enough. Its true though we should not take things too far and go places we dnt need to go.
  16. even though I prefer Brown to Blair there were some things BLair was a natural at. Someone should tell MR Brwn it is not against the law to smile
  17. You should have been crying along wid him...poor England
  18. Cadaan, Canada cnt play football, stick to that pretend game you play on ice!
  19. Sheek stop making fun of my somali, i am gonna be as good as you any day now lol @ Cadaan, if you had my phone you would NOT be smiling, did I tell you I have many brothers?! :cool:
  20. Fridge! I neva checked der :eek: actually horyoo (?!) was lying dwn on it, i was so happy i forgot to be angry! anyway thxs ppl sorry bout useless thread