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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. M. Dhere the mayor, the governor, and now the head of police... Mogadishu 27, May.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Guddoomiyaha gobolka Banadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho, Max'ed Cumar Xabeeb Max'ed Dheere oo shalay la hadlayay qaar ka mid ah ciidamada dowladda ayaa sheegay in aan la sheegan karin darajo qof aanu laheyn. Max'ed Dheere ayaa sheegay in ay jiraan dad aan heysan decreeto dowladeed oo wata garaadooyin sar sare, kuwaasi oo uu ku tilmaamay waxba kama jiraan. Waxa uu sheegay in wixii ka dambeeyay markii ay dhacday dowladdii hore ee Max'ed Siyaad Barre qofkii garaado dheeri ah qaatay waxaanu la tiigsan doonaa sharciga ayuu yiri Max'ed Dheere. Waxa uu sheegay in maamulkiisa uu hayo liiska ciidamada ayna tahay in ciidamada ay joojiyaan nidaam xumi uu sheegay in ay ka shaqeynayaan, isagoo tilmaamay in la xaadiri doono ciidamadaasi, isla markaana qofkii lagu arko darajo uusan laheyn oo aanu siin madaxweyne ama duq magaalo ay horkeeni doonaan sharciga. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Banadir ayaa waxa uu sheegay in askari kasta laga doonayo in uu diyaar u yahay gudashada waajibaadkiisa, isla markaana aysan jirin cid lagu qasbayo shaqadooda. Waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada booliska la siin doono seminaaro la xiriira howlahooda si sare loogu qaado tayadooda. Waa hadalkii ugu kululaa oo Max'ed Dheere uu u jeediyo ciidamada booliska tan iyo markii loo magacaabay maamulka gobolka Banadir.
  2. Hilarious, Awkombe in his heyday!
  3. Originally posted by Johnny B: Liverpool was not even worth the name finalist ... AC MILAN RULES !! I second that.
  4. Shamaad Wali, a 29 year ONLF female fighter recalls: “During my time in prison, I remember the guards throwing in an eight month pregnant woman. They repeatedly beat her until she gave birth, but the baby was already dead. They just threw it away like garbage”. She says with tears in her eyes. The government of course denies such claims, but in each village such stories of tortures and killings are quite common and widespread. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  5. Allamagan


    ....oooh if we only had a strong functioning government. Mungiki could be an opportunity. Oh yeah, we could just use them, innit! fiicnaan lahaydaa balse aawayhe. Based on what I read about this mungikiz (above posts) I believe they can be easily dealt with if one wants to quell the sect, all you need is to hunt down the big fishes.
  6. Allamagan


    ^^ Mati, for me they seem one exploited & confussed thick-heads. They are simply a political tool used by the big boys of the Kukuya.
  7. Justice has been done! hope other somali towns and cities would follow the example of Balad Xaawo. masha'Allah
  8. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^Nothing to do with Ethiopia saxib, Afgaduud tour was over we have many other commanders in line. He also had a role in the Kismayu debacle and Yusuf does not tolerate such nonsence. Duke why spin-doctoring here, adeer this clearly shows Yeey's unquestioning obedience to his master, Zenawi! even Abdullahi yusuf wouldn't hesitate to kill his loyal "lieutenant" Afguduud if the order comes from top
  9. Allamagan


