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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. What light he saw? I dont get it, however waxaanu wax kabadanee ninka ma nagtii ayaa these frustrated janjawids (the saudis) ka kufsadeen. Many of the things he mentioned are true tho.
  2. So somaliland is not included... hehehe a classical secesionist joke!
  3. ONLF cant afford to miss out any oppurtunity to sloughter ethiobians. GO ONLF GO....
  4. Poster, bear in mind he is no longer akhaaka muslim (your muslim brother) so tell everyone in the neigbourhood about this evil man and what you saw the other day, you better warn the people, tell his family the community if not send a letter to the family anonymously. Imagine if he is trying to persuade all the local youngsters and girls to believe this as something "OK". Sxb, you will be accauntable that sxb so you better warn the people around this man so at least they know the situation. As muslim, I am stunned by the attitude of some "presumably" muslim people here their stance and support and understanding towards this deseas. Wallee qaxii la soo qaxay dad badan waa badalmeen. nooc kastaba ha la arko.
  5. Originally posted by Paragon: ^^Maya anigaa ka baxay iyo maya anagaa kaa bixinney armey dhiillo hor leh keentaa? Ma umaleynayo inaay dhiilo keeni karto, koleey soo noqoshadiisa ayaa loo baryayey. Ciddi kale ha soo noqoto balse ninkaan yuusan ku soo noqonin magaalada. He is wanted dead or life.
  6. ..ey iyaga iasaga soo bexeen halkaa [kismaayo] kadob xeelad dagaal Nin laga adkaaday warkiis ahaa! Anyway..I think this guy's days are numbered, Kismayo will never be peace as long as this dude is the town.
  7. ^^^ what people of that city you talking about? You stuck up in year 1900 adeer. However, I can now understand your sorrow adeer! Back to the topic: I think this time if Afgaduud wants to live his life little bit longer, then he should just go and disappear .. he is no longer wanted in Kismayo. coz he is the source of every deadly incident in the city. why?
  8. Originally posted by Tahliil: ...but hey who am i to complain about such unfair trades and depletion of resources... Caku ciil badanaa... Quote of the day dheh....
  9. Originally posted by Socod_badne: quote:Originally posted by Allamagan: However, the military officers and other prominent people were killed in mogadishu by some well known people like Galaal, A-Qasim and their ring for unkown reasons. How do you know? People, please ease up with the accusations. Accusations are worth a dime a dozen. Provide solid evidence or court convinctions. Elsewise stop accusing people of murder. Well, I agree with you that. What I am talking about is rumours. I heard many times Galaal is the one to blame all these deaths of all these top military and police men. Then strange enough he is always the first person to come to the crime scene and talk to the media. On three different occasions I heard him in Hornafrik Radio where he was at the crime scene talking to the media (the first man to come to the scene) about the marxum, how good he was, that they used to be friends and as usaul he was expressing all the sorrow he felt over the deceased and you know... he would talk about that a secret deadly mission is going on aimed at the top military, police and educated men by some dark forces. So Allah knows best I am not accusing him of all these, however, I suspect him, having heard many people linking him to these then I combined these with all comments given by him at the each crime scene. so why he is the first to get there? He is always the first person to come to the scene, he is the only person in the media to comment about incident. So adeer, all these behaviour puts him into strong suspicious position. Wallahu Aclam!
  10. GD, Bu'aale was isolated incident and is not related to the killings that took place in Mogadishu. This were caried out by some local clan-centric thugs under the ICU flag who presumably thought the only time (chance) they can revange on these thickheads on the other side is now or never! with the blessing of ICU tho. You know that the courts consisted of different groups with diferent interests. Some of them were greedy and with odd interests. Re. the swedish guy, I think it was the Courts who were behind his killings.
  11. I heard that Somalia never exported she-camels (hasha) to arabia they only exported awrta (he-camels)!, but now what I can read here is that SL would ship anything whatsoever asked by the rich arab individuals to be sent over... am I right? very strange!
  12. Who killed these people and why did they deserve to be killed is yet to be known. There are lots of conspiracies going around as to who were behind all these assasinations. Some say mullahs killed by thugs like M. Dhere & Co. under ethiopian supervision and the blessing of the americans. However, the military officers and other prominent people were killed in mogadishu by some well known people like Galaal, A-Qasim and their ring for unkown reasons. Wallahu Aclam!
