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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Why exclude somalis, when we all know the biggest robery in eastafrica (Somalia, kenya, Jabuti, Tanzania and Zambiya) is on our name. Saa waa raggii lahaa Indhoxamil, Akila & Mudeey etc ooba arkay alaabo iska dayacan, umalayn mayo inaay si sahala uga tagi lahayen! Even if somalis were not behind this, they can easliy be framed by the police.
  2. Despite all these wars across the cauntry there are few places you can live peacefuly, where the locals are not clanist or qabiil-oriented. Borama is one of them.
  3. Unfair, they shouldn't be banned but YES after two yellow cards given! however, people like Lt. Sakhar should be hanged like Saddam (rip). How about when a moderator offends. Who is responsible for that, I ask?
  4. ^^ lool, the american may invented it, however this is not something strange to most of women folk todays world tho!
  5. As Somalia is caught in the crossfire of Ehiopia and Eritrea so as to Reer Sanaag & reer Sool are unfortunaly caught in crossfire over on-and-off battle between PL & SL. Each time it is the locals who suffer the most heaviest casualties.
  6. We still havent given up hope of Somalia back on its feet. So make sure your seat belt is seculery fastened coz we are now going thru the most grimmest period of History Somalia so dont lose hope and pray and pray. We are also fast approaching to terminal Hope. as the name of the terminal, HOPE is on the horizon, so lets come together and pray. Somalia waxa haysta carro Alle ee Allaah haloo noqdo.
  7. ME, could it be the retreated because they been told to do so by their master (both) Mr. Zenawi?
  8. JB, lets be clear one thing ma friend, any african shitty countries, organizations or say greedy individuals like this Jhazbhay who try to show support to SL's insanity or at least do help the secessionists mafia in their empty persuit of some sort of ONE CLAN state within the republic of Somalia then they (organizations) will regreteblly pay the price @ higher cost. One thing is true my firend, no matter all these hardships and tragedies that Somalia is going thru for sure Somalia will come out of the ashes and bounce straight back at forefronts of speedy developing 3rd wolrd cauntries, yes it is ture and insha'Allah it is true!
  9. This is hilariouuuuuuuuuuuuus!! It's always embarrassing to be caught telling a lie. However, this one is unique, the most embarrassing moment I ever heard. Listen to this stup1d man getting caught cheating on his wife iyo indha-adeegisa. Hindida ka daran somalida hehehe! You now listening Super Snake Kiss FM What a stup1d mam he is! [edit]So SOL snakes sidee ku xalin laheed taneeto! me, I am not a cheater at all, balse if I was in his position I would have hung the phone on the båstård and go straight home with packet of roses! PS. Press the play button -its not auto!
  10. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: quote:Originally posted by Allamagan: What a brutal and savage savagery! Xoolo xoola dhalay dheh! have fun of it now, and cry buckets in akhiro. Oo abtiyow maxaa kugu dhacay adiga, ma amxaaraa lagu yiraahdaa mise PaqtiLand? Maxaa kaa galay wixii xoolo ah iyo wixii kale, maad garbahaareey fuudkaaga iska dhuuqdid? Faduul iga dheh! Oo adiga abtiyoow sow akhiro kama cabsatid miyaa? go back to the history of nabiga (saw) and the noble sahabah and find me one passage or xadiis in dadka maydkooda weliba dad muslima inta dharka laga baxsho la gubo lana jiido weliba on parade!. Kuwa waxaan suubinaya diin ma haystaan, [muwaqama] -me dunno what that stands for- iyo waxay raban hala isugu yeerane balse wax ku sheega inaysan wax diin ah sal ku lahayn.
  11. ^^ Waryaa dont force me to pull the trigger, nigga! beertaada falo eebow
  12. What a brutal and savage savagery! Xoolo xoola dhalay dheh! have fun of it now, and cry buckets in akhiro.
  13. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Samir & iman Illaah ha idinka siiyo asagana naxariisti Janno Illaah ha siiyo.
  14. Me, you can find anywhere these 21st Oct. parades. Great stuff to watch!
  15. What a sickening & unwise topic and stup1dly play here a damn military expert enjoying suffering and the killing of fellow somalis.
  16. ^^^ welcome back bruv! I knew you dont hate us and will anytime soon come back here Illaah ha unaxariisto marxuumka. Amin
  17. ^^^ lol @ "In this section of SOL, life expectancy is very short". Agree for the most yeah, but to some this section is integral part of their daily life. We need some sort of WMD experts in this SOL section. So, signor Chemical welcome onboard! and enjoy the ride!
  18. ^^^ looool @ kilkil! BTW there is no Alqaida in Mogadishu for sure, however awr-ku-kacsi thats another story!.
  19. Ninkii ciirtaada dhama ayaa caydaada yaqaana. caruurtii kacaanka soo korsheen markii kuwii dhalleen ka dhaqaaqeen oo illaa 20 sano ka soo gaarayeen lagu soo korshay caanihiin kacaanka macallinkana u hees-=heesi jiray ayaa weeye kugu maanta ugu cayda badan ee macalinka jokes inay ka suubiyaan jecel. waala yaabay!
  20. ^^thats Saado Cali, innit?
  21. TV & Radio Dalmar of Holland looks back the Ali & Awrala film
  22. Tone, I am n't sure what your intention with this topic is, however, the two guys here are not two comparable in every way you look at. Siyad Bare (RIP) has left a true legacy and somalis have yet to witness anyone of his calibre.
  23. me for 100% somaliz ehm waxa kale uf! Kuwan ila arka: 1- Dalkaygow (il mio paese) By Faduma Qasim Hilowle 2- 3- 4- S o m a a l i e e y D i r i r a