    I once used to live here, behind this Tahlil Warsame building (RIP) or (Carwo Sunday). There were lots of things and activities going on this square. The pool (snooker) games at Hotel Caalami, best Mogadishu cinema just across the road, the airport behind you, beatiful uniform-wearing school girls from Farsamada, and Fursade Computers at the back offering oceans of ICT courses for those who knew what personal computer was at that time, everything you want is just there... Refreshing memories Thanks Pre. Anwar.
  10. Masha'Allah, beautiful endeed! sowta dhoobay isu badashay meeshii! more to come insha'Allah
  11. I think somalilanders should not try to remove Riyaale, if they do so make sure to install another "similar" Riyaale-like (the same quarter of the region of his) so at least there is a "life" in their pursuit of statehood.
  12. ^^^ loool it looks like that, however the local people out there had been framed by some greedy criminals Che, Af-Gudduud needs some rest at Hilton Hotel or the one star Makaay Dhuxuleey Marfish in down town dhuqda Baidabo, the latter is good for him to recharge his bullet ridled batteries it is also a good rehab centre for cabdibilayaasha. Duke, what is adeero next desperate & suicidal attempt to sacrifice anather boy from the hood?
  13. Good he is finaly set free, hope he shrug off some weight there..
  14. Hadduu dhintayna Allaha u naxariisto, hadduu nool yahayna Allaha u naxariisto. Either way!
  15. Wallaahi this dude Joocar is funny! Shaaciroole at his best! signs of defeat on his face. Anyway common sense prevailed. Afgudduud is told to come to Baidao and given a local map of Baidao with marfishka jaadka locations
  16. ^^^ Everyone knows Yey's timebomb positions. Remember Aidid Jr. infamous ethopian love quote and then BANG! he was shown the door with no where to go. Raggii Shariifyo ahaa awaye aa ka dhacday Originally posted by N/AA: Che, that part is ku-tiri-ku-teen. Cabdiqaadir is a neighbor of a very close relative of mine and the man has not left his house. I would think the same is for the other men. The declining of the post, however, is very much accurate as having been told to I from private sources. ..and Maslah is in London!
  17. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Somaliland oo ku adkaysatay Gooni Isutaaga , xataa haddi aan Beesha Caalamku Ictiraafin “Boqol sanadood.” Al Khaleej-UAE” ..the cracks began to show!
  18. Mowle lagama quuste e xaajadu waa madowdahay! :mad: Rabbi yassir!
  19. Good news indeed. Guddin afleh bay kula doonayaan Geedkad gashaba kula gooynayaa Guusha (ONLF) iyagaa leh guusha guusha iyagaaaaa leh! insha'allah!
  20. Originally posted by Castro: "The Somali Telecom company Telsom is looking to hire qualified men (women need not apply) to staff its office in the capital. Since the Ethiopian "mop up" operation has just ended, many former employees have either been killed or have left the city for no apparent reason. Candidates are advised no qualifications or linguistic skills are necessary. The only qualifications are a demonstrable relationship to the president, the honorable Abdillahi Yusuf, and two (2) functioning brain cells. Candidates must be able to count to ten on their own and must submit to a DNA test to prove kinship to the president. There are many positions available and compensation is commensurate with the degree of genetic closeness to the president. All applications accepted but only chosen candidates will be contacted for an interview. " somaag, fyi, Castro is senior lecturer at Gaalkacyo School of Languages and African Studies. cool translation! .
  21. ^^ loool ME, She must have other hidden attributes, ninka waxbay tusutay adeer!
  22. Good news! dagaalka & wareerka siyaasada haddii laga bixi lahaa malaha Somalia waxay noqon lahayd Dubai-da Afrika. This will happen soon, and of course within our lifetime Insha'Allah. A higly competetive telecommunication market, where one got to really push itself if one wants to succeed and that is what Africa On Line is currently doing. Best of luck to all of them! Shirkadda Africa On Line waxaa la aasaasay 2003, Xarunta Shirkaddu waa Hargeysa waxayna Furuuc ku yeelan doontaa dhammaan Somaliland , ugu horayntiina waxay shirkaddu daraasad ku samaysay suuqa Isgaadhsiinta ee dalka, taas oo ay wakhtigaa ku jireen Shan Shirkadood oo Isgaadhsiineed Shirkadda STC oo la aasaasay 1993, Soltelco oo la aasaasay 1995, Somtel oo la aasaasay 1997, Telecom (Ex Aerolite) oo la aasaasay 1997, iyo Telsom oo la aasaasay 1998. waxa iyana suuqa ku jirtey oo si dhkhso ah markiiba uga baxday Shirkaddii SITCO . Iydoo intaasi ku jiraan suuqa Isgaadhsiinta ayaa hadana waxa daraasadii uga soo baxday ** **** suuqa uu ka jiro ****** **************, taasoo Shirkadda ku dhiiri gelisey inay *** ************* *********. Sikastaba arintu ha ahaatee shirkadani waxay ugu horayn adeega Isgaadhsiineed (Telecom Service) ka bilawday adeega Internetka kaasoo ahaa mid banaan oo aanay buuxin Shirkadihii suuqa ku jirey, waxa ILAAHAY loogu mahadiyaa inay Africa On-line noqotay muddo gaaban lafdhabarka Internet-ka Somaliland, ilaa hadana ay ku hogaamiso Shirkadaha kale xagga Internet-ka. Waxa bilawday tartan adag oo is reeb ah taasoo markii ugu horayseyba Shirkadda Soltelco sii wadi kari weydey tartankaas ugu dambayntiina la iibiyey, sidoo kalena S.T.C iyana taaba qaad noqon weydey iyana sidaa lagu iibsadey. Waxa hadda ku jira suuqa Shirkadihii la gatay, Telecom iyo Telesom iyo Somtel . BTW, isn't this topic belongs to SOL's Generål section.
  23. ^^ even his so-called Universal TV let him down.