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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^^^ Adeer for many it is this clan militia (Morganists) wants the city back, this time ciidamadii dowlada aa nahay nnooh, so for me I dont see why the clan militias you talking about has to vacate the city. Not that easy tho!
  2. Xiisad Colaadeed oo ka Taagan Magaalada Kismaayo iyo saan saan dagaal oo laga dareemayo. Xiisad xun ayaa ka kacsan magaalada Kismaayo kadib markii Ciidamada Dowladda ee dagaalka looga saaray magaalada kismaayo ay sheegen in aysan jirin wax wada hadalo ah oo ay la galayaan xogagii heysta magaalada. Col. C/Nuur Jaamac Jokar oo ka mid ah taliyayaasha ciidamada Dowlada oo oo jooga Deegaanka Buulo-Gaduud ayaa sheegay in aysan jirin wax wada hadal ah oo qorshaha uga jira islmarkaana ay u diyar garoobayaan qaabkii ay magaalada dib ugu qabsan lahaayeen iyagoo awood adeegsanaya. Waxa uu sheegay in ciidanka qabsaday Kismaayo ay yihiin waxa uu ugu yeeray kooxo iskaasahaday oo uu ku tilmaamay in ay yihiin kooxo argagixiso ah iyo qabiil aan wada dhameen waa siada uu hadalka u dhigaye Col-ka ayaa tilmaamay in kooxaha argagixisda u ku shegay ay qarax la damac sanaayeen wasirka arimaha gudaha xiligii uu Kismaayo kasoo baxayay taana ay fashilantay . Dhinaca kale Siyaasiga C/risaaq Farax Taano oo ah hagaanka ciidamada la wareegay magaalada kismaayo ayaa sheegay in ay iyagu diyaar u yihiin wax walbo oo xal lagu gaari karo islamarkaana ay is afgarteen gudigii xaqiiqo raadinta ee Dowlada ka socday . Waxaa uu sheegay in aysan jirin wax argagxiso ah oo magalada kismaayo jooga arimahaasna ay yihiin kuwo ay abaabulayaan ciidamada kassoo horjeeda oo uu ku tilmaamay in ay yihiin ciidamo qabiil . Guutaale yare Muqdisho Somalia
  3. Originally posted by Geel_Jire12: Quote:His foreign policy is likely to break the mould of French diplomacy and be more supportive of the US and more pro-Israeli than any previous French leaders. He reminds of Tony Blair although more right wing........ Since he is son of hungarian emigrant, then he must be a jew I guess
  4. Originally posted by The Duke: ^Stop with the boasting saxib, thats what Xasan Dahir Aways used to say. I also remmeber the great JVA Gedo boys running away from the last Somali armed militias on their way to Kismayu. Duke, I told ya sxb runta ayeey tageysaa. As I told ya gar la qabto malahan gafuur lagaraaco ayeey leedahay ee aanu wada fiirsano cayaaraha sxb.
  5. Alla maxa hub iyo saanad ugacan geli doone reer Gedo! Gar la qabto malahane gafuur la garaaco ayeey taqaane ee bring'em all.
