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Everything posted by chubacka

  1. hahaha kid an da white paints...where was the mother all that time they were painting and decorating?
  2. I remember you saying you were in london visiting your friend in prison. Thought you might be interested in event below to show support to muslims brothers in prison. if your still in London that is. 21/09/2008 Annual Iftar - In Support of Muslim Prisoners Annual Iftar in Support of Muslim Prisoners Venue: Outside Belmarsh Prison Date: 21st September 2008 Time: 4-7pm For further information contact Ms DD sorry about going off topic, good luck with the chocolate hunting iA. let us know how it goes!
  3. u calling me a man Zack? :mad: Dab we have too many brain cells you see, its a matter of keeping them all busy!
  4. thats all they were talking about in gen, all going to dubai to work, or planning to etc. its jst too hot to live there though. Sharjan is suppose to be quite religious i heard, they got a relgious prince in charge apparently. if you dnt find ur choc place you can always go gold shopping how long r you in lnd for unknown?
  5. is the whole world going to dubai?! Ms D you mite be outta luck an they mite be closed for ramadan...I hope thats not the only reason ur going there!
  6. hahhaa made me lol...mayb I am easily pleased!
  7. Saying salams to the opposite gender on campus is actually quite the trivial issue. Some scholars say that men should be required to initiate the salams to the sister while other scholars say it should be sister that should start off with the salams. The following scenario looks at a common incident through different points of view and what exactly is going on inside the minds of a sister and a brother (in Islam). Sister’s Point of View: **sister walks out of exam hall** Oh my gyad, that chemistry test was so easy! I’m sooooo happy for finishing my last exam. This is the happiest day of my life! LOL! **a brother exits from opposite exam hall** Oh, WHO is that? Is he Muslim? He has an ugly beard ewww. He looks scary. And WHY is he walking this way? Oh my God he’s headed straight towards me! Okay, be calm… it’s all normal. Just be polite and make eye contact and… BROTHER: Assalamu Alaikum SISTER: Walaikum Musalam OH MY GOD. He just said salams to me! No way it must have been to someone else. Wait, but there is no one else around. OH MY GOD IT WAS FOR ME. But why? Why would a random brother just say salams to me? It just doesn’t make sense. I’ve been wearing this hijab for ages… so why the salams NOW? Hmmm, this brother looks like he’s almost done in under grad. Isn’t that the brother who got into med school? Wow he’s so smart mashAllah. Why would someone like that say SALAM to me? Was he just trying to be nice? Hmmm. OR maybe he was being MORE than nice. Yeah I think that has to be it. OMG no way. Does he like me??? I’ve never seen him before but I sometimes study in the science library so he probably saw me. Why wouldn’t he say salams to me then? Maybe he was waiting to become more secure in his field before saying salams to me? I think that must be it. He is no doubt scouting people… of course. This is soooo weird lol. But mashAllah he’s a good looking brother. I’m sure he’s pious. That beard looks good on him mashAllah. I wonder if he’s talked to his parents about me yet? I hope his parents will like me. I’m a nice girl though. All the aunties love my personality lol. But if he lives far away then I might have to move close to his parents’ house because his job will probably be around there. Oh man the change in life will be sooooo hard to get used to. I wonder if he’s going to live in his own place or if we’re going to move in with his parents? I wouldn’t mind living with his parents ONLY if they’re open-minded. Uffff I hate close-minded people. I want to have nice in-laws. I hope he wants a simple Nikkah. I can’t stand all that extravagant crap that goes on nowadays. He seems very simple and down-to-earth though mashAllah. Definitely my kind of man. I wonder how he is with kids. I don’t mind having kids but he better not be the type that wants like 50 kids. OMG that would so suck. 3 is a good number. I like the names Bilal , Mariam and Ayesha. InshAllah it’ll be in that order. I wonder if he’s very science-y. I don’t like when people are too science-y. I think our kids should do anything they want as long as they are successful. Bilal would make a good social worker I think. He seems like the type that would always compliment my cooking, no matter how bad it is lol J I hate guys who think women belong in the kitchen. I think he’ll help out once in awhile too. He seems so gentle and delicate hahah. Wow I hope when Bilal grows up he’ll let me and that brother live with him. I don’t want to go to any retirement home! No inshAllah that brother will instil good values into Bilal. But OMG should I wait until he says salams again? I’m sure he’ll make the first move. Brother’s Point of View. **brother walks out of exam hall** Wow. I think I failed that exam. I haven’t shaven for days because of these ****** exams. I look like a werewolf. ****** science. I think I’ll switch into political science next year… I can’t take this. Hey is that a hijabi over there? Hmmm I think I should be polite and say salams. BROTHER: Assalamu Alaikum SISTER: Walaikum Musalam Man, I’m hungry. I wonder what’s for dinner tonight? Hopefully spaghetti. hahahaha. poor women. think far too much.
