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Everything posted by DigibAc

  1. LOOOOL 3 T is back at it
  2. It's sad that Somalia is become a "battlefield" for the wars of these people. The sooner we as Somali get our house in order and get rid of foreign troops on our land, the better off we will be.
  3. Lets hope it's that simple. But there are unanswered questions... Like why did the foriegn troops take away Col. Muqtaar... and why they countinue to take away many other people, like the eight they took away last night http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2007/jan/wararka_maanta27-649.htm
  4. I don't see how anyone can justify this! I would love to know what Generals thoughts are and learn how this fits into the TFG vision General Duke sees.
  5. Also General, tell me please, how does this http://www.wardheernews.com/News_07/Jan/27_ciidamo_itoobiya.html and this http://www.shabelle.net/2007/January/n10346.htm fit into the TFG vision you see? I can clearly see how it fits into the TFG vision I see. The TFG will fail if it fails the Somali people, the foreigners don't care about us either way.
  6. ^^, I have my thoughts, but I am also interested in the thoughts of others... maybe after reading their thoughts I might change mine. General Duke, what is the goal that requires foreign troops?
  7. "Laakiin Col. Muqtaar sooma uusan hadal qaadin wax yaabihii uu la kulmay intii ay hayeen Ciidamada Dowlada Itoobiya oo la ogyahay in ay ka kaxeysteen gudaha magaalada Beledweyne xili ay isku maan dhaafeen soo gacan galinta gudoomiyihii maxkamadii islaamiga ee gobalka Hiiraan shiikh Faarax Maclin max'uud, taasoo keentay in mudo ka badan sadex todobaad uu ka maqnaado gudaha gobalka Hiiraan." I wonder why he had nothing to say about that??? "Xubnaha soo gaaray magaalada Beledweyne ee ka tirsan labada gole ee dowlada federaalka ayaa ku soo beegamay xili meesha laga saaray maxkamaddii Islaamiga gobalka, waxaana xusid mudan in marka la eego shacabku yahay mid mar walba u ooman in ay helaan nidaam dowladeed oo shaqeynaya, taasoo laga garan karo sida ay ugu soo baxeen soo dhaweynta xubnaha ka tirsan dowlada federaalka, waxaana xildhibaanada soo gaaray gobalka ka mid ahaa Xildhibaan Axmed Cumar Gaa-gaale iyo waliba Xidhibaan Cali Jeyte Cusmaan." That is not only in Beledweyne but also all over the country. Everyone needs peace. But we also need justice and sovereignty. "waxaana uu intaas ku daray in wali ay u hayaan shacabku taageero buuxda siyaasadda dowladda iyo waliba habsami u socda howlaha ay hadda ka waddo qeybo ka mid ah dalka gaar ahaan xarunta Muqdisho oo uu ku tilmaamay in ay tahay muraayada dalka isla markaana haddii la hagaajiyo ay hubanti tahay in dalka oo dhan uu hagaagayo." There is no question, whichever way Xamar goes the reset of the south will go that way. The TFG will not get support in Xamar until the foreign troops leave the country and until the people have security.