  13. I believe that Eritrea is more honest about the somali conflict. We share many things with eritreans than we share with amharo. The biggest of them all is our hatred towards Ethiopian. I myself feel like the eritreans are more closer than amharos in every way you look at. We have lots of similarities. Back to the topic, it is time to scrap this corrupt & incompetent organization. I Hope Djabuti & Sudan would follow the Aritrea footstep and leave this going-no-where dodgy club of three hungry wolves (Kenya, Uganda & Itobia) with their little fat sheep (Somalia) stay behind for the moment.
  14. Thanks Conspiracy. I am great fan of photoshop, do you know where I can get free fonts. I mean top photoshop fonts?
  15. ^^^ alla maxaaad Barre Hiraale ku waalatay. Jacaylkaadu caadi ma ahan ninyahow!
  16. lool they the tfg are digging their own grveyard.
  17. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: A dictator called Barre wanted to rule the nation an iron fist and when the people started to resist his rule, he used every tool in his disposal to put them down. In Mudug it manifested in the form of destroying water wells and burning villages. In Waqooyi, however, since the conflict seeped in the urban centers, Barre’s response came in the form of destroying cities by different means hence causing large exodus of civilians. He bombed indiscriminately and killed and maimed many innocents. Cruel and irrational, he was. His deeds were savage and criminal in nature. But to take that grievance, and turn it into a tool to divide and dismember the nation is equally irrational. Today the world is a small village, and we don’t live in isolation. You know, I reckon, more gruesome experiences and ethnic strife that caused more deaths and destructions that existed around the world, and got finally solved short of disbanding nations involved and without compromising people’s unity. I know I am rambling here but blaming the acts of a dictator on the entire nation is really hard to understand, and quite pregnant... Adeer, considering that time and era, who wouldn't do the same thing done by Siyad Barre if not worse? and looking back the history, this "ruling-a-nation-an-iron-fist" thing comes with the job adeer in 60s, 70s and 80s, it is not something strange. This man's outstanding performances set a new becnhmark for other african leaders throughout Africa in his time adeer. The man simply wanted to stay in power as long possible as he could and wouldn't hesitate to crush hard any rebellions and treats posed by his enemies, any clans or individuals whether threat is from his own clan or not, he would do what a threatened man of his time would have done. Back in that time, you would have done the same, I too would have done the same...just to survive and stay in power. These were heydays adeer and time had passed (gudbe maalmahodi) and late Siyad Barre (RIP) was the last man to rule the nation an iron fist in two decades, and since most of africans seeems to have recovered from this dark ages. it seem someone (adeero) want to take the case into his own hand travel back with his new timemachine and kill more civilians than ever. So get over your Hirale Syndrome and open your eyes to see the reality on the ground and stop empty talk. In you post you mentioned things happened in Mudug to your own adventage while in the same token ignoring the other side of the story, the crime commited by your clan militia, the murderous Khurmis led by your uncle AY done to innocent nomadic people in that same region who happened to be the same clan linage of Siyad Barre. These inocent people had been subjected to killings, rape, and stealing their livestocks burning their villages, slaughtering young boys, poising wells in so many years just because they belong certain clan. Many of my own family members had died as consequence of this. Wh dont you talk abou this adeer? and who is responsible for that? Siad Barre? By the way I found it as un insult to talk to people (SLers) in the way you were talking to them here and to suggest them like they were sleeping last 40 years or so. You clearly showed here how you are not in-touch with reality and your overall inability to persuade people.
  18. To me Mr. Buubaa seemed to be a reasonable man, I dont understand why they removed him.
  19. He is so stup1d, forgetting in the time of war, people are more loyal to their blood brothers rather than to this fake SL-thing (irrelevant).
  20. AY's government is already failed & those so-called "muqawamo" know nothing about why and for what cause they fighting for? different groups and different interests with no defined goals and strategy. Somalia is a doomed cauntry. Tragic!
  21. ...ciidamada Somaliland ayaa kadib guuushas hadana dib uga gurtay degaanadii iyo goobahii lagu soo weeraray. naf..naf... nin daad qaaday xumbo cuskay.
  22. Give him (ina Qaybdiid) 5 to 6 months you will hear different tone of the man. AY is good chess player.