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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. - SOL's Golden Rules For Dummies, 3rd Edition by Libax Sankataabte - Living Spaaro-Free City by Sh. Shariif - Anxiety & Depression: Real Tale of Woe by MK Yonis - Ant TFG Remedies For Dummies - By General Duke - Massage: Mind-Body Fitness For SOLers, 3rd Edition by Fanisha - Programming With the Warlords by A. Yusuf - Vila Somalia: All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies, 2nd Edition By Hornafrique - I am Celebrety Get Me Out of Here by Morgan - Survival Sunday By Qanyare, Muuse & Qaybdiid - Credibility Repair Kit For Dummies By Sharif Hassan - Coaching & Mentoring, 2nd Ed. By Meles Zenawi - Entertaining the Lot by Dahir Riyaale - When Hafun Was Sold To Them By Ade Muse - Getting the Big Picture: UIC Under Microscope By Abu Paragon - Me & My Somaliland By Red Sea - A Few Fake Nationalists You Should Know By Juuje - Examining the Presidency of Dahir Aweys By Xiin Faniin - Dog Behavior: An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet BY Miskiin Macruuf Aqyaar - The Political Viagra YEY Needs By B. Hiiraale - How To Rule Maryooley in 7 Days by Sayidka
  2. Hot Button: Yeey & Huuraale at it again over Kismaayo Waryaa talk sense nin weyn uu Illaah kaa dhigaye
  3. I strongly agree they are the "terrorists" in their homeland.
  4. ^^^ lool Abadir, Wajiyoxun sow ma ahayn kooxdii fanka ee Dhuusamareeb?
  5. Originally posted by B0B: ..I got chased away from home by a Bilcaan that I've paid 70 donkeys, 200 chickens, 25 dozens of fresh eggs, 150 roosters or cocks or even Diiq, 35 Ari Carbeed and 3 sets of fake gold for as a dowry just because she couldn't understand how can a 45 year old man scream & shout for 22 grown men running after a ball like they were kids and worse get emotional over it. My brother xaalkeygu waa Bariga Dhexe or should I say my life is like typical Middle-East...ssshhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone as it will be so humiliating if my fellow villagers heard that I was kicked out by a Bilcaan...Thank You. Peace, Love & Unity. loooool. sxb keep up the fate. If she is a burden to you then you can always demand at least half of your dowry back to let the her go her way! and you can watch your footie games in peace. Anyway, nice stuff to read BOB-oow. Keep it coming..
  6. Originally posted by Sky: He belongs to the moderate ICU officials. He should be treated with dignity and invited to Xamar to join the efforts there to bring peace and stability along with the other ICU members that opted for peace and dialogue with the interim government. ^^Exactly, I believe he can unite the somalis of all walks.
  7. ^ Yes, agree balse wuu is cajabshay kistoo. he himself knew that he was in a taf and much heated game and could be checkmated anytime so it was stupidh of him to think he is the only one to checkmate AY and Co, balse way la siibatay duqa asagii aa checkmate lagu qabtay hehehe!
  8. ^^ For time being iska banaan baxa adeeryaal.
  9. This guy Adow is seen as more sentimental.
  10. Originally posted by Taako Man: The UIC gave all their weapons back to the Clan based militias and these guys inturn pledged support for their 'Warlord'. Upto 600 militias from these guys will join the TFG forces inshallah. It's a great sign of moving forward. I bet these 600 millitias were initially part of defeated UIC and engaged the TFG in Daynuunay area. By the way, sign of security improvement. I say Good move by the warlords!
  11. He could be a good role model for any young muslims in their pursuit of success in any sport genre and this clearly shows that Islam and Sport can go together. Nice read, eventhough I dont understand this game.
  12. Originally posted by -Serenity-: p.s. I welcome you to the women's section . Set up a house there, I'll provide free security for a week. A house in women's section, being entertained by natives of Women Section where Serenity take the lead...huh? cool offer ya abu paragon-ow better take it before it is too late. PS. Can you make us a favour and take Xiin with you there?
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: Somalia has turned a corner, those who where scared of occupation have an answre, those who dont want a governmet will have theirs soon. The TFG will be standing fimr from now on the Ethiopian pull out has begun and thats important. Exactly! Insha'Allah kheyr!
