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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^^ No it wont, especially at this age and the transmision medium available. So, if that (the news) is true then it can give the UIC fighters the much-needed boost to their fighting moral & spirit and would have put people like Sharif in much stronger position to force the americans to stop the ariel bombardment of his UICs and to come on knees.
  2. ^^^ If that is true then why the ICU not put them on parade? Why is this silence after all? you know we do often see/hear about ethiopians been slaughtered or killed by UICs, then why not in this case? no at least photos leaked out let alone shown on TV. Again Foreign western and arab diplomats were said to be the source of this rumour so how credible can they be then? I really doubt
  3. Nothing to worry about. Eazy guys! Somalia somali baa leh, islaam baana leh, suni aa ka sii leh, wixii soo hara badda ayaa lagu shubayaa.
  4. I dont believe the americans are sincere about this "Sharif-can-unify-the-somalis" rather they do have their own agenda and other more important things to them in mind and therefore would do anything that they can to corrupt this good sheikh and create fitnah amongst him and other UIC leadership. So I do almost agree with Dabshid. People should ask themselves how can the americans meet Sh. Sharif and at the same time bomb his followers? :rolleyes:
  5. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: ^Hadaad sidaa aad wax u ogtay,maxaa maanka kaa qaaday waaba yaabe? Fake Mujahid, maanka iga maqan waxay sxb? koleey waan dhaama secessionist noocaaga oo kale ah oo maxkamadaha ku hoos gabanaya. Are you not yet been haunted by this buddy?
  6. Now it is time we, somalis support and stand by our Sunni brothers in Iraq (Bagdad). These bloodthirsty shia cannibals MUST be stopped by any means.
  7. Inta hubka gacanta shacabka aay ku jirto, dowladana uruurin karin natiijadu waxay noqoneysaa in markii habeenkii la gaaro aay raggii tuugada ahaa aay habeenkii shaqeystaan (dhac, boob & dil).
  8. ...and insha'Allah many good years to come. Go Hamas!
  9. ^^^ lol. Awal waxaanu isku hay-haysanay kismayo anna iska leh iyo ma lihid, balse hadda rag kaleto ayaa sheegtay dhulkii oo dhan. Hilarious!
  10. That's why we're waiting Waiting on the warlord to change We keep on waiting Waiting on the warlord to change lol! waligaa waa suggee dheh ilaa inta oo ka dhimanayan. Abtigiis Xox, ma maqli jirnoo eey waligii ma daahiro, warlord is a warlord till the day he dies.
  11. Let the old man be free! you know sh1t happens and on the other hand it is not tfg's best interest ti keep him in jail. So lets forgive and start fresh.
  12. Truly agree! RSS for SOLers Where is LSK?
  13. I never seen snow in London, and I guess what I saw was kinda snow-like particles, not the real snow tzzz want REAL snow? come to scandiNAVIA where snowmen never meltdown for weeks or mounths. Book Ryanair or easyJet to spend some weekend winter holiday here for those itching for snow fun!
  14. What do they (perpetrators) get from shelling civilians in this public house? :confused:
  15. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Imikadaasay ku godan tahay ,,,,,,, maxay ku dhacday intuu aayar oo dhalatay soo dhukuso inuu 5 star nairobi ku yaala soo fadhiisto iyadoo duqayntii weli socoto ?????? OMG, what can I say? waa la yaaban yahay ninyahoow!
  16. BloomDeyr, Why only students? thats discriminating but anyway gracias sxb!
  17. Me? My two dream towns? Well, #1 fertile Baardheere in the south Baardhere. #2: and the ancient village/town of Bander Wanaag up north Somalia, near Hargeysa (Childhood memory there).
  18. I didn't want him to surrunder to americans, rather I wanted him to fight and die with dignity or if not directly negotiate with the TFG, admiting defeat. Now that he is with americans how foolishness anyone here thinks american love Sharif just because he is a moderate muslim. Sharif will not be the sharif we knew after all. Guys, first lets identify what is main american interest with Sh. Sharif? political exploition? coz by now we all know Sharif's personality after all.
  19. Scotland Yard said yesterday that a Muslim woman police who refused to shake hands with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police at her passing-out ceremony would be dismissed if she did not "engage" with people as other officers do. Sir Ian Blair personally congratulated all 200 recruits at a ceremony in London last month, but shook hands with only 199 after the woman specifically requested that she should not be required to do so, apparently for religious reasons. She also asked not to have her photograph taken with Sir Ian, Scotland Yard said, but a spokesman refused to confirm reports that the officer had cited her concern that a picture would be used for "propaganda purposes". A spokesman said Sir Ian had questioned "the validity" of her request at the time and an investigation was now going on into the incident. The statement said: "Ordinarily, the Metropolitan Police Service would not tolerate such requests. "This request was only granted by members of training staff out of a desire to minimise any disruption to others' enjoyment, and to ensure the smooth running of what is one of the most important events in an officer's career." The statement added: "An officer's probationary period is designed specifically to ensure that they undertake the role as required. If this does not occur the officer may be required to leave the service as any variation on this will not be tolerated." The Yard said the WPc, who has not been named, had made it clear that ordinarily she would put her policing duties before her personal beliefs, except where she was able to make a choice to do so. A spokesman suggested that she would be carefully watched during her two-year probationary period, adding: "Any refusal to engage in this manner would not be tolerated by the Metropolitan Police Service." Massoud Shadjareh, the chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, said the "overwhelming majority" of practising Muslims would avoid physical contact with a member of the opposite sex unless they were closely related. But he added that those employed as police officers or doctors, for example, would not have a problem with touching people in order to fulfil their duties. "This is not a sign of disrespect or anything. Indeed this is also the case with the Orthodox Jewish community," he said. "I don't think shaking hands is something that makes or breaks a relationship. I don't think in any sort of job that is something that becomes an obstacle to one performing one's duties. I actually think the only problem is when there is cultural and religious ignorance and misunderstanding." Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, of the Muslim Council of Britain, said Muslim law could be adapted to fit circumstances. "If the officer is called to a male victim who has been shot, the laws go out of the window. If she has to resuscitate that dying person, Muslim law will then change and allow her all sorts of physical contact because a life is at risk and life is so precious." Source
  20. Typical Hizb-ut-Tahreer demo! Pzzz!!
  21. Allamagan


    Buubaa wearing Turban?
  22. DFS iyo Sudan oo isku afgartay in dib loo bilaabo wada hadalada Khartoum 21, Jan.07 ( Sh.M.Network) – Xukuumadda Soomaaliya iyo Dowladda Suudaan Ayaa isku Afgartyay In Ay Suudaan Dib u billowdo Dhexdhexaadintii Ay ka Dhex wadday Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Golaha maxaakimta islaamka. Duke-ow have you seen t h i s?
  23. Originally posted by peacenow: Why are Northerners more civilized and have achieved more? Because they are educated. They take it very seriously. Universities are springing up and people are being trained. Siyad Barrer never bothered to invest the money to educate people and the result is all clear. The focus should be on education, 100%, if only rid to the Somali of the clan mentality disease. PeaceNow, cant you see that you contradicting yourself here? if Northerners are more civilized and have achieved more (educated) as you put it in that way my question to you is how did they got there whilst they were within the republic i.e in Somalia? you see as MansaMunsa mentioned the "Bar ama Baro" campaign championed by Siad Barre (R.I.P) was there for every somali and so if that had the beneficial effect on our Northerner brothers, then good! blame the southerner for their inability to read AA,EE,II,OO & UU but not Aabe Siyaad. -lol