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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Originally posted by HornAfrique: The I am happy to announce I will boycott this forum until something is looked into the need for clear and fair arbitrator. Fairwell friends, my time here has been a pleasure. Its not april's fool day yet Horn, and therefore you disappointed me wallaahi by leaving or boycoting here just because of some bondheads here pissed you off.
  2. Originally posted by raadamiir: Siyad Barre in the list? Cause that dude was the worst dictator Africa has ever seen. I agree coz he cheaply sold you to the amxaaro! look yourself today and for your love for Amxaaro, thank to him without him you wouldn't be able to get amxaaro tanks rolling in the streets of Mogadishu huh?
  3. war jiraaba cakaara imaan! am waiting..
  4. ^^^ adigana yaa ku soo qabanay markaad ka gudubtid red line-ka? mise waxaadu aflagaado ma ahe ee waa amaan & moderator aan ahay haye. Adeer adi is fiiri inta aadan dad kale fiirin wa iga talo meelaha kale waxaad caynaysaa dad, halkaana dad aa kala dhex galeysaa acuudubillah
  5. No rush just wait-and-see state, however, if it is true (the af guduud fiasco) then I think two can play at that game. What we need to do is just to beat you guys at your own game.
  6. Ahmed Guree has a point here. I know where he is coming from.
  7. War ninyahoow maad Illaahaada ka baqdid oo aad is xisaabtid inta aad dad kale xisaabeysid.
  8. JB, alloow yaa ku yiraahda wax iskula har ninyahoow. Buubaa cid ka xigta ama ka celin karta malahan Somaliland. Sidaas oo aay tahay tolkii ma rabaan in ciddi wax yeelayso this gentleman. And why not Buubaa for prsedient? si kastaba wuu ku sifoobaa maktabadaas.
  9. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: ^False,say anything Xamari,I will understand it.Just so I can prove you wrong. Shukaansi is fantasy,it's nothing,nothing is better than telling it like it's. Red S to prove youu wrong scenario 1: Somebody (xamari of course) says to you "xabash! jug iga dheh nooh" what is your response to this fella? dunidaba ha ogaate!
  10. Kudos to Hamarawi accent. We all know that most of southerners can speak or do understand at least three dialects, however our northern and central somalis do have problems to understand the hamarawis so far let alon af maay!. Shukansi asalkiisu wuxu ku macaanyahay "abaayo & aboowe" "macaanto & macaane" "iga qalee & bas maahinoo!" To be honest kuma macaana "Gacaliye & gacaliso" "walaale, walaalo" "dee wan ku jeclayah, yur ban ku idhi dee".
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: The TFG minister who has impressed me the most this year. Hats of to you sir.. Agree, sxb!
  12. lol, very funy. Thanks cospirazione!
  13. An Italian, A French and an Indian went for a job interview in England. Before the interview, they were told that they must compose a sentence in English with three main words: green, pink and yellow.. The Italian was first: "I wake up in the morning. I see the yellow sun. I see the green grass and I think to myself, I hope it will be a pink day.." The French was next: "I wake up in the morning, I eat a yellow banana, a green apple and in the evening I watch the pink panther on TV.." Last was the Indian: (I wake up in the morning, I hear the phone "green green", I "pink" up the phone and I say "Yellow").
  14. Great project, Illaah ha kiciyo IA.
  15. Thanks Khalaf. Nice images!
  16. MK Yonis diin saar ayuu u baahan yahay ninkaan kistoo dish-ka aa wareegsan. Unpredictable and loose individual I say!
  17. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I didn't know Saylici is a Shiico ,,,,,,,, and i didn't know he is kinda suufi ,,,,,, lool @ shiico. A somalilander shia. JB iska qabta intay idinku tarmin hadda laaya!
  18. Somaliland will always be part of the republic. They already wasted great deal of time, effort and energy in their quest for recognition with no result to this day today and they regrettably still wasting their time for nothing. Back in the days, I always wanted for SL postively use the appalling situation in the south to their own advantage (uniting the nation) instead of taking such desprate and an uncertain journey. And now that there is hope and things getting better in the south I wonder how would the secessionists see themselves (I mean the likes of F.Warabe) after 16, 17 or 18 yrs of "waanu go'nay" claim when they suddenly found themselves under direct rule of Mogadishu. Only time will tell, however if this (under mogadishu rule) materialises then the secessionists are the main lossers here and they should be accountable to the public who they lied to
  19. abu ansaar17, that means you too are jubilant over this muslim policeman's death, huh?
  20. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: qof meeshaan ku jiro aad uu u jecelyahay the tiniest division of Soomaalida, trying to prove where there is nothing by believing and bringing forward fabricated, unsubstantiated news as a source. Marna afkeena ayee ahayd oo Afsoomaali laba u kala baxo lasoo shirtagay; marna hidaha iyo dhaqankeena ayuu dabasocday oo dhaqan Soomaaliyeed ma jiro ku tilmaamay; hadana Soomaali "gaalo" ayaa dalka ku sugan ayuu in uu naga dhaadhacsiiyo rabaa. Some of you are failing to his tactics -- his seeking of the tiniest unexistent division of Soomaalida: Making them to be "gaalo," dhaqan malaha, kala dhaqan waaye, isku af ma'aha, et cetera. Baliis, do not fall a person such as this character, who cannot swallow and stand seeing a proud people such as Soomaalida being homogeneous since he himself isn't Soomaali, only ku koray dalkeena, maadaama uu Carab yahay. His Islaanimo unity uu meesha ku haayo has more to do with Carabnimo than with Soomaalinimo. Are you referring to Taliban or Rudy? mind you elaborate this to us
  21. ^^^ Capitano, I think you mixing Jacaylbaro with Rudy here
  22. Guys, give peace a chance! COMPROMISE is the key here.
  23. ^^^ :confused: Thanks for confirming what I have stated about the increasing number of Somali Christians. BTW, are you one of those Somali Christians? I am asking because I know you work for Western missionaries. Taliban, How do you know that he works for Western missionaries?