  14. Originally posted by Duufaan: Secessionist are wost puppet by nature. Forget Riyaale was not clans political parties organising demostration against "to stopp flying terorist to come somaliland"?. Sametime their sympaty are with moqdisho clans and hope things stay same at least. Secessionist are confused and hope their friends will stay with them. please do not help our common enemy! Not only secessionists are confused souls but xaasidiin too. Look, everyone of them love to see the south to stay indefinitely in that anarchic mess for they know once the South recovers from this deep coma things will get out of their hands and people would love to see them overthrown. I personally been in Burco and Hargeys two years ago, man I completely changed my perception of SL people as whole. They were very kind, true patriots and not that bad or extremely clan biased. Those I talked with had many dreams and common political aspirations for the greater Somalia. They acknowledged that they cant survive on their own if they sail on their own and turn their back to their southren walaalo. Many people I met were seriously concerned about this issue and the fact that it to be a reality one day. They cant voice out their concerns due to fear of reprisal from the secessionist apparatus.
  15. ^^^ Loool MC Xamar, is that how white man dance! Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: ^o yeah I vote for her oooh they are such a cute couple.oooh, look how they wonderfully move about,wooow,they can dance. ^^^Nin ayuu Ilaahay kaa dhigee naga daa jil jileeca.Mise waxaad isleeday meesha topic uun bilaw,waar ninyow ka fiirso waxaad meesha soo galinaysid, you starting to sound like little sissy, sissy. Waryaa Red Sea, haven't you enjoyed the swing & the smööth tango, adeer? If you dont know how to tango your Xalimo yareey, dont worry help is near adeer!
  16. Originally posted by SomaliThinker: ...Somaliland with no outside help is on its feet by the support of its people i can not say that for the TFG, you may not expect that but its a reality on the ground back home lol. Of course, unlike the TFG, Somaliland is of 1 clan, renegades and mainly controlled by one sub-clan. Agree? and since you mentioned outside help, tell me what is Somaliland without the support and the blessing of ethiobians? better inadan wax isku sheeg-sheegin adeer
  17. ^^ Dont worry! it is about registering and taxation. Its just kinda that all parties to be on good terms with each other in the future or face wrath of TFG.... xoggaa hanuunin aa la siinaa kadibna finito... anu wada shaqeyno waaye. It could be different tho, we will just wait & see!
  18. Sorry to say but wasn't it their fault to put themselves risking their lifes for a ruthless & careless CIA-agent warlord, Mr. Qanyare. Two weeks ago Mr. Qanyare had no one bodyguarding him in Baidao, and as soon as he entered Mogadisho there he goes suddenly dozen of bodygaurds around him and suddenly transformed from chicken to a wanna-be lion. Ok, now these guys they died for Qanyare, but we know 4 weeks ago they were UICs soldiers with red Cimamad, 6 months earlier they were Qanyara's death squad members....and now they are gunned down and what Qanyara doing about this now? Nothing, he doesnt even care about them. masaakiin! ...So adeeryaal why not blame Qanyar and not TFG/Etos.
  19. Contestants on FOX TV 'So You Think You Can Dance'. My favorite couple is Ivan & Allison. Isku haboonaa, They danced a contemprary piece to an Annie Lennox song "Why". 1- Ivan & Allison. 2- Benji Schwimmer & Donyelle Jones 3- Natalie and Musa 4- Heidi and Ryan 5- Travis Wall & Martha Weas 6- Dmitry and Ashlee So now you think you can vote the best couple? I really vote for Ivan & Allison. They are lot more enjoyable to watch than fellow contestants
  20. ^^^ ..and how did you reach that the Syrian Abdulfattah John Jandali was a muslim? a) if he was a muslim, he shouldn't take John as his middle name, right? b) and still if he was a muslim then he wouldn't put up his "son" for adoption! (thinking arab mentality)
  21. I like Riyaale, coz he keep entertaining the gangs indefinitely (at least til TFG stands its feet firmly). That is what Egal (rest in peace) was doing intaan malagu u imaan!