  8. Need a "good,strong" bag apparently as I have gone back to studying...any ideas? For some reason thought of Top Shop.
  9. Haven't been hungry @ all this ramadan alhamdulliah, thought i would starve to death given the long hours.
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Imagine one written by a blind man who happens to hate the dark. He has no choice but to talk about how lovely the smells are and how liberating it is to learn how not to stumble into things. She doesn't say she likes being single, she's being patient with the decree of Allah, jst as you would when facing other trials and tests in our lives. Doesn't sound like she is desperately advertising the single life.
  11. ^happy b-day to you, happy b-day to you, i went to the zoo... (do you know how the rest goes?!) Anyway happy bday,all the best
  12. classic exchange, I felt like I was peeping behind some1's shoulder Unknown does your wife not mind you sitting on SOL all day writing nonsense?! Answer my question?!
  13. hahahahahah! leave da poor students alone, they jst need to open their eyes before they step into the real world.
  14. They also promised that they will try to lobby their government to increase assistance to Somaliland. This is really wot SL needs. did you see them Jac?
  15. Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire: Norf, have u ever heard of these dudes? they fit Johnnys description: You Males justifiably extrapolate from your preceptiveness to the deeply burried wish of having a wiggling female body co-praying, instead of staring on the Wall. wot a complete farce
  16. they r hilarious. Mr P is probably Marx in disguise taking his revenge on everyone. I prefer those shady videos any day...
  17. Originally posted by Mr-Peace: quote:Originally posted by unknown1: last year a somali girl married a swede. How did that make you feel? hahaha I couldn't help picturing Dr Phil..
  18. Hello Students...thought this was an interesting article and gives a true account of what to expect after good ole uni. Prepare urselves for the outside world and inshallah save urself a lot of time and trouble. As Malcolm X said "Tomorrow belongs to the one who prepares for it!" All the best. Not promoting the website (have not been there myself only read the article and found it interesting) When you graduate there will be 10,000 other students graduating at the same time. London does not boast as many jobs available as there are seekers. Statistically some 25% of graduates will get employment within the first year. The remaining 75% will continue to search for employment for another year, and many even succumb to mediocre employment in retail shops, or try and approach large retail companies for supervisory/management positions or even government jobs such as the NHS, with the average salary being around £15,000 pa. As an under-graduate, you are primed to believe you will be earning £25,000 pa and above after graduation. Think again! Very few get that opportunity. It is fierce competition in the business world, and companies will only select the very best. What is the very best? And what do Employers want? Intelligence and a first class degree does not promise you a secure high flying career. Chances are you will not get what you want. After graduation, during the first 2 years, chances are you will change your career focus three times or more. Most under-graduates take it for granted that once they graduate with a top degree they will land on a job with a high paid salary. Wrong! You don't have anything special/unique to offer any company. There are thousands of others out there just like you. So you need to give yourself that edge. As cruel as it may sound, employees perceive graduates as textbooks with little initiative and no business acumen. Employers want experience. You will inevitably apply for a graduate trainee position during your final year. These trainee programmes are not easy to get onto. Even then they ask for work experience. To employers, the very best employees demonstrate the following traits: a) Strong learning abilities (your degree) b) Have work experience which demonstrates you are able to apply your skills and knowledge effectively (which you don't have) This is the very best. People who can satisfy these two criteria's with the correct skills have the best chances in the real world. The moral is you NEED WORK EXPERIENCE This is where you can give yourself the edge by working with us. Job Offer At De Vere Private Equity, we are using our G Programme as a vehicle to recruit new permanent staff. We are a growing company with many projects in the pipeline. For these projects we will require young, proactive and determined individuals. Whilst on our G Programme, you will be closely monitored for your performance, capabilities, drive and determination, to assess if we can offer you a job. Already we have Trainees being promoted to full time salary paid positions. The next one could be you.. Please visit out Website for FULL INFORMATION Spaces are limited please register straight away to give yourself the opportunity of an interview.
  19. It def keeps things simpler if you marry some1 from ur own culture and it means u wnt have to fight ur entire family to get what u want. At the end of the day its up to the sister, if she thinks its worth it she will fight tooth and nail so good luck to her.
  20. Morning trollers...silly riddle for u guys? ok then... a father and his son died in a car crash. The father died instantly and the son was taken to hosp to have an operation, once at the hosp the surgeon on duty said "I can't operate on him, he is my son!" how can this be?
  21. we dnt need a guy to supervise us. seriously there must be something more interesting to do on the web.
  22. any excuse yaa Ng leave da poor gal alone! cnt wait to see mum but I know before she even sits dwn she will be looking for something to tidy so its da stress thats tiring! cl whose add is that? :eek:
  23. morning girly gals, any1 up2 anything interesting today? Mum is coming bk from extended trip to Somalia so I shall be stuck in the hse cleaning for days
  24. so wot was the point of all these women? even though I am sure the first lady lives around my area somewhere...i wonder if she knows she's on some random somali website for no reason at all?