  8. Where is the TFG??? How do they expect us to give up our arms to them when we are being snatched away at night! The first requirement for any state is for it to provide security for it’s constituents; but the TFG seems to be an agent of insecurity. Jibriil Nuur Cadde WardheerNews, Muqdisho, Jan 27, 2006 (WDN) - Ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa la sheegay in ay xalay u dhaceen xarun ay hey'ad u dooda xuquuqda Aadanaha ku leedahay deegaanka KM4 ee magaalada Muqdisho. Ciidmadaasi ayaa halkaasi ka watay qaar kamid ah shaqaalihi hey'adaasi, sida uu sheegay masuul ka tirsan hey'addaasi. Masuulkaasi oo lagu magacaabo Suudaan Cali Axmed, ayaa waxa uu tibaaxay in xalay saqdii dhexe ay ciidamo Itoobiyaan ahi weerar kusoo qaadeen xarunta hey'adda, iyagoo si qasab ah ku kexeeyay shaqaalaha halkaasi ku sugnaa. Suudaan Cali Axmed waxaa uu cadeeyay in ciidamada Itoobiya ay wateen ilaa 8 kamid ah shaqaalihii halkaasi ku sugnaa, isagoo xaqiijiyay in la jir dilay kahor intii aan la wadin. Masuulkaasi waxaa uu ugu baaqay dowladda FKMG in ay si deg deg ah kusoo daayaan shaqaalahasi, mise war cad ay kasoo saarto dowladda sababaha loo qafaashay. Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa la sheegay in halkaasi ay uga shakiyeen in ay gabaad u tahay kooxaha hubeysan ee habeenkii inta badan weerarada ku qaada xarumaha ay ciidamada Itoobiya ka dageen magaalada Muqdisho. Howgallada noocasi oo kale ah ayaa kusoo badanaya magaalada Muqdisho, xilli ay iyana sii kordhayaan weerarada ka dhanka ah joogitaanka Ciidamada Itoobiya ee gudaha Muqdisho. Jibrill Nuur cadde, WardheerNews, Muqdisho
  9. ^^Horn I don't know where they are today... If they're in their bases outside the city or in the city, but I know very well what they did in that region. They come and go as they please... Just because they are not there today doesn't mean their "gone". The point I want to make is that just because the Xabasha say they are withdrawing their troops does not mean they will leave.
  10. Horn and Pi, the clannish thinking is not something we can wish away. A good way to defeat it is to undermine it. The TFG needs to show by its actions (for example by sending the foreign troops home) that it does not seek to subjugate any particular clan. What are the men with the jawaano over their heads to do? Who do they seek help from? If the only people that will listen to their plea for assistance are their clansmen, then we can't fault them for being clannish.
  11. ^^^ Just like the left bula xawa and luuq? Who are they fooling!
  12. Read for yourself http://www.shabelle.net/2007/January/n10346.htm
  13. The TFG is putting prisoners into jawaano. No one knows who these people are, no ones knows why they are prisoners. What kind of peace does the TFG expect to make in Somali when they are putting people into jawaano.
  14. Xoogsade, you make a very good point. How does the TFG (a government based on clans) expect to reconcile the Somali Nation when it’s putting people into jawaano?
  15. Let me ask you this Taliban and Abwaan, If the TFG fails, will we remember it as a defeated enemy or a missed opportunity to unify our people? I think we might remember it as a missed opportunity.
  16. Does the TFG have a vision? Has this vision been articulated? The reason so many people supported the ICU (at first) was because of it seemed to have a vision for Somalia. In hindsight, it is clear that the ICU leadership was a collection of religion of zealots who were unschooled in the working of Somali politics. They made political mistake after political mistake. Still they won the heart of the people (my hearth included) because they had a vision, a dream. I don’t think the TFG has a vision, for Somalia. Why? Because what vision of Somali requires foreigners? Why are they begging the world for money if they had a vision for us? If they have a vision for Somalia, they should be begging the Somali people for money and men. Why are they begging the AU for troops? Why haven’t they asked the Ethiopians to leave yet? I’ll tell you why! Because they have no vision to win our hearths! So they seek to impose themselves on us at the point of the foreigners gun!
  17. The TFG has the firepower of Ethiopia and the USA and they have shown they will use it. Should the people fight them or just submit and hope for mercy? If the Nation submits to them and tries to work from within the TFG we might actually have peace.
  18. This guy is a retard. He don't want anything good for muslims.
  19. So far it looks like the TFG don't have much support. The don't even have a 1/3.
  20. I see this for 1 hour and 30 more mins.
  21. The original results: Poll Results: The Next President of the Somali Democratic Republic (37 votes.) The Next President of the Somali Democratic Republic Choose 1 Abdiqasim Salad Hassan 11% (4) Hussein Aidiid 5% (2) Abdulahi Yusuf 24% (9) Muuse Sudi Yalahow 0% (0) Col. Shaatiguduud 0% (0) Gen. Morgan 3% (1) Mohamed Qanyare Afrah 0% (0) none 57% (21)
  22. Seems like Abdullahi was second best! Second best is fine except when it's second best to NONE! I guess it shows how much support he had. And that's an amazing goal! I've been looking at it for the last 10 minutes!
  23. it seems some of us knew about the treacherous plans of the Habash for a long time!
  24. yeah... i vote for 'choose or lose'.