  6. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: and i need the definition of the WAR LORD ,,,,, MAINLY DISAPPROVING a militia leader who controls a country or, more frequently and area within a country. -- from Cambridge Dictionary
  7. Now that all the warlords are in except Riyaale Kaahin. Some of them had been promoted to top positions (Mohamed Dheere, Muuse Suudi, Morgan), where as some others (Qanyare, Cumar Finish) will be promoted within the next two weeks or so, while one tamed warlord (Riyaale) says, not me as long as YEY in the picture. This is not a problem, says the ethiopians. Hmm, hey I forgot one. Aideed Jr. who is on mission to Asmara sent by ethiopians, when he gets back if so then he wants his BIG share of the cake. cajabna...!! read on.. Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ayaa qorsheyneysa in hogamiye Koxedka Maxamed Qanyare Afrax, ay ku soo biiriso dowladda, sida ay sheegayaan warar xog agaal ah oo aan helnay. Ilo wareed ka tirsan xafiiska ra'iisul wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi, ayaa sheegaya in Qanyare loo diyaarinayo in dib loogu soo celiyo jagadiisii hore ee Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka. Talaabadan ayaa lagu sheegay mid dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ay ku dooneyso inay ku qanciso dhamaan xubnaha iyada kasoo horjeeda oo ay suurta galka tahay in jallaafooyin u dhigaan. Warar kale ayaa sidoo kale waxa ay sheegayaan inay jiraan qorshayaal iyagana dib loogu magacaabayo Muse Sudi Yalaxow, oo la rumeysan yahay inuu loo dhiibi doono wasiirka dib u heshiisiinta iyo Jaaliyadaha dowladda KMG ah, halka Cumar Finish isna la sheegayo in loo magacaabi doono jago aan la carabaabin. Dhinaca kale warar diblomasiyadeed ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in qorshahan uu yahay mid ay kaa dambeyso dowladda Mareykanka oo ay ku dooneyso in dhammaan xubnihii Isbaheysiga la dagaalanka argagixisada oo ay taageeri jirtay ay kaga mid noqdaan Xukuumadad Geedi. Magacaabistan xubnaha aya lagu wadaa inay dhacdo maalmaha soo socda sida ay wararka sheegayaan. Cabdi Fatax Axmad,GO
  8. USA, Kenya and Ethiopia are ploting together. USA should at least have something to cheer about regarding the recent developments made by the Ethiopians in Somalia. Now it is payout time.
  9. Agree! the TFG has long long ago failed. The Ethiopians run the show 100%. You see, YEY fled to Jowhar because of Mohamed Dheere threats and came refuge to Baidao. Time has passed and yet Yey had found himself under Mohamed Dheere threat again this time in Mogadishu. This clearly indicating that YEY is not in charge or atleast have a say about who is in and out.
  10. loool ma waxaan la naaxin baa. Baddii ayagaa looga jiri waayey oo maalin kasta ku qubeystan ayaa la yiri weliba dhowr amxaaro ah yaxaas baa laayey ayaan maqlay ayagoo sidii lo' gesidii biyaha isaga dhex jira.
  11. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: hadhow marka la kala tago ee laba dowladood la kala noqdo maxaad odhan oo aad ku hadli doontaa JB, I dont think that this is something feasible in the next 100 yrs. Labadeena tayda ayaa runta u dhow.
  12. ^^^ hadhoow markii somali midowdo, cabdullahi Yusufna hargeysa ka soo qudbadeeyo maxaa oran oo aad ku hadli doontaa ninyahoow. Bal wax isulahar.
  13. What a great character great mujahid and the greatest poet of all time he was. May Allah rest him in peace. In 21 loooong yrs he was resisting and teaaching lessons the mighty and brutal british colonial and their somali collabrotors before the british in their final desprate maddness cowardly deployed their royal air force, the first ever aerial bombardment tookplace in Africa. A true patriot. Their failure came when many close allies (sub-clans) took side with the foes and the Drawish were sandwiched between the Italian and the british. am
  14. ^^^ Abwaan abaadirow wan ku salamay brother. Originally posted by Abaadir: ..Ninankaan 21ka sano saamaali hor boodayay, ninkale hortiisa in uu maro ma ogala. self-explanatory!! Lets hope common sense will prevail in the end.
  15. Baashi, first let me tell you that reer Gedo is reer Gedo and they stand together (undivided) on this issue. This is not vacating properties as you put it that way but it is a desprate attempt from PL side to elianate and illuminate Reer Gedo from any political "say" process in this region. BTW you cant evict people out when you yurself are guilty of nepotism and curruption. PS: Allamagan yaaci has its roots to yaac like is-grab-yaac like reer dudaaye gang in Madino, Benadir in early eighties. Now is dhex yaac kuma haboona this forum. Libaax owns the forum and he's trying to make it respectable forum where ideas, opinions, and issues are debated. You and horn are tackling my online doesn't bother me a bit...I'm just telling Libaax that his effort are in vain since he can't change dunta Somalida ka sametsan tahay regardless how hard he tries. Stop being sarcastic adeer. So now that you changed the tone, explain to me how I became a "yaac" in this regard when I challenged your reer Gedo comments. Baashi, re-read what you posted in and to my response to that. I'll be thanksfully and send my apology if you point me when I attacked your personality tho
  16. ^^^ Yesteryears he was ruthless murdurous warlord. Today he is "his excellency" General Qaybdiid.
