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Everything posted by chubacka

  1. had a beautiful Sunday, although nearly froze to death, spent the day roaming around Regents Prk!
  2. hahaha wot happens when water touches it?
  3. Oi! Can we please have the audacity to hope! :mad: He honestly might be and wouldn't that jst be amazing. I dnt understand why that blond woman would damage the image of her own fellow democrate though when she knows that could work against him in the future.
  4. I gave up trying to fight wid my umbrella an jst walked throught the rain. feel for them poor ppl dwn the coast. bwt wots happening wid them US elections? Has Obama won?
  5. jst get a bloody normal tv an put it at the end of your bloody bed! bloody hell wots all the fuss about! (hello Jac)
  6. ^^ hahah Ameen! Looks like Jac's found a partner in crime
  7. such a great'll remember it for so long after you've finished it. and love Muhammud Asad! sorry about the big pics! Puj, will look out for it.
  8. chubacka


    hahaha thnxs for the laugh Jac jolene jolene jolene jolene....
  9. haha school nurse! we have a first aider an she isn't v. nice. I am going home to sleep. have a nice friday ppl.
  10. hey thanks for all the sympathy! i took some but the pain jst goes right through them! Mayb I jst cnt tolerate pain at all. I heard ppl wid anemia cant tolerate pain so dats my excuse! now should I ask to go home or should i wait til 5 when I am suppose to go out an eat... is it possible to ignore pain an discomfort?
  11. wow she is so cheeky about no one will marry you! Its bloody sad though that any 10 yr old would worry about being "skinny" after 20, its normal.
  12. I know arms are like the hardest place to tone :mad: I am struggling to go to the gym once a week :rolleyes: When you get used to exercise its actually enoyable and you get a lot out of it, its jst the motivation thats the hard bit. Tell these girls to come to all your fitness classes with you, its a far less punishing way to lose weight. All the best.
  13. chubacka


    Thats a good idea, why dnt you jst figure out how much you've taken and put it into the till. Find some way to make the sums add up. And dnt go back to it, no one is without sin dnt worry, alhamdulliah you realised that its wrong an want to make amends. Its always a good idea to ask a person of knowledge, why dnt you go to your local mosque an see wot the imam says.
  14. ^ very true, we all have an obligation to know about our religion because we are seen, willing or not as spokespeople for it. The worrying thing is that there is an agenda behind this revision which is to make Islam more modern and acceptable to the ppl of today. Jst tell ppl what they want to hear, and say everything not politically correct is an misinterpretaion/understanding. Let the hadith be reinterpreted (if need be) by scholars with no political motives, not by a country with a very strained relationship with its own faith. we shall see what they come up with an how its viewed by the rest of the muslim world.
  15. even if ppl before Islam wore hijab, it does not mean that hijab is not sanctioned in the quran and sunnah does it? As for these women I say good luck to them, but really they should just wear a burka, like the afghanstanies (mayb not blue) instead of ten skirts and so many other pieces of clothing. would love to see a picture...
  16. Hello Sen, If it were me I would go up to him privately, spk to him nicely and jst tell him thanks for caring about me but personally I am not ready to wear hijab full time right now and its something i have to personally be ready for. having said that hijab is an islamic obligation so inshallah make the intention to wear it one day. its not even hard. let us know how it goes.
  17. dnt feel it. they said there might be an after shock
  18. the wedding isn't jst about the couple, its about your family and his aswell, I would want everyone to be there an have a fab time.
  19. ^ No they do that at any age Yaya. apperently the happiest part of your life is at 20 an the absolute worse is around 44. its prob a load of bull. but assuming its true, are women allowed a mid life crisis or do we have this "dramatic self doubt" throughout our lives?
  20. why open up a can of worms Jac, he has not even asked about anything. why would you guys watch such a thing you know you would see crazy ppl doing crazy things
  21. Marshallah these were the ppl that were really working for their hereafter. (thanks DD)
  22. how big does the blond think her mouth is :rolleyes: