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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^^ suicida nummero uno dheh. Me am Sibma, the pride of Africa
  2. ^^ lol @ "Ik ben je papa" ME- Genoeg is genoeg, 15 jaren is enough. However, up until recently I was enjoying a very "privileged" status in whole midwest region of DK. Ta kale soomalida halkaneto qofki aan heesan the survival kit DK 2000, abti khadka uu ka dhacaa. Yeah and you right east and west home is best! Illaah hanoo dajiyo dhulkeeni -amiin!
  3. In these days and time most of these skinny gangasta-wanna-be kids will end up in jail and thier muteka got shared by psycho inmates. Yaa la talin doona!.
  4. If he converts to Islam, it is good for him, if not then let him live in that misery life he is finding himself in it right now.
  5. So now just out of curiosity, how Ina 'Bisad' actually got there? I dont think he can use the public transport (tube, blackcap, busses) with that size and hight! Could it be he got his own custom-made super car donated to him by a donor
  6. Allaha u naxariisto. Tragic, how sad to see some ppl here cheering the death of another muslim and somali. subxanallaah!
  7. Allaha u naxariisto. Tragic, how sad to see some ppl here cheering the death of another muslim and somali. subxanallaah!
  8. Allaha u naxariisto. Tragic, how sad to see some ppl here cheering the death of another muslim and somali. subxanallaah!
  9. ME, Denmark wax lagu hayo ma jirto waa wadanka ugu xun ee nomads-ka uga jajaban tahay marka loo fiirsho yurubta kale. Soomalida niyad xumo everyday, waa iska madluun sanyihiin micnaha waa dismoral. Systemka aa ka hiiliyey. Dad yar aa wax nolol ku sheega ka suubsaday under this harsh environment.
  10. ^^^ loool ME, next time this nomad is to UK and then to Malasia or to Dubai. A true nomad I am. Galbeedka somalia where real nomads live an ka soo jeeda duqa nooh.
  11. Originally posted by SoMa_InC: ^^^Truly amazing indeed! Allamagan, since you are part of the 'friends of the Director', how about getting the SOL family a pirate copy? Soma INC, Brother, you saw the movie in your eyes and all the efforts these brothers put into it, so after all this they honestly don't deserve to be snitched or pirate-copied their stuff rather they need our support by simply going to see the movie or buy the DVD. Am I not right? I want to go when they showing it in Copenhagen and this time with my qofteyda As SOMA INC said they have a good system in place so dont try to take digiCam with you if you dont want to be embarrassed at the gate lets not let them down yaa SOLers! Originally Posted by The Chief I will watch after I borrow from whoever amongst my friends buys it first and copy it Insha Allah... Brother The Chief, islamicly it is wrong to do that, if you are a practising muslim and on the other hand they will encode the DVDs in order to make it very hard to be copied. The DVDs will come out the end of year so you better not to miss when it comes out a cinema near you
  12. How come I missed this topic!!. Thanks SoMa_InC I am glad that you posted this and I truly agree with you that this movie is over the top. Truly amazing movie!! Re. the price, I believe it is worth £15 if not more.... Here in Århus, Denmark, in specail private screening (preview) for friends of the director, I had the honor to be invited to see this well ahead the of the official Denmark Screening dates . I watched the whole movie and man!!, I want to watch it again and again when it is out. I was deeply touched by the quality of the movie and that of these young amazing actors. and everything was top (the sound, picture, music(new) and the storyline as well) It is about 2 hour long heartrending movie, for me it was like I sat there for about 10 min. Definetely it is a MUST see movie and I vote for it to be the best somali movie ever made. Rate it, well... 9 out of 10 PS. They are showing in Bristol, Birmingham, and London again before it come to the nordic countries and then over the atlantic, I was told.
  13. ^^^^ Centurion, Ik ben 'deens' Somaliër. Van noorden Me, Lol @ er zijn veel kaaskoppen in SOL. Denemarken is koel, maar vervelend toch! Ich denke, dass Sie sprechen Deutsch auch! Ich habe zwei Jahre in Berlin gelebt, aber vergessen
  14. Originally posted by Khalaf: @ wuu shiddeysanyahay'e!.....xiin i c u keep dodging da accusations.....ninyahow TFG is corrupt we know....but one should never blind support anybody as u did the icu....questionable to say the least..... Horn Allamagan wa raageedi. looool Khalaf, my apology to you brother. Sorry, I am dealing with some flaky nutheads! forgive me!
  15. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: quote:Originally posted by Allamagan: Xiin, Adeer, go to the mosque and make dua for yourself. Cuqdad ku kore . ^^A good suggestion of course. When you substract your poppycock that is! You inturn need to grow out of this Horn-like weakness of being hyper sensetive to anything that remotely relates to Kismayo! For if you continue to be clan-centric like you are now you are risking to perish in sorrow's hands! Waan sii carraabaye, ha la aayaro with the tribal charges, Khlafna si gaara wax haloogu sheego wuu shiddeysanyahay'e! Khalaf wu ku arkay waxba ha ku ooyin nooh. Ta kale good night orod iska seexo.
  16. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: quote:Originally posted by Allamagan: ^^^ Adeer, I aint no coward and you know my records and recall when I came for help when you really were in a mess back in the days None of my cousins was ever in a mess!Get ur facts straight,not all PRO-Government folks are the family of the President,thats a blind belief that u and many of u hold.Speaking of helping out whoever was in trouble,am familiar with those wars and am familiar with how things happened.Using the muscles of Cabdiqasim's Family and their weaponry gave u that brief victory.As of ur efficiency,u wouldn't have run if u were that brave,when the old General needed ur help and u are quite familiar with his saying,'' ******** maiga carareen, ************ ma ibadbadisay'',dude,those are known facts and again,ur small time tunes are embarassing and look closer,Xalane doesn't do Small times Qabiil talk,but to prove u wrong i will.Again,like i told the other little man,Grow some beard and then come back here. I dont want to mention names here, I know and you know how many times I did extend you a helping hand when you were in a mess in Galkacyo, in Kismayo. Remember sxb, we are not in 50s 60s era, open your eyes and lets play the game. waraa doon aa saarantahay sxb, yeesan kula degin [ February 21, 2007, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  17. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: ..... if u think ur folks are the reason why the President is in villa somalia,well,ur folks could aswell protect the old General and wouldn't have vacated villa somalia,thats if reer Gedo had the muscles or the skills,or the whatever it takes.So again,ur small times tune is embarassing! Adeer, if Gedo people (both those from central somalia, Gedo & Jubooyinka) were hostile to TFG then Yeey wouldn't make that easily all his way to Villa Baidao. So wake up mandhow, Itio tanks niya ku indha tiray? Originally posted by Captain Xalane: ur folks could aswell protect the old General and wouldn't have vacated villa somalia,thats if reer Gedo had the muscles or the skills,or the whatever it takes.So again,ur small times tune is embarassing! Well, unlike Yey, when the general (RIP) was leaving Villa Somalia, colleteral damage was not something he would have wanted to use. So, talk present not the past.
  18. Xalane, history repeating itself and you learn nothing from it, huh? Xiin, Adeer, go to the mosque and make dua for yourself. Cuqdad ku kore.
  19. Captain Xalane, adeer, I aint no coward and you know my records and recall when I came for help when you really were in a mess back in the days, so do NOT talk cowardism here, it is not in my gen. Adeer, I am talking the reality on the ground and you talking habar-talking. You are labouring under the illusion that this project will succeed when you intentionaly try to ignore the facts on the ground and the geopolitcs of this region. Adeer we drive a hard bargain here, nothing is free you ignore it you killed yourself.
  20. ^^^^ lol weet je zeker dat Duke is a kaaskop? ik dacht dat hij was londsdale! ayaan xirsi )( daroem ben ik verhiust naar denmaark!
  21. ^^^ Khalaf, this guy, XIIN as always do the sheep bleaeting and we all know what he is made of (his shabby charecter). Glad you noticed that *************** To all die-hard-puntlander TFGs, DO NOT underestimate the power and the influence reer Gedo do have in this region. Once reer gedo jump out of Yeey's band wagon, then thats it!! he wont sit Villa Baidoa that long I can tell you guys. Joobiyinka region is for ******* & ******** and any non *******-clans in this region, however, ******** are welcome, but wont hold any higher postions axcept few, yes, I said few. They do have PL adeer and thats enough for them, isn't it. So open your eyes and smell da coffe adeeryaalo. If Reer Gedo not been given the lead roles and the respect they deserved for bringing this up to where it is now, then expect nothing but gates of hell opened and nothing is going to work for adeer Yeey. So lets be realistic adeeryaalo and (iga gunta tan): Reer Gedo walk out, means the end of TFG in south and all hell breaks loose for the TFG. Conspirators' plot will fail because they stupidly seem to be making the fatal miscalculations. The game is on..... [ February 21, 2007, 02:25 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  22. Me kom je daar van daar ik wist niet dat je verkaast was adue!!
  23. The translator... where is the somali one?!
  24. SNM, diin ku gabad ayaad tahay aan qalbigiisa iyo waxa u qorayo aysan islahayn!
  25. Not in my name, adeer. I have nothing against this gentleman. plain accusations! blukah!