  17. ^^^ sxb, dont ask me that you better ask your relative or anyone in Kismayo. Reer Gedo bought and ownes considerable amounts of properties and ownes more houses than any other clan in Kismayo thus the majority of residents in Kismayo is Reer Gedo.
  18. ^^^ Your statistic is wrong mate if you think one sub-clan is migrants and all of them staying in public and govenrment statement. That shows clearly hte last time you call the city was Morgan heydays One more thing, if these nomads came yesterday, when did the other nomads that you hail from came to the city? let the world know and how many PLers came yesterday and still coming in since the Ethiopian tanks helped Yeey. Libaaxoow see yeelaa awoowe yaaci baa na xagxaganeysee! Adeer, were you not the one talking about the reer Gedo and if someone responds to your post in a way you dont like then he is a yaac, right? and why you involving LSK in this?
  19. Originally posted by Baashi: Afgaduud made a mistake. The Gedo clans are force to reckon with in that city. Like it or not, they are here to stay. Concession from Bashi's part and kinda acid statement for some people here. Anyone else here got a bit of a confession to make? At least Bashi is honest and knows what is hype and what is not. However, he was too emotional when he was writing the last bit of his post. Chill out adeer Originally posted by Baashi: Nimankan reer Gedo awoowayaal aashiina Kismayo is owned by the folks who own the houses, businesses, the folks who built the masjids, Cinemas, hotels,...those who own the merchant ships, the nomads who roam in the baadiye...the ones who built water collection pits known waro...majority of them belong to clans other than reer Gedo. So Kismayo is owned by your folk, the PLers? right? Classical Puntlander bullsh1ts! always empty talk, self-centered and the lack of self-respect and selv-realisation all these together put them in the most embarrasing & comic moments in history. Who else would allow to talk like that than PLers. Even the OGs dont. It seems that for reer Puntland the word reality-check is regrettably unknown term. So Baashi, dont worry adeer, these nomads is there to stay and will have a greater say of the city's faith till the doomsday. With or without the habashi tank you may "think" have in your advantage, these nomads will never give up the city and will demand a lions share as usual. am
  20. Originally posted by Abdi_Xaafid: reergado maxaa wada meey hubka iska dhigaan dhibla aan lol Koleey waa loo soo socdaa loool kuwa soo socdana armaa laga furtaa waxooda!
  21. Waa layaaban yahay! waa talo xumaan wixii TFG lagu sugaa haatan! mar haddi madaxdayna tahay. Yeey (lord of all the warlords), Maxamed dheere, M Suudi, Qaybdiid, Salaad Daba-keri, Caydiid (now on mission to spy 2 sharifs and their host).... ....Amxaarano kor ka xukunto. Illahow adaa u maqan dalkan.
  22. Waa la yaabaye maxaa la isu yeelyeelayaa, raggu waa is yaqaanin who is the king of the jungle (royal rumble fight) and who is the all-time sprinter!! . and specially when the amhaaros are not convinced by Af-Dhiig claims that he was chased by alqaida. bishhh!!
  23. The loooooong and eagerly awaited Vista has come home. So afterall was it worth all these waiting time? what was special with it? for me no doubt it is better than 5 years old XP, in terms of good graphics (gaming), better control, however, there are other grey areas think about for example how microsoft confusing the consumers with all these different Vista varients. What versions (Basic (with no media center), Home Premium, Business or the Ultimate) which one to choose!!! :rolleyes:
  24. That was cool. I liked the microsoft chess analogy by the guy Ed Black (of Computer & Communication Industry Association). I believe both guys do speak the language of money fluently. So in my book, I vote for Jobs. Conspiracy, I heard of this DRM (Digital Rights Management) will soon be abolished. Gates will abolish DRM, Jobs too! With DRM, both companies made lots of money and still doing, so I think both of them was forced to do this. what do you know about this? PS. I didn't know that P.I.X.A.R owned by Jobs.
  25. ^^^ Duke, the source of the promblem is qaclistic Afguduud and as long as he is there these things will come back over and over....