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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Sharif Xasan waxa uu isaga haray mowqifkii uu kaga soo horjeeday ciidamada shisheeye ee nabad ilaalinta, isagoo ugu baaqay Soomaalida inay soo dhoweeyaan oo ay xurmeeyaan ciidamada loo keeni doono si ay nabada uga shaqeeyaan. lool, what a ruthless oppurtunist he is!
  2. Nuunoow. waxba lagala hadli mahayo waayo waxaad tahay aaba iska yar cantarabaqashka aad SOL u qaabil santahay ee howshaada comicada iska wado. Bilal adeer before you talk this fake xasuuq, why dont you talk about the infamous Bu'aale incident where your tribe or clan or mafia whatever they were killed PoW in cold blooded murder in a hospital for few months back. Adeer afeef hore lahoow ama adkaysi dambe. Nacnacda naga jooji din røvhul!
  3. Alle Ubahane, give it a rest brother, would ya?. UIC or the tribe as you put it lost the grip. Blame it on all these selfish individuals within the tribe who spoiled the whole thing. Now its time you admit defeat and kana faa'ideysato cafiska TFG bixineyso, lol Cheerz! am
  4. All credit to SOMTV for freely making this amazing music video for Maryan Mursal. Back 2 the topic, I think she must be back to her base, Europe.
  5. Kuwa badan oo xayawankan la fakir ah halkan SOL ayeey nala joogaan. Blukah!
  6. Waayo waayo dheh! May Allah Rest him in peace. What a great leader, great man he was.
  7. Hubka in xoog lagugu aruursho waaye lata naxnax,baryo-baryada la iska dhaafo haseyeeshee hubkaa waa in ay uruuriyaan cidamadda dowlada dadka laga aruuriniyana waa in dowladu damaanad qaada amaankooda guud oo xoolahooda iyo naftooda aanan la xalaalsan. Haddii kale back to square one.
  8. Ma caqligaada sidaa noqday mise waadba hurudaa sxb! shaciroole wa lagu kasay!
  9. I wonder when this Aideed Jr. will ever learn from his never-stoping mistakes and insults. This dude is not a politician and not even near to it. If the TFG doesnt learn him how to speak and to manoeuvre things around for sure he will be the first person inside to ruin tfg. Controversy after controversy! Aabahayaa hogaamiye ahaa ahaan jiray hogaamiye laguma noqdo hogaamiye
  10. Ka daroo dibi dhal. Waa la yaaban yahay! Ina Caydiid ma iska hadlay mise qorshe cusub oo la soo dajiyey ayuu ka horbooday sxb-adii!!!!!! Listen BBC 1800 There is increasing call for greater clarity over what ina-aideed really meant with that, Can someone decode this for us?
  11. NGONGE, cool and entertaining! thanks!
  12. May Allah Rest him in peace. and May Allah forgive all his sins. Amin
  13. According to his latest BBC interview, Qanyare distanced himself from this allegation and said that there was desperate attempt to discredit him and his political career by his enemies. I am happy for him that he sees warlord era as something history now and supports disarmament. am
  14. Originally posted by Sky: By late 90s they gained control of Berbera port and you were jubilant about that. As in matter of fact they are in control of the entire Somaliland, as many ONLF freedom fighters and Ina Waraabe can attest to that. I don't know wether your calaacal stems from Ina Yeey's surprisingly enhanced position in the Somali political landscape or that Ethiopia has lost significant interest altogether in Somaliland with these new developments in the south of the country. Or is it both? It certainly isn't your love for the Clan Courts or Somalia in general. Iskaba dhaaf ictiraafkii, Berbera Corridor jaaw ku dheh. Agree sxb!. Suldaanka waa gartii inuu walwalaa, as secessionist ma waxaan la walwalin baa maantoo kale.
  15. Good move! there is a BIG need for a media watch boddy (regulator). The likes of Shabelle and Horn is seen something of loose canons by many somalis.
  16. New era new faces and new challenges! Best luck to them all!
  17. Good news! Insha'Allah kheyr ayeey ku dhamaaneysa howlahan.
  18. I would agree 95% of what Jimcaale wrote. Dear ICU, I am glad to see you go coz you disappointed me and disappointed all of somalis when we witnessed and saw you being hijacked by some greedy men with fake cimaamad and beard. However, we will not forget the overall security and peace you brought in wherever areas in your control. We will never forget those brave men within ICU for they were honest and loyal but no one listened them and things finally got out of hand. You went history. Had these thugs within you been eliminated from infiltrating things would have been better and there were no need for war. For now blame yourself for the all the grievances and defeat for you chose war over peace, confrontation over reconcilition. Hope to see you back, this time more orgonised and in non-violent way. You will get my vote. All the best in future! A.M